I wouldn't care if the game didn't bring up this whole "we can fuck now" drug and have us already talk about it with the main girl living with us. There were a ton of scenes where Suzu could barely contain herself and now that we've got the solution to where she doesn't need to, all intimacy has stopped as the game continues to throw more side characters at us.
The logical progression is:
Shit, we can't fuck -> Wait, I have fuck pills -> Honey, we can fuck -> We fuck
The current progression is:
Shit, we can't fuck -> Wait, I have fuck pills -> Honey, we can fuck -> Procession of new/old characters knocking on our door, climbing up the building -> House attacked by disgruntled contractors with too many sledgehammers -> On super important security mission in a public building -> ???
To add more confusion, we seem to be sprinting away from the original classroom that seemed to be central to the story, filled with a ton of already interesting characters that I was kinda invested in. Nene was starting to open up, we still have no idea what the fuck Nagisa is, Yukari is now at the absolute bottom of the character list, and the vampire sisters are basically completely undeveloped.
Maybe I'm overreacting and this feeling will pass. I'm not an impatient person, but I feel like the doorbell keeps ringing and we keep letting more people into the plot before we've finished really having a conversation with most of the people who are already here.