I've been playing this VN/Game off and on over the past week or so, and finally finished it last night, or at least I think I finished it (ran into what I believe to be the main story content wall)… This is one of those Corruption Grinders similar in vein to games like the one called Corruption... But in a semi-Fantasy setting and not all characters are directly corruptible... Some you can't even corrupt, but they are pretty much already sexually interested in the protagonist... I did run into content walls with various side characters a little too quickly I thought, so much so that you are eventually left mostly with the basic grind elements (some of which don't further anything) and a main story that you pretty much just moves along by skipping time while sitting in the main room of the home... But eventually even that ends for the current content... I do hope the developers plan to add way more content into the surrounding side stories and events, to keep you busy like in the beginning up to the middle of the current content... Because it feels kind of empty eventually, post soldier test, with only that occasional main story line events to keep you entertained... Of course you could repeat stuff you already opened up, but that can be tedious and boring... Overall, I think this VN/Game is entertaining, funny at times, romantic at others, and doesn't take itself too seriously all the time, and yet enough story to keep me hooked...
I went ahead and posted my review...