Unity Cyber Rift [v0.2.8b] [Cyber Owl Games]

4.40 star(s) 5 Votes


Game Developer
Mar 5, 2021
Also one more thing, we know we had a ton of complaints on the original player character model and we made a huge effort to improve that as well as the other characters to give a better feel. Each character has been redesigned from the ground up to have more personality and we hope you enjoy them!


For comparison here was the old player model:


(we think it's a big improvement!)


Game Developer
Mar 5, 2021
We just made a Public News post on our platforms, figured I'd post here!

Public News: Build Status and Cool Things Coming

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TLDR: Game is being expanded with more rooms/levels, objectives, and NSFW scenes

Hey everyone! Things have really been getting on track lately, and we're getting close to where we need to be. The saving/loading issue has been fixed, but right now we're working on a lot of expanded features due to the conversion. What this means is we're currently redesigning the ship layout to be far more expansive than before, and allow players to be able to click to any room they want in the ship from the handy map!

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(Current WIP of ship layout that jumps to each room)

The ship has expanded to be 3 floors (including rooms like a hangar!) , and we'll be adding rooms that will be opened in the future. Biggest thing is we want the game workable and playable sooner rather than later, but we're super focused on making sure the foundation for future content is properly done so we don't need to redo everything again. We've also expanded functionality where there will be actual objectives for the player to complete, and we're working on having detailed objectives in game so players will be able to discover locations and figure out things on their own without being explicitly told what to do. Biggest thing is we don't want the game to feel like you just click a few buttons and then bam you're done. Objectives will make sense based on the situation, and we're going to be adding 3 more NSFW scenes into the build when we properly release.

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(WIP of new Left Hallway from map above)

This time we really wanted to correct all the issues from the initial rework, and once it's complete it'll be the basis going forward. This build will expand the story from the initial build that was Chapter 1 Part 1 to Part 2, and we'll make sure that it feels satisfying to play through it. Features that we're aiming include once it's finished:

-Fully converted to Adventure Creator for Point and Click navigation

-Saving/Loading fixed

-Inventory system

-Objectives and streamlined quests

-Newly expanded ship and navigation with brand new backgrounds

-New music!

-3 NSFW scenes

We don't currently have an ETA, but we're aiming for it to be functional and playable hopefully be end of December. All the art will most likely take longer, but we're gonna let patrons play earlier! We're also really not a fan of keeping you guys waiting, but the initial saving/loading issue really tanked progression for us build wise but we really do think this new version will help alleviate future issues in that regard. On one final note, we're currently working on a brand new logo and we're hoping to show that off to you guys very soon!


Game Developer
Mar 5, 2021
Small News Update: We got a new logo!


We've been working on getting a brand new logo for Cyber Rift for a little while now, and finally have the finished result! We're still hard at work on the build but wanted to give you a small peak at things to come with this brand new logo!

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We've also updated the roadmap slightly with the new logo, we'll be posting a status update soon but wanted to keep you guys posted sooner rather than later. Build wise it's going really well and we'll have news to tell you guys very soon.



Game Developer
Mar 5, 2021
Also wanted to show off a bit of the functionality we're aiming for. Currently we're trying to make it a proper point and click, and stuff like the player's room will be able to be properly cleaned by the player like so:

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Now Clean!

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Game Developer
Mar 5, 2021
News Update: Big Progress and Status Updates

TLDR: Progress and Dates to look forward to:
-Aiming for build to be functional by end of December (without all art/nsfw scenes done)
-Fully functional with dialogue throughout and most art complete for mid to late January

Hey everyone, we've been working really hard on the new build these past few months. We had some unfortunate issues where the coder we had threw in the towel about 1.5 months ago, but we're now back on track and things are starting to go smoothly again! Biggest thing is creating proper functionality with the new features, and currently we've figured out a new structure for how new content and features are going to be developed. A good example is the player room, where we've been able to make it so each option within the room for cleaning can now be individually clicked and the player can now fully clean the room!

(Before Cleaning)
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(After Cleaning)
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After extensive testing we're now able to confirm the saving/loading issue has been fully resolved, and our current focus is getting every objective the player has to complete functional, and creating a streamlined route for players to progress through. In terms of art we're still heaving focused on getting each of the new hallways and rooms done, but at the rate we're currently going we believe that we can get the build functional (as in all the progression without dialogue) by the end of the month. This means our patrons will hopefully be able to play the build without all the bells and whistles early January. We know it's been a longtime coming, and we've had many issues along the way, but we're resolved to get the game working and get all you patrons and new fans alike the best experience we can make!


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Current goals for releases:

-Functional by end of December (without all art/nsfw scenes done)
-Fully functional with dialogue throughout and most art complete for mid to late January

Also we wanted to list what we're working on still background wise for full transparency. These are all the backgrounds we will be featuring in game, as well as future ones, so if you want to go in completely blind don't read. Overall we're very excited for the future of Cyber Rift, and we wanted to be clear where we're currently at. We'll keep you guys posted, and hopefully the next patron update will be something playable!


Maps for ship floors

-Floor 1
-Floor 2
-Floor 3

Ship Art Done/Doing Floor 1:
-Recroom Hallway
-Gym Hallway
-Recroom (needs improving)
-Kitchen (future)
-Gym (future)
-Bar (future)
-Greenhouse (future)

Ship Art Done/Doing Floor 2:
-Left Hallway
-Right Hallway
-Bathroom Hallway
-Cockpit Hallway
-Plant Area
-Bathroom (needs improving)
-Player Bedroom
-Everie Bedroom (Needs improving)
-Fae Bedroom (future)
-Elsie Bedroom (future)
-Spare Bedroom (future x2)
-Command Center (future)
-Medbay (future)

Ship Art Done/Doing Floor 3:
-Hangar Hallway
-Engineering Hallway
-Engine room (future)
-Fae Lab (improving but prob future)
-Generator room (perfecto)
-Hangar (future)

Jukarya Art:
-Junky Landing area
-Junky small pile
-Part for generator

Forgaris Art:
-Landing Area
-Mountain Area
-Inside lab


NSFW Scenes

-Everie forgets she's not wearing a bra (in her doorway)
-Fae Doctor Inspection (in her lab)
-Fae towel slipup (in bathroom)

Cyberia -Planet approach

For all the latest developments check out our links!



Game Developer
Mar 5, 2021
Small update, progress has been going really well! Looks like we're hitting our goal of functional by the end of the month, then hopefully midway we'll get all the art and extra dialogue implemented. Once all of it's sorted and the 3 NSFW scenes are finished we'll be making the build public!

As a bit of teaser here's a new feature we're working on where when you get a close up view of the character before dialogue happens!

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Game Developer
Mar 5, 2021
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Public News: Developments and Release Dates

TLDR: Patron build in the next two weeks, public build aiming for end of January early February! (depending on art being finished)

So got some really exciting news today: we've managed to hit our internal goals and we're currently aiming for some close release dates! Today we wanted to show off a little bit of what we're working on, and explain a bit of the differences you can expect with the build once it's released.

New inventory system which you can select items and use throughout the game!

With the conversion to a proper adventure game using the new Adventure Creator tool, we were able to implement an inventory system into the game! Though the initial implementation will only be a few items at first, over the course of the updates we'll be adding more and more different items for the player to use across brand new environments and locations. We're aiming to make the interactions interesting, so definitely try to use the wrong item every so often to see what can happen! One way the player will acquire these items is through an item shop, and though we aren't quite ready to talk about that today and show it off, we wanted to let you guys know that it is on the way!

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New close up dialogue options and interactions for characters in scenes

The biggest difference with Cyber Rift being converted fully into an adventure game is that now the game requires you to look around the environment and find interesting interactions throughout. Previously the game focused more on the visual novel aspect through conversations, but we wanted to focus on allowing players to explore the environment and get to discover new and fun stuff. As we progress through the builds we'll be adding small USB sticks throughout that will add whole new pinup sketches to collect (gallery feature still WIP but it's on the way!). This build is primarily focused on being a foundational build, and although it will have a lot of fun features we're going to be expanding upon them heavily as we move on!

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Preview of the right hallway and DD-9's charging station

Currently the next updates are already planned once this new build is released. Content wise this will be a big improvement over the previous version, and we're already getting ready to add more content as soon as we're sure the version we've released public is fully stable. After this version content will be produced at a more constant and dependable rate, and we'll have a detailed post outlining our new plans once the builds released! Thanks again everyone for your support and we're really looking forward to giving you guys amazing content this year!

PS: After the build releases we'll be doing a retrospective on our old art and how we've changed in the past two years!


Game Developer
Mar 5, 2021
We released our first technical build for the rework yesterday! It's currently shaping up well, but we're gonna be heavily focused on polishing it and fixing any small issues before we end up releasing public. If you can't wait for the public build you can play on our Patreon, but we def recommend giving us a bit longer to polish and get some of the features we're aiming for. Here's the list of stuff we've included in the build that we did on the most recent patron post:

New Features:

-Full conversion into a point and click adventure
-Ship has been redesigned from top to bottom to allow for exploration
-Inventory system and puzzles using new items
-Redesigned character interactions and story progression
-Over 20 new backgrounds
-4 New music tracks
-Brand new UI
-Foundation for reworked story (this will be heavily iterated on in the next 3 weeks)
-New WIP Currency and Phone UI buttons with access to shop (shop is still WIP)

Our current focus:
-Removal of placeholder dialogue and fixing existing scenes
-Finish new maps for all three floors on the ship
-Finish all backgrounds across the ship (cockpit hallway, hangar hallway, and others)
-3 NSFW scenes (currently in progress and our artist is focused on finishing them to the highest standard)
-Several new character expressions and poses (will be added next week)
-Fully reworked dialogue (will be a huge focus)
-Several backgrounds need to be fixed resolution wise (bathroom hallway, bathroom, recroom)
-Adding a lot more character dialogue throughout

Features to come (we'll be adding these as soon as they're ready!)
-Basic UI shop through phone (in the game but needs work)
-Objective system and way to track progress
-More dialogue across the various interactions
-Gallery accessible through player's room
-Cyberia Teaser

We also have a small announcement: we have a new writer! They'll be helping fix up dialogue and heavily develop backstory for every aspect of Cyber Rift going forward (this build was made before they got involved so dialogue is not final!) Currently we're focused on getting the foundations done, but once we feel rock solid we already have the next few updates planned! We're going to be spending at least a month polishing and fixing this build, so keep an eye out for all the progress in the next few weeks. We'll give more news on future stuff once this build is as strong as possible, and we're looking forward to what kind of reactions we'll get!


Game Developer
Mar 5, 2021
So small progress update. So far we've been focused on dealing with feedback we've gotten for the build. Biggest thing is people want clearer directions, so we've been working on implementing a new Objectives system. It's looking like this so far:

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So far very WIP, but the idea behind it is to show active objective and the room that you need to go to in order to get the objective done. Gonna be implementing this with the existing systems and really focus on polishing.
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Reactions: YouShallNotLol


Game Developer
Mar 5, 2021
So far build has really been on track for mid february! We're giving patrons a build without the NSFW scenes tmw, and that build will be featuring the new working system for Objectives. Here's what it's currently looking like:





Game Developer
Mar 5, 2021
Wanted to make a post here showing what we've been doing so far. Feedback has been extremely helpful so far! This build is all about adding the brand new objective system, as well as fixing a bunch of small bugs. After feedback with this build we will be 100% focused on finishing all dialogue and fixing any small portraits/character poses not appearing correctly. Here's our current progress:

Bugs Fixed:
-Fae appearing when not supposed to in Cockpit has been fixed (we think)
-Spare room next to player room is now named correctly. Room name changes to Everie's room after objective completed.
-Forgaris is now named "Unknown Planet" on galaxy map until the name has been revealed.
-Fixed an issue with Junky's conversation that would cause cursor to randomly disappear
-Fixed an issue that would let player continue to go into their room after Fae kicks them out for the night
-Fixed an issue that caused Fae's Lab dialogue to not trigger if player cleaned the spare room earlier than needed.

Features added this build:
-Added a bunch of backgrounds to replace placeholder/sketches
-Brand new WIP objective system (FEEDBACK REALLY NEEDED)
-Brand new UI for objective button as well as active objective UI during gameplay

Our current focus:
-Removal of placeholder dialogue and fixing existing scenes
-Finish new maps for all three floors on the ship
-Finish all backgrounds across the ship (only a few more remain)
-3 NSFW scenes (currently in progress and our artist is focused on finishing them to the highest standard)
-Several new character expressions and poses
-Fully reworked dialogue (will be a huge focus)
-Adding a lot more character dialogue throughout
-Basic UI shop through phone (in the game but needs work)
-More dialogue across the various interactions
-Gallery accessible through player's room
-Cyberia Teaser


Game Developer
Mar 5, 2021
We've been plugging away at feedback and been have extremely appreciative for what everyone's been saying with the builds! Squashing bugs introduced from the last build, as well as improving overall interactions across the game, this build is mainly focused on improving and fixing issues that have held on for a while. Dialogue has been getting steadily improved, however we wanted to make sure all the new character sprites were integrated correctly before going too hard on that. Here's our current progress:

Bugs Fixed:
-Fixed numerous issues with the new objective system, most progression is working but still needs testing!
-Fixed a number of issues with sprites not fully appearing correctly (this is still something being worked on but it's already improved a ton)
-Fixed an issue where Everie was appearing in the hallway early
-Fixed an issue where Fae was appearing in the cockpit early
-Fixed an issue where objectives weren't being removed correctly when the room was cleaned out of order
-Fixed an issue with Everie's room cleaning causing dialogue for Fae's door to appear early
-Fixed an issue sprite positions for certain conversations (still being improved)
-Fixed an issue where Everie's door scene was appearing early
-Fixed an issue with galaxy map showing the name of the unknown planet too early

Features added this build:
-A bunch more dialogue has been added but is still being worked on, but feedback is always appreciated!
-A whole load of new faces have been added to each character (aside from Junky but that's for future) and have been incorporated into some dialogue (will be added throughout but focus was functionality)
-New icons for interacting with objects
-Sound effects! (not all are matched perfectly but the player's room in particular has a sound effect for each item picked up)
-Finish all backgrounds across the ship (we could still use feedback on them so if you have any issues with direction let us know!)

Our current focus:
-Removal of placeholder dialogue and fixing existing scenes
-Finish new maps for all three floors on the ship
-3 NSFW scenes (currently in progress and our artist is focused on finishing them to the highest standard)
-Several new character expressions and poses
-Fully reworked dialogue (will be a huge focus)
-Adding a lot more character dialogue throughout
-Basic UI shop through phone (in the game but needs work)
-More dialogue across the various interactions
-Gallery accessible through player's room
-Cyberia Teaser


Active Member
Jun 4, 2019
It is so sad to see no engagement at all on your game. Where is the public builds to keep the influx of people and fans?
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Reactions: ZeRAWDOG


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Reactions: ZeRAWDOG


Game Developer
Mar 5, 2021
Hmm Tagged as Ren'py, but, game is Unity.
So we actually used to be a RenPy game! We completely reworked the build and ended up converting it to Unity, I just don't really know how to change the thread but I wanted to keep it up to date by posting here :)


Game Developer
Mar 5, 2021
It is so sad to see no engagement at all on your game. Where is the public builds to keep the influx of people and fans?
So we're actually working on getting a public build out this month! Still a lot of bug fixing and getting art assets out, but we'll be posting a public build before the end of February. We completely converted from the initial RenPy version, and the again after feedback from the Newgrounds version, so this one is going to be a very big difference in terms of gameplay and content.
4.40 star(s) 5 Votes