An herm is an herm, not a Female nor Male... Cause it does have both sex. The question is: is this herm feminine or masculine?
That is correct. (And also why we literally have different gender tags)
In this case however, to all we know: He only has one sex. That being his hyper penis. (At least he's never shown or addressed having a vulva. But if he does, it would have to be micro as we haven't seen any signs of it.)
And he has a feminine appearance. But is basically trying to be the biggest mega-chad possible xD Exclusively focusing on the "incubus part" of his identity.
First of all, those other replies were meant for those who I quoted, either you quote that part from me as well or from them if you want to respond to it. Also, there was an extra game on Newgrounds, a specific one, where you could fix a save from Ch2 so it works on Ch3. I don't find the link to THAT one since that game seems to have disappeared, what you clearly misunderstood somehow.
Now to the actual reply:
Are you talking about another game perhaps? I have no idea where you get those facts...
Futa has a clear definition. If you think otherwise, it's your thing, but don't drag it into here. Futas are persons with both female and male qualities, though the female ones often being the dominant ones, which is why they relate more to the pronoun she (or in some cases they). Whether you acknowledge it or not, I won't respond anymore on anything regarding that, you can discuss that elsewhere.
Talking about Succubus, depending on how a creator wants them to behave they sometimes can grow a dick, even though they do have a pussy, thus they are basically still female just with an optional dick. She clearly says that she is a Succubus, so don't disregard that fact. Whether Soriel has a second mother who is human is irrelevant here, since the one in the lair, who is named Nen, is a Succubus, thus female.
Until now there is only that one futa scene, though I am unsure whether it was clarified if there will be more, so just skip that part if you dislike it. The dev intentionally added that part, and comments like yours aren't necessary here, that is just hate speech.
One more thing which I didn't respond to in your initial post:
Raped his mother? I think that was never stated, if it's not just your assumption please prove me otherwise.
True, I did reply to one more of those quotes, my bad. It was more of an afterthought.
And oh, I thought you meant chapter 2 and 3.
And no, it's this game. Since I have the saves.
In general yes, a futa is a character with both sets of genitalia. It IS however VERY common for them to only have a penis. Yes, this does have a different term. But, people can't seem to figure that out. And just lump herms, dickgirls, shemales and etc into "futa". It's become the general term for anything with boobs and a penis. Anything else is irrelevant to most people.
And no: People simply refer to them as female, as to make it "no homo". (And most futa entirely skip any masculine parts, only taking the penis. Hence their feminine appearance.) This is evident in how most males refuse to let a futa have sex with "another man". Because "That would be gay". Which: If they now "are female", that would be straight. (Not to mention: The most commonly used futa archetype is the "dude with tits". Named so after that they act like "the dude" in a porno. But happen to have tits. They can 90+ % of the time be replaced by a male. And
nothing changes.)
A succubus could technically gain a penis. As in general fluff wise: They are supposed to cater to a specific mans preference. And if that man wants dick...

And considering he
exclusively uses his dick. Makes no claim to have a pussy or ANY interest to ever use one... it's not "optional" anymore. He can claim to be a centaur princess. That doesn't make it true. Actions speak louder than words. He has only expressed interest in raping and impregnating women. An incubus job. (fluff wise) And wants his son to "follow in his footsteps". By that reasoning, Soriel should grow a pussy at least once or twice just to "try it out" or "be more like his mom". But he doesn't. Nor is ever encouraged too. Both Soriel and Nen strive towards stereotypical/porn masculinity. And more or less consider only men able to be dominant. Based on their action. Words are just hot air unless backed up by something.
Secondly: It can't be skipped, it's mandatory. But that's not the point.
As you said: The dev added that scene intentionally. Giving us the info that 1: Nen impregnated Soriel's human mother. Thus being his biological father. 2: Nen invites him in, while casually raping the fairy/imp queen. And, this part is a bit hazy but 3: Making a remark about how it reminds him of how he met Soriel's mom. Along with the whole: "Be more like your dad! Embrace your demon side, rape girls!". We're just asked to accept a contradictory statement based on "because I said so". That's not hate speech. That's criticism... granted, I can say its pretty salty/snarky criticism. But I blame that on this being a pretty common occurrence. Though, it's usually a bit more blatant, like: The futa calls themselves "Big Daddy" or similar.
And lastly: I can't recall if it was explicitly. But considering the intro, where Nen is confirmed as a rapist. Along with the gameplay literally being "beat up, then rape your opponents". (Yes, it's "mind control", but that by definition isn't consensual xD) And Soriel does express a preference towards his mom. (Initially.) Not really approving of his dads manwhoring ways. Preferring to beat up/potentially murder the intruders at first. Then he gets scolded for not raping them, and reluctantly goes out to do that. Then finds out he is actually SUPER into that. It is then kinda implied that everyone is cool with it afterwards as "that's just how things work around there". Unless you have it implied/stated otherwise in the game. If so: Do let me know. As I can only go of the evidence I've been provided in game. But I might have missed something.