I don't like it when a developer "likes" a baseless critique of a potential "customer". You want more input, well you can have it.
I have been a programmer for decades - not while punch cards still reigned, but shortly after. We had no fancy tools like workbenches or libraries. We did it all ourselves: input checks, date checks and anything else that needed to be done. I worked with binary (or hexadecimal dumps) and I served my customers well and successfull.
After retiring I have enjoyed myself with several games. On the adult side I enjoyed text games written for TADS or Adrift or other stuff. Those games were pretty advanced and complex. Often better and more advanced than ANYTHING available here, while at the same time without optics. If done right, such games can be a lot of fun and very entertaining.
Because of this experience I don't like it when a developer decides to switch to something that is easier and does not really know what this easier way really means to his own possibilities (like being told in this thread which options the new environment really entails). The first obligation and interest of any developer should be to create something entertaining and good (no matter which style he chooses). Anything else is subpar. Too often I have to drop games for myself from this source because the developers put new stuff in and stop improving the game, which means errors start to grow without ever being fixed.
If dissatisfaction grows to a certain threshhold, I stop caring. Usually my previous comment would be enough, but I'm pissed off by fans and developer. Thus I make an exception here.
And don't start to tell me, I could do something myself. Sure, I could, but why should I. I'm retired and look for entertainment.
And now: goodbye and have fun the easy way. I'm off to nice games and honest developers and "customers"!