Puffy nips on smaller tits =
Shop mini game was much nicer this time around, however it might be cuz I'm sleepy but it felt like in the fishing mini game the animation of the arrow didn't line up correctly. What I mean is when I clicked I was 99% surely on the wavy line but the arrow stopped off of it and the fish got away. Maybe it's designed that way with a slight delay/momentum? Though as we still get some fish, even when failing, that's probably not much of an issue .
really enjoy that you do your own models. At first when playing Mist it felt strange as you make stylized models. But after playing so many other games with the same ugly models - your stuff is a godsend and your style grew on me rather quickly. Only gripe, if you could even say that, is that all the vaginas since Mist look the same. Would be extra delicious if there was some variation in that department as well. Although I presume animating would get harder and more time consuming.
Noticed two typos; in the shop mini game a client requested 'posion', so is it 'potion' or 'poison'?, first date event with Enna "Not as my servant, but because I'm asking you too." line should be 'to' instead of 'too' (English is not my mother tongue so I might be wrong tho'

Anyway - keep up the stellar work bro!