absolutely loved the update,the best so far in my opinon,things are getting interesting aswell as the story which i must say like a lot,for an adult game it is really interesting and even tense with rachel and that scum brothers as the "villains",props to writers
i don't mind the cluelessness of the daughter,you can argue that she's retarded or whatever for being so naive but in the end it fits her,i love her internal monologues and doubts about sex and how she's slowly opening and giving up to those desires
evening scene is my favourite bit of game so far
regarding georgina,i love her and i'm glad that you can choose path to be with her and the scene with her was great because she's hot but as i said the whole getting together thing could be done so much better regarding the overall building of relationships with other characters
i'd love if flirting lasted bit more to build up more tension and desire but that would cause whining and usual blue balling/milking comments,this way she's there to fill the gap and give some action to D until F/D relationship gets more serious
i hate those photographers,some serious stuff could happen in the future,i hope we will have the chance to smack both of them
all in all this game keeps on improving,i hope devs will continue this way,it was slow burn so far,it doesn't have to explode in next one or two updates