I played only the 5th and then the 4th and then I dabbled in the one about you being a private eye whose wife got kidnapped by slave traders.
But the 4th game is inplayable because theres so many untranslated options that its a pain in the arse to play.
The private eye one, I dont think I even got to the first slave part yet. I think I just checked if it worked with the translation and forgot about it XD (I have about 200 gb worth of installed hentai games, and 80 gb of installation files,. not counting the about 200gb of hentai games I havent organized into folders and are still sticking around in my downloads folder).
Though to be fair, my favorite games developer might be Eushully, I love their mix of Strategy game, slave trainer and hentai.
I wish their newest game would get translated, fuck the story, but damn I want to play it.. Building a town, invading other countries and shit? Thats pretty awesome.
I should look for the Space strategy game I played a while back, thats fully translated, its about you being a Starship commander and dealing with diplomacy in the universe, each country has their own star system. (Europe, Russia etc), and you either invade their star systems, taking them for yourself, or deal with them diplomatically.