Others Completed CUSTOM ORDER MAID 3D2 It's a Night Magic [Final +DLC] [KISS]

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Active Member
Jan 3, 2018
those are already old. I'll have to update the link with the new versions that are still a work in progress. I don't really know if that AP148 patch is good to have since it's from the japanese side of development and they do things differently. The english side of development community works on actually fixing the plugins so they shouldn't depend on an external patch. For now you should remove DirectPorori plugin and update ModLoader to 1.7.1. Those should be enough to get the game running. No idea what the GearMenu fix is since I don't have any problem with it.


Active Member
Jan 3, 2018
If you didn't read the warnings and updated blindly to 1.48 here's a little status update on what has been done so far to fix the plugins

Work in progress plugins for 1.48. They are not compatible with previous game version so DO NOT install them on 1.47.1 if you don't want to also update the game yet.


ModMenuAccel: fixed with ModLoader ver 1.7.1
EditMenuFilter: fixed ver (REMEMBER TO DELETE THE OLD "CM3D2.EditMenuFilter.Plugin.dll" from "Sybaris/UnityInjector/")
DirectPorori: completely broken. Remove it from Sybaris/UnityInjector
: fixed ver
SceneCapture: fixed ver
ACCex : fixed ver
MultipleMaids : fixed ver 23.1.3. Compatible with GP-01fb. They're still working on it.
MaidVoicePitch : fixed for GP-01fb

OPTIONAL (recommended)

AP148Patch v2: A targeted patch for fixing just some plugins:
-EditMenuFilter.Plugin (*was fixed officially in ver No need for this patch)
-Not compatible with modified MultipleMaids which you are using
-Not recommended because it is useless now. Will be archived.
NPR shader: fixed ver (Updated for 1.48. Now it has a UI)
CacheEditMenu: fixed ver 1.2. This one is optional. Remove it if you make a lot of changes to the Mod folder.
MaidFiddler: fixed ver Update it when you start it.
Gear Menu fix: Says something about offsetting the hit boxes. Will be archived.

If you updated to 1.48 and get a lot of red error messages at startup, even after installing the updated plugins, you may have to remove the old Sybaris/BepInEx AIO and reinstall it from scratch.
If you reinstall the Sybaris/BepInEx AIO, apply the plugin updates for 1.48 and then run the game.
Delete the old plugins marked in RED.
Probably will take another week or two before everything gets fixed. Then will come the fixes for the broken mods.

UPDATE: It is technically safe to update to 1.48 and GP-01fb at this point since most of the plugins are now fixed but you should expect the unexpected and you may encounter undocumented bugs. Some face mods (mostly HGS mods) are broken now so your maids won't display correctly and you'll have to update or recreate the presets yourself.

[30.06.2020][15:30 GMT]

EDIT: Use BepInEx AIO R3.3 or latest CMI from discord (see the , Step 3)
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Active Member
Jan 3, 2018
First install latest official update
Then I believe this is the which adds the adult content to the base game (torrent alternative )
Get and install it

To get uncensor and everything else for English version
>Remove any patch you installed from this thread
>Go to
>Use the search bar
>Type in "COM Modular Installer"
>Download it and install with the preset "English Game Version AIO-Like"
>Check the cleaning tasks that you believe are necessary depending on how much you think you screwed up

I can't test any of this because I use the Japanese version so I can't offer any support
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Dec 13, 2018
First install latest official update
Then I believe this is the which adds the adult content to the base game
Get GP-01 DLC and install it

To get uncensor and everything else for English version
>Remove any patch you installed from this thread
>Go to
>Use the search bar
>Type in "COM Modular Installer" and click on first result
>Download it and install with the preset "English Game Version AIO-Like"
>Check the cleaning tasks that you believe are necessary depending on how much you think you screwed up

I can't test any of this because I use the Japanese version so I can't offer any support
So, if i follow ur instruction, i dl the game, i got the fresh files, i go to discord server i take "COM Modular installer" and i use it to patch my game ? After that i got all the game with dlc ?


Active Member
Jan 3, 2018
if you install all the dlc from the pastebin, then yes. I have no idea if that pastebin has all the dlc nor what other dlc is available for the english version because I don't use it and I don't care enough to google it.


Mar 29, 2020
First install latest official update
Then I believe this is the which adds the adult content to the base game
Get GP-01 DLC and install it

To get uncensor and everything else for English version
>Remove any patch you installed from this thread
>Go to
>Use the search bar
>Type in "COM Modular Installer" and click on first result
>Download it and install with the preset "English Game Version AIO-Like"
>Check the cleaning tasks that you believe are necessary depending on how much you think you screwed up

I can't test any of this because I use the Japanese version so I can't offer any support
Sorry to ask,but is there a torrent download of the R-18 patch instead? I have slow internet so I can't really download it via normal Download(Google chrome)


May 24, 2020
GP-02 is not release for english version ?
if i checked the internet correctly the japanese version is better in all points except for hard drive space.

Updates for the english version might be not that seldom but they pale in comparison to the japanese version.

From what i read, in lolzwetrust posted a solid guide on page 55 in this thread on what to do.
Provided you use torrents. Cuz nobody is offering a 150gb+ download on nopy and other hosts.
You also might want to wait for all the plugins to be optimized for 1.48.

Then again: i never downloaded and played this game. Just got curious how deep the rabbit hole goes. And trust me: It's deeper than yo momma. jk :)
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Dec 13, 2018
if you install all the dlc from the pastebin, then yes. I have no idea if that pastebin has all the dlc nor what other dlc is available for the english version because I don't use it and I don't care enough to google it.
Some links in pastebin are dead, the "google drive" links
The GP01 ans Yotogi class vol.1

Edit: i got that with the " Personality Pack Naturally sadistic Limited Edition"
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Active Member
Jan 3, 2018
no wonder you get error with that insanely long path. Windows is probably 64bit and has no problem reading the path but the dlc installer is a 32bit app and limited to 260 characters. Also do not install from/to downloads folder because it is restricted for security reasons. Install the game to a proper path such as D:\KISS\COM3D. Make sure the game folder is not read only. Right click -> Properties -> uncheck read only


Dec 13, 2018
no wonder you get error with that insanely long path. Windows is probably 64bit and has no problem reading the path but the dlc installer is a 32bit app and limited to 260 characters. Also do not install from/to downloads folder because it is restricted for security reasons. Install the game to a proper path such as D:\KISS\COM3D. Make sure the game folder is not read only. Right click -> Properties -> uncheck read only
Okay, thx bro it's working.
my bad for the long path ^^


Dec 10, 2017
Here is what I did to get started:
1. Open the ISO in win10 (double click it, and then open the drive it mounted to, don't run the exe)
2. Open the darksiders.bin file with 7zip
3. Copy the com3d2inm folder to where ever you want it (I put it on my desktop)
4. Grab the DLC from Google Drive
5. Extract the large one and replace the files (exclude replacing the exe's)
6. Grab the sybaris from: and copy them over
7. Run COM3D2x64.exe and enjoy, if the autotranslate errors bother you just disable the plugin.

I didn't need to crack it or anything...
Bless you bro. People like you r a blessing. Have nice days.


May 24, 2020
So uhm does anyone know if the impossible happened?

From this page:

■Memorial Costume for Extreme Sadist Release

Thank you for your continued support for COM3D2.
Our community has grown to over 2,000 members, and we’re glad to see you're enjoying COM3D2 more and more!

So, we are currently developing the personality pack “Extreme Sadist,” following Sweet Little Devil.
…We’ll be able to release it before the end of the summer, so stay tuned!

To celebrate this release, "Memorial Costume for Extreme Sadist Release" will be made for the overseas market ahead of the Japanese market!
In addition, as a user-participation program, we are going to conduct a survey on the costume!
We've created three designs for you, so please vote in the survey form on Facebook!
Your votes will determine which costume will be created!

The selected costume will be distributed as "Memorial Costume for Extreme Sadist Release"!
The survey is open for 10 days from now until Monday, July 6th!

Your vote will determine the Extreme Sadist’s costume! Please vote!

So uhm... Did they really created something and simultaneously release on International and Japaneses?
I know that the costume is even International first which is crazy considering it is japan we are talking about.

So they created a personality (Major game update if I read it correctly) and they are NOT putting it japanese first?
Will this really happen? Cuz it's kinda unprecedented with those japanese game creators.
4.00 star(s) 9 Votes