HTML - Course of Temptation [v0.5.4f] [Anthaum]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Really solid game so far. I hope the dev keeps working on it. I would like to see more skills and skill levels I love leveling up my character. More things to spend money on, a private dorm or apartment, a car. I hope impregnation, is added so you can impregnate your harem of subs. An impregnation strap-on so your girl can do it herself. And IUD options for yourself or those you don't want to get preg.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    An interesting sandbox game, it looks like it's inspired by other games of the genre but tries to stay more vanilla.

    • It has a decent amount of things to do and control in interactions.

    • The monthly payments and hospital bills are well-implemented and add some interest to the game.

    • While extremely grindy, the game offers difficulty options to make it faster or more challenging.

    • The world feels alive with NPCs moving around and "doing their own stuff."
    • The developer added more needs than the games it took inspiration from, without understanding why those games lacked those needs. For example, bladder is mostly just a tedious stat that forces the player to repeat the same action every few hours, distracting them from engaging in more interesting activities.

    • The game has a lot of interesting systems that are held back by the UI. For example, you shouldn't have to pop out new windows just to see if any interesting NPCs are in the same area as you. A second sidebar could alleviate the use of pop-up windows.

    • More limited character types: most games of the genre offer deeper customization of the character's femininity/masculinity. This game just offers a couple of genders with no physical attributes to complement them.

    • The game could explore darker themes. It can get a bit bland without any adversity for the main character. A few dangers in the college would definitely make the game more exciting and force the player to make interesting decisions.
    *edit yeah. After playing a bit more, its getting hard to tolerate the tedium of repeated shower/bathroom actions every morning/evening,

    it requires way to many clicks to take a shower.
    1. go to the shower.
    2. enter the shower.
    3.take shower,(for some reason grooming is above showering),
    4. select clothes to wear.
    5 leave shower.

    This combined with the bladder need (in addition with everything else) are taking a significant amount of time.(it really stacks up)

    just for that reason I can't really put a 4 at the moment, since I consider this a serious obstacle when it comes to exploring the world/content that also affects the replayability.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game with lot of potential. But I have some suggestions for the developer:

    1. Why is it when I choose a male protagonist, almost all the events still seem to be kept with female protag in mind? Give us some male exclusive events where we dom or harass others. Male protagonist is really lacking in content and realism. Dating and sexual market for males is completely different than females, give it unique but achievable hurdles.

    2. Sex actions are not interesting after 10 minutes of having tried every option to see what the underlying text is gonna be. Make it different. Add options of freedom, example controlling what your right hand does while left hand does something else. Add options to talk, degrage, whisper dirty things or sweet things to the partner and vice versa. Sex mechanic needs a overhaul is what I am saying.

    3. Money making options are too sparse. Please add some more like a cashier at a rundown shop, option to set up your own business with its own unique set of flavor events.

    THis game has the potential to be a really good college sim. Developer, please don't take my suggestions if they feel too demanding, you're doing completely fine as yourself. Just give my suggestions a thought if possible. Thanks and 4/5
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Vast opportunities, fun ideas of the DEV, great story lines in general, NO PICTURES in here - use your imagination. Nice clothing option - should get a bit hotter though. Most story line are pretty fresh in a sense of being totally unfinished, which is a bit frustrating, BUT PROMISING.
    Likes: DunkE
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Game is great with tons of storyline stuff to do and sex to be had. Only reason I cant give 5 star is that the sex is lacking a lot, sex related to main npcs is fine but outisde of that the mechanic around it feels almost pointless. The character customization could also be more expensive, the clothing system is amazing but the dev could add way more to the actual character description.
    Likes: DunkE
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I've now put a good number of hours into the game, albeit in the early game because I keep wanting to make a new character once I learn of different features, and I'm extremely impressed by what I've seen so far.

    This is the dream game for a certain type of exhibitionism fan that embraces it as a bold and exciting rather than demeaning experience. This is the first exhibitionism game I've encountered that gives you the option to take it in my ideal direction: the activities available, of which there's a good variety even in the early game, are presented as fun and exciting rather than degrading and shameful. While it's certainly possible that I just haven't been hit by the brunt of the rumor mechanic, the setup we're given for other characters gives me cause for optimism: our initiation into the college during the campus tour involves flagrant exhibitionism that everyone seems pretty into, casual toplessness at parties is celebrated, and most of the random encounters I've bumped into while streaking were either approving, sexually excited, or eager to look the other way.

    The casual sex dimension is also great. Characters are open and into it in a way that is grounded enough in reality to sustain an authentic fantasy, the setting maintaining just enough 'naughtiness' around sex to keep my disbelief suspended. This is an extremely hard act to balance: typically, games either go too far in the freedom aspect to point where the act is evacuated of all of its transgressive qualities (public sex being no more obscene or rare than publicly eating, etc.), or lapse into parody. It's particularly hard for open world sandboxes, where the balance between player freedom and sustaining a believable setting is extremely difficult; this is why games like Degrees of Lewdity, Lilith's Throne, and Corruption of Champions respond by making their worlds into open-air fetish dungeons. Only Lab Rats 2 managed to create something approaching a similar tone, and even that, my old gold standard for open world sandboxes that strike a good tone, is blown out of the water here. The world's consensus seems to be that sex is obscene and fun, and it's a joy to play in.

    Character growth and the ever-expanding pool of activities it sustains is the meat of the game, and it's extremely well-implemented in the games I've played so far. It follows the standard format (do a thing to get better at it, open up more advanced options for doing it), but the options themselves are exciting and compelling.

    In terms of complaints, I do have a few.

    First, the conversation system is pretty weak; you randomly choose a topic, which gives a small bump increasing or decreasing your relationship with characters, or you can flirt using a menu. At no point do you feel like you're really in control of the situation, or that a conversation is taking place. I'm not asking for massive dialogue dumps or the like, but some additional flavor to make it feel like you're dealing with a person.

    Which brings us to the second, and in my eyes most substantial, weakness in the game. You meet a ton of characters, and eventually they all start feeling the same, and you have to trudge into their descriptions to have any idea of who they are. This quickly becomes true even of your friends. The game already tracks a lot of information about NPCs; additional fields with specific content would really make them come alive. Give characters an identity; it doesn't have to be extremely deep, but just some details to latch onto. Maybe they're a cinephile, who loves a certain director or genre that you can discover over the course of your conversations, and then that becomes a recurring topic of conversation for you. Or maybe they're a music lover, and obsessed with a certain band or style, or a gamer a particular game or developer. Let the player decide how much your interests overlap, and create a sense that I'm dating this girl because of our shared enthusiasm for specific things in addition to her body or broad archetype. I won't remember "a somewhat-short redhead with a nerdy style", but I'd *definitely* remember her if I found out she loves Olden Ring, has been playing ForSoft games since Black Souls I, and her favorite movie is Spaceship Troopers. That "eclectically-dressed toned blonde" who spotted you watching Twin Promontories, her favorite television show, in the lounge and gave you her number after you tell her you love it is suddenly a real character and not a random blip that happened to agree that "photography" is a topic worth discussing and gave you her number accordingly during a session of greeting spam at the dorm. A list like this could be filled out with minimal writing effort, and it'd really make the characters feel a lot more realized, better simulate what it was like to make and have friends in college, and justify the huge number of NPCs: your match is out there!

    Second, the sex system. It goes with the menu-style sex system you may be familiar with from Lilith's Throne, though similar systems exist in Degrees of Lewdity, Lab Rats 2, and other open world games. It's honestly a terrible system. You end up repeating short, dry descriptions of the same act a bunch of times, and eventually just spam your way through encounters. Fewer selections with more variables are 100% the way to go; dive into the details of how you and your partner are responding physically instead of just mechanically asserting "You trib your wet pussies" or whatever. Keep it short-ish, but make the choices feel meaningful. A solid pool of variables that can slot in strategic locations in a description can really keep things feeling fresh, and it's a shame that this wasn't the approach taken. Quality over quantity, show don't tell, and the usual cliche tips really heavily apply here.

    Overall, an extremely exciting game! I'm enthusiastic enough about what's already here that I'm tempted to sign onto whatever crowdfunding platform to share my suggestions, which is a rarity for any adult game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    If you liked a certain other popular life sim game, but don't enjoy getting assaulted every 5 minutes (or would prefer to top for once), this is the game for you!
    I first started the game in v0.5.0I, so some of the criticisms from earlier reviews no longer apply.
    The big knock off for this game is the general lack of options for making money. You can work in a burger shop for less than minimum wage or be a whore. Expecting this to be resolved with future updates.
    My one personal complaint is that I wish it was possible to directly proposition specific NPCs without having to hunt them down in the local bar or wait for RNGesus to bless you with their phone number for a booty call.
    All in all fun and satisfying game and the 5 star review is in hopes that the game lives up to its potential. If it doesn't, you'll hear from me again.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    While I do agree with previous reviewers on how great of a concept and the implementation of said concept of this game is I just can't bring myself to give it anything more than two stars. Here's why:

    First of all, I don't understand the point of having the wide selection of genders when 90% of the content in this game is geared towards cis female or MtF trans characters. Don't get me wrong, I'm a sucker for female protag games, but if someone wants to play this game as a male character then they'll have a pretty terrible time outside of randomly generated relationships with NPCs. Most of the scripted events are made with female character in mind, imho.

    Secondly, while procedure generation, different seeds and random NPCs sound fun on paper - there needs to be a level of control from the player, especially when there are key NPCs in scripted events which happen on every playthrough. Yes, there is an option in custom generation to customize some NPCs, but they are, for the most part, play either no or little part in the game itself, like a librarian for example. You can't customize your roommate partner's gender before you start playing and that's pretty bad, honestly. Same goes for most key NPCs. You just can't make the game playout like you want it to. As an example: I wanted to play the cheer squad storyline, but after every first competition, when it's time for the free-use scene, the game paired my character with FtM trans every time on four different seeds (default included) and I don't want that in my game due to personal preference. It's hardcoded, I assume, but why that is the case in a game supposedly about procedure generation is beyond me. Same goes for teacher's sexual assertiveness and other such stuff.

    So, overall, while the concept is great and the game is pretty much bug-free, I can't rate it higher than two stars because sandbox games should let you tailor fit the experience to your liking while having randomness. This game doesn't have that.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Really fun game. The developer has done a great job creating this simulation. On a technical level it is very good and very impressive, I didn't encounter a single bug.
    The inclusion of "Special Characters" is genius, which adds narrative to the sim aspect.

    Really not a bad word to say about it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    There are a lot of Twine/HTML games that attempt to be a life sim. There are fewer which attempt to have even moderate amounts of depth to that simulation, fewer yet that do so and manage to get past the early building blocks and start delivering content and barely any that manage all that and still feel hot to play and not overcomplicated.

    Course of Temptation is definitely one of the select few that passes all those tests already, and yet it feels like it has heaps of untapped potential still.

    Already, you have build variety, a shitton of content with many different types of lewd events, dynamic NPC interactions and so much more. It's tough to make fully text based games hot to play, but this one can get you hard and keep you that way with no trouble.

    There's a lot more coming on the roadmap and the pace of content delivery is quite high, so the future is bright too. Has genuinely become one of my favorite games on F95 since I've discovered it.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Certainly an interesting and ambitious idea, but it's very obviously quite early on into its life.

    I generally play games where all the characters are distinctly non-human, so when I chanced upon this game and realized I was going to have to dive into the nightmare world that are adult games made primarily for relatively normal people, and not degenerates like myself, I steeled myself for what horrors a culture shock I would be diving into. And, overall, I would say that, while Course of Temptation is alright, albeit not quite my cup of tea, it's very underdeveloped in general as it stands.

    If you want this game summarized in a sentence, it would be "Degrees of Lewdity, but a college life sim sandbox". Both of these games have very similar gameplay loops: you have a wide host of skills to improve, which in turn serve to let you pay a steadily increasing sum of money every week, which pushes you towards situations and arrangements you might otherwise avoid, and there's a small handful of bespoke NPCs among the numberless faces you encounter that have more curated content. It's also dramatically less grimdark -- after all, you're playing just a face in the crowd, not someone who fell through a crack in the system -- and refrains from the hardcore fetishes that DOL has in spades.

    The game, as far as I experienced, has two additional spins on Degrees of Lewdity's base formula: it's a life simulator, so every generated NPC is persistent in the game world and can be repeatedly encountered, not just the curated NPCs; and the climbing weekly payments are slowed with good school performance, providing a reward for people who try to play on the straight and narrow.

    After a couple hours of playtime, however, I found that the game has a few particularly standout problems to me:
    1) The sex is not very interesting. It's similar to DOL's sex scenes, in that it is turn-based "combat", where you select actions to do per turn, repeat until cum. However, I found it lacks particularly interesting writing in them, with altogether "meh" descriptions of what's going on (although I do like how the UI itself is condensed from "what are all of your body parts doing" to being a list of actions to affect either yourself or the other person, though admittedly it's a little unwieldy even still) nor any visual component to contextualize it, which DOL has at least sprites for. On top of this, unless you manage to chance upon a "Forward" NPC that's down to fuck regardless of relationship status, you need to do a lot of relationship grinding to get to that point, which ultimately makes it feel kind of underwhelming. Ironically, it actually pushed me back towards the sandbox side, and away from the porn aspects. And, while that's not bad, it kind of brings into question why this has to be an adult game to begin with.
    2) It's just lacking content -- the only special scenes I hit was the tutorial bits along my path to woo the "best friend" character; a couple bits with the one verbal harassing character where I said to myself "literally who are you"; and a couple of negative exchanges with the roommate character. This is a problem that will definitely be solved with time -- Degrees of Lewdity is heading towards its sixth year of development, and this began development late last year, so a content gap is expected. Granted, I didn't do a lot of things (I basically never touched the internet mechanics, and I just flipped burgers to make my pay for how early on it was), so I won't rule out having missed a bunch of stuff. Overall, though, the game just feels extremely grindy without any real payoffs to the grind.
    3) It's very spotty with its quality of life features. Being able to click on the map to travel (and, more broadly, the fast travel system that's explicitly labeled with pressing points of interest (i.e. class, parties, home dorm)) is nice, and the reminders of events and situations that you're anticipated to attend (e.g. hangouts, dates), is nice, but there's a few random changes I would like: a) some more persistent reminder for hangouts/dates, maybe put it on the calendar which so far seems to be very underutilized so I don't have to open a notepad document to keep track of any of this; b) the map to be labeled by default, since you can already open a labeled map with a specific button; c) there's no auto clothing rebuy, so if you lose a specific piece of clothing for an outfit, it breaks, and you need to wrangle with the clunky wardrobe UI to replace it; and d) maybe better tracking of special events you can miss; I distinctly recall there being a special "photo challenge" on Elkbook where you could take a selfie in front of the school's statue while not wearing underwear, but despite wandering the entire campus I couldn't find where it wanted me to go -- although I distinctly remembered a statue being mentioned in the prologue bus tour thing, so I assume I was intended to find something.

    TL;DR: A solid sandbox with a good backing simulator. However, it's very underdeveloped, and past that has surprisingly weak adult aspects as it stands. As a result, while the underlying structure is sound, at present, it's mostly just aimless grinding. If you're interested in a game like Degrees of Lewdity that dials down the dark, hardcore aspects in favor of expanding the life sim side, you'll likely enjoy this, as undercooked as it is right now.

  12. 5.00 star(s)


    dope game. looking forward to more updates. i like that it doesn't force you to do anything you're not into. a cleaner version of degrees of lewdity. i do wish there was some imagery, though. who knows, maybe later down the road?
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The second best HTML in the site, very fun and very well writen.Still have some things that I personaly think that is lacking:
    I loved the way that game treat their character, there are "named" characters, actually, all NPCs are named, but some more important have a title, and this is a very creative solution to immersion... But I noticed that the game randomly drops NPCs onto the map, which is a bit disappointing. I'm not askink to program all NPCs, but it's a little too random.
    Another thing that is missing is interaction with teachers, from what I played, there are some interactions, but these interactions do not directly affect your grade.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    TL/DR: The plot is basically just every college porn trope from a female MC POV thrown into a blender and blended on maximum strength. I have mixed feelings about the title- but ultimately it wasn't good enough at the things I enjoy for me to like it. I would not recommend the game to a player wishing to play as a straight male MC. At its core- I think it is meant to be played as either a bi-sexual, woman, queer, or non-binary that likes corruption narratives, sexual harassment and dick. Most of the scenarios suited those characters well and weren't very enjoyable as a cis-man. Regardless, there was far, far too much redundancy in the sex content for it to be interesting past a few scenes. There are some great elements here- but it has a long way to go before it is a good game. And actually, I am low-key kinda annoyed the game pretended to be "for everyone" when playing as a het-male clearly took second fiddle to the other routes. Def don't mind when games are designed more for other demographics- but the developer should be more honest about it.

    + I loved how the game tracked sexual metrics like how many times the MC had done X or taken virginity Y.
    + Stat progression was fun....but many, many stats lacked tangible plot / use. The game is very much still primordial.
    + Being able to design the MCs BFF at the start of the game was great, but that plot-line ultimately failed to be enjoyable b/c of how it was constructed.
    + Best part of the game is the unique character's amongst the field of other characters.
    + You could customize the gender of a lot of the characters. But not all of them. The game does a bad job of insulating the player from sexual situations / homoerotic content with the generically generated characters. Your character will give flirty looks to men ect, against your will. I don't think it is intended- it prob just needs to get cleaned up.
    + The writer is technically sound.
    + The clothing mechanic was well done. Need more male clothing options though. They were pretty limited.

    - There were basically no good ways to make money that didn't involve being a slut.
    - Most of the narratives in the game focused on subservience / looseness
    - The BFF character was forced to drink cum in a milkshake without their knowledge or consent. I was really hoping to be that characters first everything. Also, that plot-line is super gross.
    - The BFFs sexual plot progression was incredibly stupid. I've always though the "We are just friends but I'll teach you how to fuck" trope was brain-dead.
    There also wasn't really anything good on it. It culminated in her reaming your ass out with a dildo- not for me yo :p
    - Almost all of the sub plots for the MC focus on being in slightly non-con sexual situations or just straight up being a slut.
    - Many of the skills currently have almost no use.
    - The sex scenes get stale quickly- b/c there is more or less no variance in the descriptions outside of maybe 10 or so scripted events.
    - You cannot have open relationships or poly relationships. Your character cannot have more than one girlfriend and if you sleep around when you have a girlfriend you get broken up with.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Extremely customizable and a great gameplay loop. there is a lot of content. I find myself too lazy to read without pictures. if they added ai images to this game or an ai generator for images, i would be extremeyl pleased. Regardless, this is a great reading erotica game and i will be back when im in the mood for erotica ;)
  16. 5.00 star(s)



    This is an amazing Gollege Life Simulator text based game. The best out there right now. You can lose hours to this game roleplaying as a sexy college girl and walking in their shoes. Which is exactly what I wanted out of a game.

    You can also play as a guy, but I would personally find that fairly boring. I hope the dev focuses more on the female MC content (Which, I'm pretty sure they are.

    If you read this, please play and support this dev and this amazing game.

    So for context I've played this game for probably around 10 hours in total, but I have not seen everything the game has to offer yet, probably not even close. So I could be wrong on the below, but I feel like 10 hours is a long time, so anyways:

    Now, for some feedback and suggestions:

    - I want to roleplay a smoking hot but sheltered girl that's trying to remain a virgin but will over-time succumb to her desire. You can kind of do this currently, however, the men in the game are not very aggressive when it comes to picking you up and trying to get into your pants.

    There's some gropers on the bus, and you occasionally will get stopped by someone on campus and groped, but outside of that, even if you're smoking hot and wearing slutty clothing, the guys don't stop and introduce themselves and ask for your number and hit on you.

    The other thing is that, basically all sex scenes start out as consensual. Then, while some guys will ignore your wishes and push things, it seems like, no matter how horny you are, you can always just stop and end things. I like the system from Newlife, in that, if you're too horny, you can no longer bring yourself to say no, which is true to real life for the most part.

    The problem with how it is now, is that if you're trying to play a meek girl who is trying to preserve her virginity, you can always just end an interaction once the guy gets close to your pussy.

    Basically, I want to eventually, through stat upgrades and being no longer able to control my lust due to the hot, big dicked guy I'm with, that I'm no longer able to say no. Whereas, it it's an ugly, fat older guy, I could say no if I wanted to.

    It's not that I want the MC to be raped really, it's that I want the MC to be too horny and unable to control her lust.

    - The outfit system is awesome. I would just love it if there were more reactions to wearing certain clothing. Like, if I show up to school in a micro-skirt and bra. The guys should be basically non-stop hitting on you and trying to fuck you, and the girls would be judging you and labelling you a slut and unless they're the same, they will ostrasize you from their in-groups.

    - Also, I want a beach please! I love swimming / beach / swimsuit content and would love to see it.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This isn't exactly a text porn game. It is more like a college life simulator. If you don't want to act slutty and just enjoy what the game offers, that is entirely possible - which is pretty rare in this genre.

    Overall, this is probably the best text-based adult game out there.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Like a much better Degrees of Lewdity, this game has so much potential. It could use some more updates and the ability to prostitute - or maybe I haven't found that yet. Images and more positions would definitely be a good addition.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good open world game. Right up my alley. Constantly being updated, to the point where it's not back-of-mind in a landscape that's pretty inundated with games sort of like these. I'm really excited to see how the dev keeps going with it. Even when you get to the end of quest hooks (for now), you still feel like playing.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Beat my dick off daily to this. Good stuff. Keep coming back. Definitely looking forward to more updates. The roadmap is pretty clear, though I would like to know what's being implemented first. Certainly worth supporting the dev.