Others Crisis Point: Extinction [v0.47] [Anon42]

4.60 star(s) 29 Votes


Nov 27, 2017
Off chance are the saves transferrable? or with each new iteration do we have to run from scratch?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Mar 25, 2019
from what i understand they are transferable now

btw Annon is there a way to-replay things like the first BE ?
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Nov 27, 2017
No rape in Crisis point, read the later articles patreon doesn't allow this anymore.
Yup, originally any sex depicting characters doing things such as beastiality was a massive no no as well which is why anon changed the creature in the catacombs to a lurker instead, from doggy style to all the way through with panty flipping.

lots changed since patreon messed with its TOS. But also i think Anon didn't want to go the route of full on GOR rape game, you can still access the older ones version .25 i think somewhere on the net if you want to experience that stuff but right now it's awhole different game.


Jun 16, 2018
Yup, originally any sex depicting characters doing things such as beastiality was a massive no no as well which is why anon changed the creature in the catacombs to a lurker instead, from doggy style to all the way through with panty flipping.

lots changed since patreon messed with its TOS. But also i think Anon didn't want to go the route of full on GOR rape game, you can still access the older ones version .25 i think somewhere on the net if you want to experience that stuff but right now it's awhole different game.
My Very Bad I am Indeed i didnt know Patreon would do that


Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Off chance are the saves transferrable? or with each new iteration do we have to run from scratch?
Saves are usually transferable. I don't promise guaranteed support for save transfers between every version, but usually they work fine, and I do put a good amount of effort in to try and make sure that previous saves will still work with each update.

btw Annon is there a way to-replay things like the first BE ?
As in dialogue events, or? If you mean dialogue, then I'm afraid there's no way to re-listen to them currently, aside from replaying the game. Maybe in the future we can add some kind of replay feature, but it won't be for a while.

(The following is (mostly) a copy-paste from our If you like what you see, )

Hey everybody! This week's update is gonna be smaller than last week; most of the stuff I worked on is related to writing and level design and such, so not particularly interesting to show off.

I've been doing a LOT of writing lately - since fully laying out the plans for CPE's story, rather than just keeping it all in my head, I've gotten a much clearer idea of where the game's story and progression is headed and what I need to write to get us there. It's honestly been a blast! Some of what I'm writing won't even be in this update, mostly due to not having the assets I need to make certain events happen, but in general I'm trying to frontload a lot of the writing work in this update. Since every script needs to be voice acted, I need to give our actors and actresses plenty of time to get their lines recorded, so I'm trying to get as much writing done as I can early in the update cycle so they have time to record.

Aside from the writing, I also did a chunk of level design this week. The 3rd boss now has a (mostly) permanent location; the fight itself is still going to undergo a complete rework later on, and that might include slightly altering her location, but her general location is here to stay. Defeating her also gets you access to a real upgrade now - the Weighted Boots! As you can imagine, the Weighted Boots allow Alicia to sink in water rather than floating, allowing for underwater exploration at long last. It comes at the cost of reduced mobility though; while underwater, Alicia can't dash or slide, and she moves slightly slower, so you'll have to be careful when traversing underwater areas. There's no breath meter to worry about though, so you can take your time and explore freely.

Lastly, I have two NSFW things to show off, a teaser for the Slime CG rework Red is doing, and a comparison shot of the Alraune BE H-scene Orexius just finished reworking.

slime.jpg The CG isn't finished just yet, there's still some work to be done on it (the original colors were too desaturated, and Red is out of town right now so I had to up the saturation values myself - the final colors won't be the exact same as this), but it's nearly done and hopefully you'll agree with me that it looks absolutely fantastic.

Aside from that, here's the H-scene comparison:


Alraune BE New.gif

I'm sure you'll agree with me that it's one HELL of a glow up; Orexius really outdid himself with this scene.

Before I go, I do want to mention that I'm making a slight update to stream schedules - my sleeping schedule is still all sorts of whack, I'm not waking up at consistent times at all. I'm most productive early in the day, so naturally when I wake up earlier, streaming at 5 pm EST is very difficult for me; because of that, I'm going to scrap the idea of having specific times for the streams. We'll still be streaming Monday/Wednesday/Friday, but the time will change depending on the day. I'd like to fix my sleeping schedule and get some consistency, but for the time being I just gotta make due with what I've got, super sorry for any inconvenience this causes!

Alright, that's all I have for this week. Thanks so much for the support, everyone! v0.38 is shaping up nicely and I'm having a great time working on it, can't wait to get it in your hands!


Oct 17, 2017
Like what I'm seeing and reading, Anon. Both Alicia and the Alraune are certainly enjoying how things are going, that's for sure.
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Oct 1, 2018
Saves are usually transferable. I don't promise guaranteed support for save transfers between every version, but usually they work fine, and I do put a good amount of effort in to try and make sure that previous saves will still work with each update.

As in dialogue events, or? If you mean dialogue, then I'm afraid there's no way to re-listen to them currently, aside from replaying the game. Maybe in the future we can add some kind of replay feature, but it won't be for a while.

(The following is (mostly) a copy-paste from our If you like what you see, )

Hey everybody! This week's update is gonna be smaller than last week; most of the stuff I worked on is related to writing and level design and such, so not particularly interesting to show off.

I've been doing a LOT of writing lately - since fully laying out the plans for CPE's story, rather than just keeping it all in my head, I've gotten a much clearer idea of where the game's story and progression is headed and what I need to write to get us there. It's honestly been a blast! Some of what I'm writing won't even be in this update, mostly due to not having the assets I need to make certain events happen, but in general I'm trying to frontload a lot of the writing work in this update. Since every script needs to be voice acted, I need to give our actors and actresses plenty of time to get their lines recorded, so I'm trying to get as much writing done as I can early in the update cycle so they have time to record.

Aside from the writing, I also did a chunk of level design this week. The 3rd boss now has a (mostly) permanent location; the fight itself is still going to undergo a complete rework later on, and that might include slightly altering her location, but her general location is here to stay. Defeating her also gets you access to a real upgrade now - the Weighted Boots! As you can imagine, the Weighted Boots allow Alicia to sink in water rather than floating, allowing for underwater exploration at long last. It comes at the cost of reduced mobility though; while underwater, Alicia can't dash or slide, and she moves slightly slower, so you'll have to be careful when traversing underwater areas. There's no breath meter to worry about though, so you can take your time and explore freely.

Lastly, I have two NSFW things to show off, a teaser for the Slime CG rework Red is doing, and a comparison shot of the Alraune BE H-scene Orexius just finished reworking.

View attachment 530220 The CG isn't finished just yet, there's still some work to be done on it (the original colors were too desaturated, and Red is out of town right now so I had to up the saturation values myself - the final colors won't be the exact same as this), but it's nearly done and hopefully you'll agree with me that it looks absolutely fantastic.

Aside from that, here's the H-scene comparison:

View attachment 530221

View attachment 530222

I'm sure you'll agree with me that it's one HELL of a glow up; Orexius really outdid himself with this scene.

Before I go, I do want to mention that I'm making a slight update to stream schedules - my sleeping schedule is still all sorts of whack, I'm not waking up at consistent times at all. I'm most productive early in the day, so naturally when I wake up earlier, streaming at 5 pm EST is very difficult for me; because of that, I'm going to scrap the idea of having specific times for the streams. We'll still be streaming Monday/Wednesday/Friday, but the time will change depending on the day. I'd like to fix my sleeping schedule and get some consistency, but for the time being I just gotta make due with what I've got, super sorry for any inconvenience this causes!

Alright, that's all I have for this week. Thanks so much for the support, everyone! v0.38 is shaping up nicely and I'm having a great time working on it, can't wait to get it in your hands!
I 3000% like this alot more than the old one. The old one is good to but this is way more than good
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May 12, 2018
Now we're talking on the new CG for the slime, i like it! has that "Alicia Struggles to wring the slime off of her" as to what the first CG for the slime lacks, in my opinion it looked like she was just dumped into a pool of slime, this one she's struggling with the slime and her pose looks better, not that the first CG wasn't great, this one is just new so i'm more interested in seeing this.

Are you planning to Renew all of your CG to the same work you're doing with the slime's CG? I like how you're showing her full body up on this CG (from Head to her boots) hopefully if you're planning to re-do most or all of the CGs in the game maybe make it a full body one, with a cool background with it so its the full packaged.

EDIT: I've read the patreon update on your patreon site, now i know you're going to rework most of the CGs or make a new one, maybe you could also change the pose and how the tentacles handle Alicia? (The purple Tentacles that sprouts out of the ground) like 2 tentacles bends and squeezes Alicia's legs while spreading it to reveal what's hiding underneath her panties, then the tentacle would slowly make its way by rubbing, caressing until she gets wet and then the tentacle violently rips her underwear and thrusts in on Alicia rapidly, similar to the first one she makes an expression (not ahegao) that looks like she was gritting not in pain but because a surge of pleasure flow through her legs in ecstasy then slowly her face blushes and her gritting fades slowly, then she bites her lip gently (without showing her teeth) as the Tentacles rapidly thrusts inside her, most of these expression should have her eyes closed with the look like she's having her mind go blank.
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Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
I'm sorry, but you're mistaken on a few things here - the CG is consensual for one, so Alicia isn't struggling against it. I do agree that the pose is more interesting, but for the most part I try to avoid dramatic changes when remaking CGs, since that often means changing the writing and voice acting (which means more money, more time, and more effort that could all be spent on NEW content instead), and I don't want to drastically change something that might've been someone's favorite CG before. The reason we did it with the Slime CG is because the new artist, Red, did a bunch of sketches just for fun, and we ended up liking that one so much that we took it to a poll, and our Patrons voted 4:1 in favor of the new pose.

More importantly, though, I stated after we brought Red on board that we're NOT having him redo every CG. We're redoing all of LustFire's CGs, but our previous artist was also working on replacing those before he left the team, so there are only a couple of those old CGs left (Slimes, Edovex, and Warped Sentry). All of the art that was already done by Kuso (Tentacles, Warped Soldier, Warped Scientist, Alraune, Poison Alraune, Spooky Starlets, Lurker) will not be getting reworked again, so they're here to stay - and as I explained above, with the remaining reworks I don't plan on having any dramatic changes. The Slime is the one changing the most, but we only decided to go with the new pose because all of the existing voice acting and such could remain intact, I just need to write some new narration dialogue to go with the pose change, so the opportunity cost is very low overall


Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
I'm curious how much performance is affected by the new environment effects.
Shouldn't be affected at all, really. It's all very low-impact stuff. The biggest performance change recently was the dynamic water, and that should actually perform better than the old water used to, thanks to me having more programming knowledge now than I did back then
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Mar 16, 2018
I can assure you the spot in the camp is very much reachable. As for the others, I'll fix them for our next Patreon release
Got a newer version of the game, and i'm midway through another playthrough. it's nice to have a dev that'll listen to the community! i've noticed most of the spots i mentioned on the map have been fixed! but i did notice how hard i derped on that one corner in the base ;-;. anyway, love the game, good work. i hope to see more in future! gl.
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Oct 17, 2017
Just finished a playthrough myself to test out my new pad, definitely had fun but I do have a gameplay related question. In the final version will there be any form of set order to where you have to go biome wise? Because after the summit it seems to direct you towards the catacombs rather than the deep soil after that door unlocks unlike in older versions.

I don't have a lot of experience on metroidvania style games, so I was just wondering about it, since the catacombs connect to the bottom of the deep soil in the version I played and there was a poison alraune down there to fight and had the voice acting for after defeating it.


Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Just finished a playthrough myself to test out my new pad, definitely had fun but I do have a gameplay related question. In the final version will there be any form of set order to where you have to go biome wise? Because after the summit it seems to direct you towards the catacombs rather than the deep soil after that door unlocks unlike in older versions.

I don't have a lot of experience on metroidvania style games, so I was just wondering about it, since the catacombs connect to the bottom of the deep soil in the version I played and there was a poison alraune down there to fight and had the voice acting for after defeating it.
There is a set progression for most of the game, yes, but there are moments of semi-nonlinearity where there are multiple paths you can go down. The spot you're talking about is one such path; you need to get both the Kilogrip (from the Deep Soil) and the Flare Shot (from the Catacombs) to progress further in the story, but which order you get them in is completely up to you. After you get the Dash, you can go to the Deep Soil right away, or continue up the Summit to kill the boss there, which grants you access to the Catacombs.

That said, if you were able to access the Poison Alraune near the bottom of the map, then there is an oversight there - you're supposed to need the Kilogrip to get to that section of the map, so I must have overlooked or forgotten something in the level design. Thanks for pointing it out!


Oct 17, 2017
That said, if you were able to access the Poison Alraune near the bottom of the map, then there is an oversight there - you're supposed to need the Kilogrip to get to that section of the map, so I must have overlooked or forgotten something in the level design. Thanks for pointing it out!
Whoops, I guess I wasn't very clear. I had the kilogrip and the flare shot and got into the area of the deep soil from the catacombs itself. I hope I didn't cause any problems for you Anon, like I said I don't have a lot of experience with metroidvanias and after I beat the second poison Alraune it played the conversation.

The only reason I really asked was because of the door opening up after beating the sentient tar. I've only played maybe five Metroidvania type games not counting Crisis Point Extinction, and even then wandering off the beaten path only ever led to optional bonuses and equipment, so I thought that storywise the flow had been adjusted to head into the catacombs before the deep soil.
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4.60 star(s) 29 Votes