My original suggestion months ago was, in Chapter 2, D go back to home and finish school for a year and the game shift to each release represented @ 2-3 weeks in game world time, covering 9 months - and that MC's job sends him on a multi month project in or near D's hometown.Simple you get 3 HJ's that is the same damn render each time. So only one in reality. 2 the daughter only kisses the dick. The way the game progress throughout up-to 0.12 i expected a BJ. Not a freaking cliffhanger. Then you have to add that the next few updates is for content that should've been done from the damn start. Not being updated for next 2 to 3 updates of hiatus on the ppl. And great that the daughter got her first orgasm. I just expected so much more.
I am actually irritated you are one of the ppl who pushed for this kind of ending for Chapter 1. This game is 100% about blue balling. For starters you go for an entire year of updates with zero sex until update 0.12 and if you do them you break your relationship with Daughter. You feel me? If any sex happens I expect it from the daughter. Not random ppl and getting cock blocked by daughter later.
Sorry but the game progress is horrible. I seriously doubt it will take only 2 updates to get the career choices put in. Look further back I speak about how coding wise you can't just implement something that major and think it can be done in 2 shots. Doesn't happen. Unless the dev actually has a separate build its not happening.
Also I am aware that ingame time has gone by the amount of months. Its actually 13 dates. Not 13 days like many now believe. I read closely to the dialogue so the fact that ingame time has progressed only a few months and that's all that the dev brought it infuriates me. Only good news I read is that Lucas gets kicked in the balls if you do defense classes.
Not to mention that you won't see Daughter and father action for many updates b/c I find it hard to believe that Father is somehow gonna magically appear in her city. Do you see where I am going? The game has excellent story telling to some degree but the fact that the daughter is clueless beyond reason for a 18yr old ticks me the most. No girl at 18 is that oblivious no matter what kind of upbringing you have.
It's been stated earlier that the dev probably only said the daughter is 18 due to legal reasons. That's most likely the case and would make sense if the daugher was below age. But no way in any shape or form would a girl be that oblivious to such stuff at age 18.
I sort of agree with this, She is still too naive about it. Its what i said earlier that for her its still 'massages' not 'make out' She just cons herself in her internal monologue.Now we're there, see, no trolling just discussion.
It all goes back to how naive and clueless the daughter is. For me, personally, she needs a lot more character growth before I can call her a fully consenting adult.
At the moment she is consenting, the problem is she doesn't know what she's consenting to and that's the only issue I have.
She is an adult but with the relationship and sexual knowledge of a child. I'm less worried about seeing them having sex and far more interested in the daughter having a bit of character growth.
LOL none zero sex scenes of penetration for the daughter. YOu only get 3 HJs and the dick of the father is kissed. father fingers her till she orgasms for first time but that's it. There is only sexual penetration from Elena and a few others. Not to daughter.soooo does the current version contain any hardcore penetraion H-scenes between the father and daughter together yet?
No, just handjobs and fingering. and breast fondling!soooo does the current version contain any hardcore penetraion H-scenes between the father and daughter together yet?
She would go to his house, yeah I was going to say that.After reaching the point where D and F are, she wouldn't leave the country without talking to him first.
Why not exactly? You come home from a long day of work to your own property, and crawl into bed with your loving wife who happens to be your daughter. What about this situation would lead it to being 100% chance of not having a "good life". Define good life for me.In the real world you would not live a good life.
just handjobs and finger blasts between daughter and father although elena and the other girls has alrdy got penetrated by mesoooo does the current version contain any hardcore penetraion H-scenes between the father and daughter together yet?
WHere did I ever mention penetration to daughter? I said I expected a BJ nothing more. I am not an idiot and had zero belief that daughter would have actual sex with dad. I just hoped for something along the lines of a BJ rather than 3 HJ's and a orgasm. I agree that daughter should definitely first experience an orgasm first before having sex but once again we go back the fact that she is 18 and is pretty much entirely oblivious to sex and such when she hangs around Elena who is all about it. The two are almost ying yang in terms of sexual development. You can't be around someone like that and not learn anything from that person.My original suggestion months ago was, in Chapter 2, D go back to home and finish school for a year and the game shift to each release represented @ 2-3 weeks in game world time, covering 9 months - and that MC's job sends him on a multi month project in or near D's hometown.
Updates would then focus of major calendar events (Christmas, New Years, etc - similar to the movie
Holiday Inn). That's why I like the possibility of what's coming next: a new environment; D's environment; and the possibility of D character growth there. (I'm a huge huge proponent of having D be the (or a) protagonist.
I have no idea how much affect
I have in actual game development, but I started a vote post in Patreon to have D have an orgasm before Chapter 1 ended. But again, I'm a Team D member first. It's ultimately more important toward her sexual investment to have an orgasm than it is to have oral or vaginal sex.
If it makes sense, if I were the writer, though this game is from the MC view, the story arc would really be about D and her transformation - like in the movie 12 1/2 Weeks where the female
lead is the one with the actual character growth.
"This is true love ... you think this happens everyday?" from The Princess BrideTrue love isn't something I don't see existing between family members and especially between father and daughter. Think on what you just said about incest being Taboo. In the real world you would not live a good life. Also when incest relationships happened in the past it was merely only to strengthen bloodlines of royalty back in the day. It was a political act. Never an actual act of love. Extremely disturbing to find true love.
True love is something that is pretty much fiction and only exists in movie. I am not saying its not possible at all I am just saying you might have more chances of seeing the pig flying in the sky before you see true love. So many relationships today are not like what they used to be and now are fast going and unnatural. It's like piss easy to break up with someone and get in with someone for all the wrong reasons.
I am implying such a relationship should never exist due to the blood connection. And it would be foolish to be true love.Why not exactly? You come home from a long day of work to your own property, and crawl into bed with your loving wife who happens to be your daughter. What about this situation would lead it to being 100% chance of not having a "good life". Define good life for me.
Remember there are 8 billion people on this planet. You are implying that with any F/D dynamic it is literally impossible for a romantic connection to exist which both people are happy and content with.
On a side note: Everytime I see your comment, I get reminded of Akeno... Damn man.just handjobs and finger blasts between daughter and father although elena and the other girls has alrdy got penetrated by me
Dude its not true love. My god you ppl are messed up in the head if you think father and daughter can have true love relationship. You must really want incest that bad to be that pure. It doesn't exist. SHould never exist. It's a fantasy played out in games and only used in political scenarios in the real world."This is true love ... you think this happens everyday?" from The Princess Bride
Nope - but it has something much greater - True Lovesoooo does the current version contain any hardcore penetraion H-scenes between the father and daughter together yet?
When one male falls in love with a female and she falls in love with him, it doesn't matter any conventions, laws, or what is socially acceptable or desirable. It can be true love! Cultural elements don't play a part in true love.Actually what he is saying is that there is no true love between daughter and father that would end up in sex b/c it doesn't exist and if it did it would be horrible. He is saying the daughter should in fact go with someone her own age and might live a much better and more healthy lifestyle. True love between the daughter and father should never exist in sexual relationship. Unconditional love yes but not "True love". You just disgusted me in that statement in thinking that true love happens between the daughter and father. At least he isn't oblivious in thinking that. I agree with him 100%
Thing is there is such thing as true love but if it did exist between blood in relationship that is you burning in hell as Christains would point out. Incest is one of the biggest taboos and so when one does it they only do it not out of love but to fulfill their urges and fantasy's. IN reality 90% of ppl who like Incest would never in their right minds go for it in real life. Why, because you would be dead or slandered in your town. As the game points out spectacularly with the couple of daughter and father.
Unconditional love should exist between father and daughter but that's not remotely close to true love. Know what I mean?
I am gonna point to my post above yours as emphasizes on my point. It isn't true love and to think that is absurd.Nope - but it has something much greater - True Love
So by that statement then neither of us or anyone can call their relationship that its true love. Right? That's what you basically stated that no person can determine who has true love or not. SO that makes all points about true love between the daughter and father moot. Doesn't exist. I can't say its not true love and you can't say its true love.When one male falls in love with a female and she falls in love with him, it doesn't matter any conventions, laws, or what is socially acceptable or desirable. It can be true love! Cultural elements don't play a part in true love.
It is absurd someone to believe he/she can establish the cases when true love can happen, and when it is impossible to happen between a male and a female. (I say between male and female because true love includes the sexual part of love. And from a sexual species point of view it only works between male and female.)