HTML - Course of Temptation [v0.5.4f] [Anthaum]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game. It has eaten more of my time than I care to count. The platform allows for terrific variety, the grind (if you can call it that) is actually fun because each event has an element of the unknown to it), the dev pumps out updates, and the game is just a ton of fun to play unless you need renders (in which case you can just watch porn). Am really looking forward to seeing the dev implement the roadmap and maybe add other things/kinks. How about inclinations (or some different "like" mechanic, wish I was a coder so could make better suggestions) based on NPCs hair color (blondes, anyone), race, team status (dating football players only? cheerleaders only?)? How about making a student or two a professor's offspring, with all that might entail? Possibilities are endless... Play it! Like it! Support the dev!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A very well-put together game that (so far at least) has consistently had meaningful, significant updates.

    A healthy mixture of fantasy and realism, grounded but not taking itself seriously. There's plenty of silly and fantastical scenarios you can find yourself in, and the way characters/relationships are handled is very well executed.

    Plenty of things to do, ways to interact with the world and the characters in it, a structured sandbox that gives you goals and lets you find whatever means you can to achieve them.

    Dev seems to be a very diligent and attentive worker, I have only encountered a few minimal bugs/oversights in my time playing. I plan on beginning support for him on SubscribeStar soon.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 440360

    It's the only game on here I actually decided to back on Patreon. The dev is really communicative, writing Dev Diaries every week, so everyone knows what's going on. But the dev is also very productive. Updates come in monthly and the updates can actually be called updates, lots of stuff gets added and changed every month and the roadmap for the bigger mechanic updates is clearly communicated and is progressing fast and steadily.

    The actual game is amazing as is already. Of course it's still in early stages, so many things are still missing, but even with these missing things the game is already a lot of fun. You really have to be into text games AND relatively realistic life sim games, otherwise you won't like this game. Don't expect a fully fletched out story line and prescripted gameplay. As in other text based life sim games, YOU decide your own story and that is the best thing about this game in my opinion. There is a story, but it is really not the main thing to focus on here, just roleplay and create your own stories.

    All in all, for me, this is one of the best games on this site and in the future, if everything progresses like it does now, this will probably be the best game on here.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay this is some quality work! Found myself playing all afternoon. Writing was engaging and intriguing. Gameplay and content caters too many different kinks which is a very big plus. Look forward to seeing more content and options in the future.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Very promising alternative to DoL, the first two weeks are very boring, but things start getting interesting once meet more people.
    You can also use the built-in cheats (in the options) if you don`t want the grind
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly similar to Degrees of Lewdity, but with a bit more freedom of playstyle and systems that are easier to understand. Would love to see it get a doll image based system, but still very good for what it is currently.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    If you like Degrees of Lewdity's style but not so much its extreme content and depressing atmosphere, this game is for you. It's a similar kinda grindy horny life simulator. I've been liking the writing although it's all more generic repeatable stuff than any specific storylines.

    It's slightly barebones for linear events (which is to be expected, it's a v0.4), but the foundations are solid. Also I'm not sure why people are mentioning that certain orientations are forced on the player? You can set the rate of any specific genders/orientations to nearly nothing and if you set your sexuality to a specific one then you never receive advances from one you didn't select.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    The text is almost enough, almost.

    It seems to take a lot from DoL mechanics and does them even better. DoL focuses too much on being a dark dating sim, while this game has a much better grasp on the general sandbox and character mechanics. (Not counting the lack of content it currently has)

    One of the main things this game could desperately use to be the best in its genre are sprites, paperdolls, etc.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Played it a while ago and I can with confidence say that this is not only the best text-only game, but one of the best games in general on f95.

    I love sandboxes and was quite sceptical at first thinking "h game with no visuals? naah..." Oh boy was I wrong. The amount of stuff that you can do and situations you can get into is simply astonishing. And the text descriptions reminded me that the imagination at times can work much better than any of these overcooked unreal engine trash scene players, html gif slide shows and japanese rpgm running around simulators.

    Great, perfect, amazing, 10/10
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Still very barebone, but I already like it. HTML game without bloated size due to abusive usage of real porn images instead of plot is rare, and it's refreshing to see.
    1. Speaking of barebone, the gameplay gets repetitive quite fast even without tweaking the system to your favor and cheating your way. There's still no real consequence of your choice (maybe except for removing class bully), certain event triggered by your appeal rarely happened I actually have to edit part of the game just to experience them more often.
    2. Content wise still a lot left to be desired, from activities to clothing and world, and NPC interaction still lacking other than hook up and hang-out, not enough depth beside that for now.
    3. Story and originality? Definitely not original, you still need to get money every week just like many games (HTML or not) mechanic, story still at prelude level for now to allow current repetition flow.
    Personal note: Playing as slut isn't that punishing so far, might be back when there is punishment of some kind.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Course of Temptation is obviously trying to ape off Degrees of Lewdity(it's in the name), and distinguishes itself by frontloading development with a billion different cosmetic options. Unfortunately, there is no in-game sprite, so all these purely cosmetic options don't matter at all. There is also no challenge to this game aside from the grind and having to manage needs, which tends to boil down to being in a certain place at a certain time. Overall, I'd say this is less DoL clone, and far more text-based Sims if your Sim had zero autonomy.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    SalemStyle Jutsu

    You might be turned off from the lack of images but the content and the writing heavily makes up for it. Everyone's already saying it but it's basically like DoL. But it's a DoL where you're allowed to have some power instead of just being the eternal victim. (nothing wrong with those games but sometimes I wanna be the bully)
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Been having a great time with this game. It's pretty much DOL college edition. I have experience the last few versions of this game and I am very hopeful. Really solid foundation and I am looking forward to future updates. I initially felt that it's lack of visuals when compared to DOL was a bad thing. But the more I played the less it mattered. If the game's future development was focused solely on gameplay like story, activities, world building and not visuals. I feel like there would be no issue. Though I usually look for visuals in games, I was still entertained despite the lack of them. I truly hope that this game continues to be developed and that there will be a lot more things to do. Like maybe relationships since they feel somewhat lacking. You could have sex, go on dates. But the dialogue and text are pretty repetitive and boring or maybe empty. Great game so far 10/10.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Haven't played a lot but this is promising. It's giving me Degrees of Lewdity vibes, except a lot less extreme and giving the player a lot more agency. It's held back a bit by the lack of images, unfortunately.

    Waiting impatiently for updates!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun College sim. Customization of main character is detailed and I like the amount of things we can do as a student. That being said, I wished there was more ... deviant things to do. For example, bondage or bdsm..
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    really good game, not without any flaws but the 4,5 rating is not possible so ...

    well written,a tiny bit grindy at first then it is totally ok. nice customisation of the character and the world you play in
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, 100% one of the best on the market. Clean, well thought out and properly implemented systems, great writing.

    Unlike most text-based games - very good understanding of volume and pace.
    Unlike most sandbox games - actually stimulating after first ever scene due to, again, great systems in place.

    The only thing I personally could wish for - more options for character to be scumbag rather than solely experiencing actions of scumbags.
  18. 4.00 star(s)

    Lord of Hentaiz

    + Fun Setting/Premise
    + Global NPC Gender/Orientation Settings
    + Shows Promise

    = Decent Characters, best friend had the most content by far, but its not fleshed out enough atm to be anything special
    = Decent skill/perk system, with perks being inclinations

    - Grindy Hell, and this is with using cheats and an xp multiplier

    One thing this desperately needs is the ability to turn off needs

    Maybe implement a system where an '!' will identify events you haven't seen so you actually bother to visit facilities that are just super repetitive, ex: bathroom and food being the worst as its only extra clicks

    Or maybe add an automation feature for certain needs?

    - The Global NPC Gender/Genital/Orientation Settings cannot be set to lower than 5% so you can't completely avoid combinations you don't want, but they will be rather uncommon as a result. Why?

    - The milkshake quest is terrible in just about every way imaginable.
    Its grindy rng? It took ages to finish for me.
    It locks you out of progressing with the best friend until you complete it.
    It also lacks an actual ending of you recording the guilty party in this and reporting them.
    I'd argue against locking characters to grindy content that only takes place once a week!
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    It is still a work in progress but it still manages to entertain a lot, the story is fun and it is not difficult to understand.
    There are still things to add, fix some bugs but for now it is a good game
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game with a nice start going to play more to see what to think about it

    -As for what I think the game can add is more character job options would be nice with the character going slowly through the semester some thing the character is studying can lead to them getting a job in field they study which would be a good addition.

    - also more clothes options would be nice and maybe events that start up about the clothes you wear.

    -maybe add an option to add more than one childhood friend

    -maybe a martial arts class our character can take with tournaments and events

    That's most I can think more now.