Also looking for a walkthrough - stumbled through a few events, searched this thread for a few answers, but I've looped through the same basic day like a dozen times now.
I put sleeping pills in rachel's drink by the pool at midnight, spent the next day hiding in her room hoping to witness her punishment from Susan but no luck. Hiding in Rachel's room has never advanced anything for me - I have no idea why it's there right now. How do I see that BDSM scene? Do I peek? Do I knock? At what time? How do I use the boat's manual to set off the alarm?
Is there no way to put sunscreen on Emily? Couldn't find any images of it using UnRen so I guess it isn't there yet, but the game really doesn't make that clear (especially when other paths are clearly blocked off, like for example Dr. Linda in her bathing suit at night, or some random revenge quest for Emily against Chloe).
Chloe has faked being sick 8 times and it's identical every time - I thought maybe she'd get more into it with each sick day/spanking session, but no such luck. I have no idea how to push that quest forward. Chloe's additional punishments are just buried in the game and after many hours I still have no idea how to get them.
I found images of a massage scene with the doctor but I haven't a clue how that happens. My relationship with the doctor hasn't changed at all for hours.
All of these frustrations could easily be fixed by a walkthrough, perhaps made available to $5 patrons or something. Even just a weekly schedule would be super useful. I really like this game but getting stuck is such a let down.