
Jul 16, 2019
Oh yeah? And what part of that was emotional, hm? No one asked what you liked and I'm going to do you a favor and assume you're not some narcissistic wannabe internet kingboi who thinks what they want should trump a dev's creative vision or other people's opinions.
You make a lot of assumptions. I surely don't know you, but I do think you need therapy.

(I will ignore the rest of the offenses because really, that's a you problem. I do think you seem quite challenged and emotional from your posts, but sure I don't want to make personal feelings part of the argument)

The dev is clearly milking his supporters and has zero intention of finishing anything anytime soon, so it's a moot point.
This is one of the best games out here and it's progress seems acceptable as far as I'm concerned. The content has been amazing so far. Amazing artwork, good story, good gameplay. I just hope it keeps going in the right direction -- and gay content is not it for me. What is your problem with this?
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Jul 16, 2019
Next is beastiality
Some of my favorite adult games involve bestiality. Bones Tales and Peasant's Quest for instance. I'm not a big fan either, for both I keep bestiality turned off.

For both I'd rather that the dev didn't put their time on those kinks. That said, gay/trans/futa is a bigger turn off for me, only NTR comes close.
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Jul 16, 2019
Waaahhhh the gays are taking our games

Waaahhhh every single second of the dev's existence must cater to only my fetishes
You guys are the ones crying. But yeah, I'd love if my favorite authors sticked to the genres I like reading , if that's what you mean by "cater".

Thankfully Tolkien never tried his hand on romantic comedy -- and if he did, I wouldn't feel forced to like it. Why are you guys acting like heterosexuals should be forced to like gay porn?
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Jul 25, 2020
I hadn't even said anything, I just like mocking entitledness

And a fetish is not a genre, how do you even think up this shit before writing it


Jul 16, 2019
I hadn't even said anything, I just like mocking entitledness

And a fetish is not a genre, how do you even think up this shit before writing it
Fetishes are classifications and belong in categories. Genres are categories. You guys really are agressive, for some reason.

If a game has fetishes I don't like, I won't play. If a book belongs to a genre I don't care for, I won't read. Capisci?
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May 17, 2020
There are certainly a few very sus posters in here trying to encourage the gay shit for some reason. Not sure why, this game has been around for a long time and while it has always had lolis and even a hint of beast (for example the cow milking) there has never been any non lesbian gay content. Why the fuck should they add something like that now when clearly nobody in the fan base was ever playing for that kind of content and a large portion of those fans would maybe even drop the game if that kind of content started getting added?

Most games of this sort know they can cross certain lines but not that line.

Horrible strategical mistake being pushed by trolls and some very questionable posters. Certainly smells of ulterior motives but personally I lost most interest in this game a while ago as it lacks direction and they keep introducing characters without adding content for the others. All this will do is further enhance that problem so I guess they've learned nothing lol.


Active Member
Apr 15, 2019
Fetishes belong in categories. Genres are categories. You guys really are agressive, for some reason.

If a game has fetishes I don't like, I won't play. If a book belongs to a genre I don't care for, I won't read. Capisci?
That's not exactly true. There are no categories for fetishes in the same vein that there are no categories for phobias. It's just that people have gotten so use to generalizing EVERYTHING that they have made a fetish mean roughly the same as a genre. But every single fetish is a singular thing. There are no groups.

For instance, BDSM is a genre/category of sexual interest. BDSM have fetishes that are typically involved within it but even outside BDSM those fetishes still exist. In the same vein that while romantic comedies tend to have fanservice in them, fanservice isn't something directly tied to romantic comedies and Rom Coms don't have to have fanservice. One is the genre and the other is just content that may or may not exist within them.

100% agree of not reading something that has content you don't like though. Don't get made if it has something you don't like and don't get mad because it doesn't add something you do like.


Jul 25, 2020
No game devs needs defending, it's their game to do whatever they want or not do whatever they don't want.

I am here to get releases and mock entitlement, and I'm all out of releases.

Also milking cows is bestiality jesus christ you guys are a riot


Oct 18, 2023
[...] it's their game to do whatever they want or not do whatever they don't want.
Thing is, unless you want to kill the game, you shouldn't, after months and even years of support, make your player-base angry at you. It will only make you lose support, trust and pretty much everything you've build (as community) over the past.

Sure, it's their game and they can add whatever shenanigans they want, but sometimes... I think it's better to listen to what the customer is saying.
Then again, unless they're making the game for themselves (or whatever they're trying to achieve), I don't see, strategically speaking, the point of doing such a daring move. Especially with not background (unless you count the lesbian scenes in) whatsoever.


Jul 16, 2019
That's not exactly true. There are no categories for fetishes in the same vein that there are no categories for phobias. It's just that people have gotten so use to generalizing EVERYTHING that they have made a fetish mean roughly the same as a genre. But every single fetish is a singular thing. There are no groups.
Of course fetishes are categories. Nouns exist in order to qualify, to categorize. Fetishes (as in the tags, I suppose that's what we're discussing) are a categorized phenomenom that has many specifics.

I like incest games for instance. Incest is a huge category and comprehends a lot of cases and interactions. You can have incest with mothers, sisters, cousins. Even within a specific character type there are lot of different iterations like elder bitchy sisters (Man of the House, Summertime Saga), elder responsible sisters (Big Brother, Long Live the Princess), etc.

Obviously I don't like them all equally, for instance I wouldn't want anything to do with grandma grandson incest. The point being that, there are fetishes -- categories -- I wouldn't want anything to do with at all, no matter the specifics, the same way there are literary genres I won't touch no matter how good the specific book is.
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Mar 9, 2020
No game devs needs defending, it's their game to do whatever they want or not do whatever they don't want.

I am here to get releases and mock entitlement, and I'm all out of releases.

Also milking cows is bestiality jesus christ you guys are a riot
How is it entitlement when all we'd like is for the dev to focus and the great content he already had, make it greater, then put out a complete game. This isn't entitlement, it's called wanting a complete product. I would gladly give him £20 or so for this game if it was complete. I will no way in hell support a dev that purposefully adds feature creep to his game in order to milk patreon subs.

Make a great game, release it, move on to the next or whatever DLC there is. This is literally all we want.
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