Others Crisis Point: Extinction [v0.47] [Anon42]

4.60 star(s) 29 Votes


Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Thank you for the clarification, and no worries, you didn't cause any problems! The conversation shouldn't be playing with the second Alraune, only the first one, so it sounds like I need to look into things regardless.

(The following is (mostly) a copy-paste from our If you like what you see, )

Hey everybody, welcome to the weekly update! This week is going to be fairly non-visual, as Red is still finishing up the Slime CG, Orex is still in the early stages of a new H-scene, and I've moved on to working on stuff like level design. That said, I did add a new obstacle this week that I want to show off!


These are aquatic mines that activate when Alicia gets within range of them. Once active, they'll accelerate towards her in an attempt to collide. They move slightly faster than Alicia does underwater, but as you can see in the gif, their acceleration is rather low, so you can avoid them more easily by jumping and such. You'll want to be extra careful they don't hit you, though, as they do a MASSIVE amount of damage (99 points on normal, which is a full bar of health). They're also invulnerable to standard blaster fire, but once they're armed, they only have enough energy to chase Alicia for about 15 seconds, after which they'll explode without dealing any damage.


Now that I have multiple underwater obstacles, I've been working on level design for underwater areas. For those of you not interested in programming, you can probably skip over this entire section - I'll be talking about an optimization issue I faced, and how I got to solving it.

The biggest room I worked on this week was one that has a lot of the underwater currents I talked about last update - creating a larger room using them lead me to realizing that the bubbles representing the current were extremely unoptimized. When the room was complete, those bubbles were taking up about 50% of the game's total processing time in every frame - it still ran fine on my computer, but performance was low enough that it was definitely a problem.

The first and most obvious change was culling bubbles that were outside of the player's view. Naturally, having tons of bubbles outside of the player's camera is unnecessary and wasteful, but I wouldn't be writing a section about this if it were that simple. The biggest problem with culling bubbles outside of the view is that when the current is too large for the player's camera, the bubbles for the current will spawn outside of the camera (since they spawn at the furthest extreme of the current), and then be immediately erased. The current itself will still be active, but the bubbles that visually represent it are gone, which makes it appear as if Alicia is being pushed by nothing. So, a simple camera cull isn't a good enough solution, as it kills the visual representation of the current, so I turned that system off for now.

Next up, I decided to look more thoroughly into what exactly was taking up most of the processing time. The most costly part of the bubbles was checking for wall collisions, which simply causes them to pop when they hit a wall. Running that collision check every frame for every bubble can be naturally intensive; because bubbles are a visual detail and not an actual gameplay mechanic, I was able to dramatically lessen their processing cost by adding a delay to the collision check, so that they would only check for wall collisions once every 5 frames instead, reducing the overall cost of the collision check to 20%. This does have an impact on their visual appearance, of course - they no longer pop the moment they hit a wall, and can instead be delayed by a few frames - but personally, after implementing a fix, I actually like the way it looks better. It makes their collisions appear less homogeneous, and almost gives it a sort of pseudo-3d effect, as if the bubbles are colliding with other parts of the wall instead of only the outermost edge. Perhaps that only works because of the bumpy, uneven nature of the Deep Soil's vines, but whatever the case, it's a nice side effect of optimization.

So after limiting the collision check frequency and doing a number of other, smaller tweaks to their code, the performance was looking noticeably better - but still not good enough yet. Culling the bubbles was absolutely necessary, but it had to be done in a more intelligent way rather than just checking if they were outside of the camera boundaries. The solution I came up with after messing with it for a while was this: when a bubble is created, the bubble first checks its position compared to the camera boundaries, but this time, it also factors in the direction it's going to move. If the bubble is outside of the camera and moving away from the camera boundaries, it deletes itself immediately to not take up any more processing time. If the bubble is moving towards the camera, though, it runs through another collision check - this time, it checks for walls in a line between its current position and the edge of the camera closest to it. If there are any walls between it and the camera, it deletes itself - the wall would prevent it from reaching the camera after all, so it's not needed. However, if there are no walls, then it continues on its merry way, safe in the confidence that it is a necessary bubble. The biggest negative with this solution is that, when a current is exceptionally long and has lots of geometry between the start and end points, there's a point where there are no current bubbles left, just because there are too many walls in the way. I tried a few higher-tech solutions to this, but all of them had issues; at the end of the day, the simplest solution won out, and I simply create manually-positioned bubble spawners behind walls to create more bubbles and continue the current, as you can see in this screenshot.

Bubble spawners.png

These are obviously not visible in game, and to avoid bubbles being too concentrated from smaller spawners, the frequency they create bubbles at is scaled based on the total size of the spawner. Altogether, the system ended up being significantly more optimized than before, and hardly any more effort to work with - I'm very happy with how it turned out! Now, instead of taking up 50% of each frame's processing power, the bubbles average out to a mere 13%. Still a little higher than I'd like, if I'm honest, and I do have plenty of ideas for optimizing them further - however, their performance is well within acceptable ranges, and spending too much time on unnecessary optimization would mean no progress on the rest of the game. As long as it runs well for everybody, that's all I can ask for.

By the way, let me know if you enjoy reading deeper dives into my programming work like this; I'm happy to share it more, if it's something people are interested in!


Anyway, aside from all that, I worked on a few things this week. The new underwater enemy from last week now has proper animations rather than still frames, and I implemented some much-needed special effects for the destroyable blocks and crumble blocks that you can find in various places within the game. Mostly, though, it's been level design and optimizations, since I've also been working on optimizing the way the game's backgrounds are drawn.

Anyway, that's it for me this week! I haven't been focusing on finalizing my writing as much as I should have, so I haven't sent off scripts to our voice actors yet; that'll be a major focus next week, hopefully everyone will have enough time to get recordings done so the update can come out this month. I don't think I'll have to cancel any streams so I can focus on writing, but if I do have to, now you know why. Hope to see you next week for another round of updates!


Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Looks interesting, but is there cg in this or just sprite stuff?
Yes, the game has CGs - you can see an example of one of them if you look at the previous page of the topic, I just recently posted a WIP of one


Aug 11, 2017
Oh hey, good to see this game is still alive. Followed it on ULMF for a while but kind of forgot about it. Does it have any oversized dongers yet? You gave me a picture of a dick bigger than the whole protagonist, and I expect it to be fully implemented and functional at this point!
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New Member
Sep 12, 2017
Not a fan of the rework alraune scene her hair color is too dark compared to her sprite model.
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Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Oh hey, good to see this game is still alive. Followed it on ULMF for a while but kind of forgot about it. Does it have any oversized dongers yet? You gave me a picture of a dick bigger than the whole protagonist, and I expect it to be fully implemented and functional at this point!
Ha, been a while man! Sorry to say nothing quite as big as THAT oversized donger is in the game, I think poor Alicia would break outright from that ;) I do have plans for at least one rather large donger though, now that new content is in full production!

tried playing the new version but when i used a warp back to camp it crashed
Sorry about that. It's a known glitch, and it happens every time you access a warp menu for the first time on a new save - the good news is, since you have to go over a save point to cause it, your game should be saved, and it should never happen again after the first time, unless you start a new game. You can safely play now without worrying about it.
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May 8, 2019
Now we're talking on the new CG for the slime, i like it! has that "Alicia Struggles to wring the slime off of her" as to what the first CG for the slime lacks, in my opinion it looked like she was just dumped into a pool of slime, this one she's struggling with the slime and her pose looks better, not that the first CG wasn't great, this one is just new so i'm more interested in seeing this.

Are you planning to Renew all of your CG to the same work you're doing with the slime's CG? I like how you're showing her full body up on this CG (from Head to her boots) hopefully if you're planning to re-do most or all of the CGs in the game maybe make it a full body one, with a cool background with it so its the full packaged.
Hey you know only Vines and Alraunes can cause rape scenes based on real world logic.


Jan 8, 2018
Anyone else having issues with the game not continueing after the introduction of a new game. Black screen with text explaining what happened to their ship etc~ Its just stuck there for me.
  • Thinking Face
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Aug 11, 2017
Ha, been a while man! Sorry to say nothing quite as big as THAT oversized donger is in the game, I think poor Alicia would break outright from that ;) I do have plans for at least one rather large donger though, now that new content is in full production!
Exciting to hear! The donger part, not the other filler stuff.
Jokes aside, cool to hear that you've reached the point where you can focus on content. The game always had a ton of potential, and seeing you having constant interaction with your fan- and/or consumerbase was always a treat. I believe I've said it before, but I'll say it again: looking forward to seeing the game grow. Again!

Edit: woot, voice acting
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New Member
Mar 18, 2018
Anyone else having issues with the game not continueing after the introduction of a new game. Black screen with text explaining what happened to their ship etc~ Its just stuck there for me.
Just press key ´´k´´ to skip intro ;) ...or A on gamepad
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Aug 11, 2017
So I beat the demo, and it was pretty good. Would appreciate some kind of addition to the map to help you remember where different "gimmick" locations are, such as tall walls with ledges to grab on to and platforms you can hook et.c. I know that's not typical for Metroidvanias to begin with, but it's an issue with those as well. Only way to check where these locations are if you don't memorize them is by looking for unexplored doors on the map, and that doesn't always help, or it'll lead you to the wrong side of the map because oops, this particular corner was for a different gimmick!

Was kind of disappointed that the shoryuken dudes (male... torquain? what were they called?) didn't have any kinky business with them. Only enemy in the entire game that didn't have any pervy action, yet the (for me personally) most interesting ones. Oh well, maybe in a Soon™ update? Was also surprised to get grouped by two futas, when nothing else had group actions. Something you're planning to add in the future? Maybe even mixing enemies so it's not just copies? Either way, glad it's a concept in the game regardless of how widespread it is at the moment. Makes me hopeful there'll be more in the future. Favorite scenes were the two with the chemistry guys. Good shit! Favorite scenes would probably have been the spitroasts with the futas if I enjoyed futas more.

All in all it was really good! More h-content and (especially) a wider and bigger cast of enemies and this game might rival my favorite (hentai) metroidvania thus far; Lab -Still Alive-! The gameplay and movement is there, now it just needs content, which luckily, you just said you're going all in on at the moment!

Also, can I just say that I hate bees? Infinitely spawning alien bees are apparently just as annoying as infinitely spawning earth bees in games. Go figure!


Oct 17, 2017
oh that i know!
i played the last version.
but i wanted to know if i should wait for complete or just enjoy what i have
Well, there's been thirty seven versions so far, and there's still one biome to do as well as six enemies and maybe two bosses not to mention adjustments and polish to existing game assets, so enjoy what you have since my best guess is the full release won't be until the end of the year.
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Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Going through the specific things that need a response, in order:

-There's already a custom notes system in the map menu, so you can leave notes in any square of the map saying whatever you want it to say. That should more than solve the issue of helping you remember where "gimmick" locations are, eh? :p

-You are correct that the Torguis' H-scene content is Coming Soon™. Our animation pipeline is, unfortunately, far behind the rest of the game - there's a LOT of missing H-scenes, enemy animations, and NPC animations. We don't earn enough on Patreon for our animator to go full time, so unfortunately it just keeps falling further and further behind due to a lack of time for him. We've been trying to catch up for over a year now :' )

-The slimes also have a duo scene, so it's not just the sentries. I do definitely plan on adding more duo scenes, but I don't plan on doing them with different enemy types right now - there's no possible way for us to add scenes like that for every enemy pairing, it would be far too much work (I think it would total to something like 120 extra H-scenes), and so the decision for which pairings to have would end up being completely arbitrary, and it's just kind of an awkward thing to deal with. Besides, once the game is complete there will already be over 30 unique enemy H-scenes (every enemy gets, bare minimum, a unique normal and BE H-scene, and many of them have duo scenes planned), along with all the CGs and story H-scenes/CGs, so we certainly won't be lacking for content!

Anyway, thank you very much for the kind words! We have plenty more planned for the game, so hopefully we'll be able to take that elusive top spot ;)

Well, there's been thirty seven versions so far, and there's still one biome to do as well as six enemies and maybe two bosses not to mention adjustments and polish to existing game assets, so enjoy what you have since my best guess is the full release won't be until the end of the year.
I have to admit that there's not a chance we're releasing the game this year, there's simply too much left to do. CPE's been in development a lot longer than I would've liked, a large chunk of that being due to inexperience, and an even larger chunk reworking older content that was really low quality due to the aforementioned inexperience. Now that that's all done, and we're focusing almost exclusively on new content, the pace of development has increased DRAMATICALLY. It definitely does feel like the ending is in sight, but it's still a good ways off, and I'm certain 2020 is not possible at the quality level I want for the game
4.60 star(s) 29 Votes