Even worse, this bug still persists to this day in Ver 2.6. It looks like this bug locks down the Transformation command as well, so the recent complaints of being unable to transform after doing the Golden Apple/Mandragora Fruit quest, and hell, the Jewel of Poseidon quest as well, will be completely shut down since you NEED to cross the bridge to progress the virgin good ending Relic questline.
HOWEVER! This is an easy fix tbh. First, make sure that you activate one of the teleport gates that are on the other side of the bridge, Anvil for example. Next take your save to Save Editor, and change Variable #41 to 490 or 495, because bug reset that variable to 30, this is the Empire Questline variable. 490/495 is generally where you should be to cross over the bridge and into Anvil in search for the first artifact.
DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT CROSS THE BRIDGE AFTER YOU FIX IT, THE VARIABLE WILL RESET TO 30 AGAIN IF YOU DO. USE THE TELEPORTERS. It's an easy fix, but it gets annoying if you forget. And as always. ALWAYS KEEP A SPARE SAVE.
Smaller hint: Press the V or B key so you can set up your appearance sets. You have 9 slots each. The V key is for looks only, which means you can switch between each of the Patreon cosplay sets on the fly if you set them up. The B key is your equipment set and even has an auto set for when you wanna transform back to normal form.