Sorry, bad news. As i wrote, this "AIO" package is a one-way release. No upgrade path without removing all mods as I described in my guide. I would advice using CMI (Com Modular Installer) but that needs an updated Base Game - and this borks this release, as long as you did not the clean-up steps as I wrote in my guide. Even then there will remain a lot of Japanese dlc, which makes it a "mess" in my eyes. That was the reason I discouraged from using that release.
Even I like to help I will not further support a version that I not even use nor that I can recommend.
Bite the Bullet, and use the better release package
This is the better choice, upgradable and fully supported by the release team.
Much fun!
As I wrote, the guide was meant to help people out to make that release starting at least. BUT I will not invest more time , as the limitations of that release renders all work useless earlier or later....