
Jun 5, 2017
It's been stated he only wants to spend 2 updates at most on career path updates. But I have doubts. Something like that is supposed to become major part of the game would most likely take more than 2 updates. It would also effect the entire code that can mess with flow in a game. The game being renpy from my understanding is not so forgiving in that area. SO Unless they have an alternate build for the game with it already done then I can see it happening quickly.

Or it could be just a very minor addition to the game. Which in my opinion should have been done from the beginning. Renpy games hate having their code structure changed too much.
Seems like it changes everything to me. Georgina, Martin and Maria are going to be gone from that branch of the game. Is there going to be another sexy model chick who wants to help your daughter with photography in the doctors branch? Has she had a secret crush on dad but never acted on it because he was her boss? How is she different from georgina?

I really dont understand the point to flesh out two alternative career archs. Sure if I could have the finish product now, and it had three fleshed out career paths with different characters and 3 chapters of DMD romance ontop of all of that, as well as various harem playthroughs, I would say yeah career paths were a cool addition.

But we all know in the real world that isnt practical. At this point we dont care if the career paths get fleshed out or not, we want continued content. The career path fleshing could take 6 months or longer. When that path gets started he has to finish it or else it would just have been a waste of time. Lets say 3 months into it he decides its taking longer then expected, we are going to bench it again. Thats 3 months without any type of progress or results taken away from the main story.

Maybe Mr. Dots is well off and doesnt need the income. Maybe hes just doing this as a personal hobby. I can respect that, but unless thats the case we could very well see an abandoned project if the subs start pulling out.


Jun 5, 2017
Man I can't believe you still can't fuck Elenaa... how many yours in this game already? 5, 6... and nothing. I know the game try to do something more slow but wtf.... the right moment to have a sexy scene with her was when she goes to your place after the casino... wtf I'm so pissed with this game.... I can't imagine how is gonna be the "final game".... a slow and boring pacing of events.... this is insane!! not for me anymore!
Remember the bathroom scene where she was bent over and said fuck my tiny little pussy. You had your dick right on her pussy and she said now put a condom on and fuck me hard! I would have just thrusted my hips and started fucking her raw. She was literally asking for it. No condom? Too bad. I dont think thats rape but its one of those grey areas. Afterwards just say look I pulled out its all good, ill make sure I got condoms next time.

Seriously this chick is fucking wild I would bet a paycheck that she would have enjoyed that deep down.
Jan 21, 2017
Not checking this for a few more versions, but at the rate of the plot, it sounds like the mother is gonna turn out to be Destro


Jun 5, 2017
People start with 0.12 (or page 290 in this threa

I "love" D as much as any poster here. Without her, I insta drop this game. I would much rather she was rid of this MC. But this "platonic" path has been expressly ruled out (by @Aitan_3). So, it's like watching a slow-motion train wreck to the inevitable F/D coupling...
Why is it a slow motion train wreck? Lets say the end result is two consenting adults in a happy romantic relationship. Whats worse? Doing meth or being in a romantic relationship with a family member? How about getting abused by your spouse or being in a romantic relationship with a family member..

Its a social taboo we get it. But yall act like MC is some scumbag and daughter doesnt know any better. Yes she is naive and a virgin, but she is also an adult who planned a trip to another country, came up with a reunion with bio dad behind her mothers back, and followed through. I think daughter has more then proven she is mature enough to decide for herself, if her being of legal age wasnt already a green light.

Dont forget that daughter is pursuing the relationship just as much as dad. They are both still struggling with the rights and wrongs of it, but she is doing things like begging for daddys massages, begging for daddys kisses, telling daddy how happy she is, ect. You can point the finger at dad and say he should be the bigger person and walk away, but they are both adults here and part of the "blame" is on her as well.
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Active Member
Aug 22, 2017
Which day was this? I don't actually remember that.
View attachment 22319

Also, I don't see people complaining about missing images (quite a few) using the patch 012 to 013, so I guess I did something wrong when I copied those. Next update I'll make sure to download the whole thing again just to be safe.
Day 7. When you play as Georgina at the beginning of the day you have to choose between masturbation and getting dressed. If you choose to get dressed she will arrive early at the office and catch Martin an Maria fucking in the toilet. Georgina takes pictures to blackmail them later.
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Jun 3, 2017
As an active patron contributor on DMD, I'm here to share ideas and discuss. I love you guys, but I don't post updates or saves here. Realistically, updates are so spread out, run at least three paths: D only focused on Love; D/E heavy choices foucused on lewdity; and one on everyone else besides Elena when the options arise (e.g. Georgina)
OK, thx BTW!!! :D


Sep 12, 2017
Sooooooooo D has discovered that carrots look similar to F’s cock. Guess she will go vegetarian and hang around fruit and veg shops searching for a perfect fit of bananas, cucumbers and zucchini’s to slide into her pussy now that she is apart from F for the time being and practice her new found pleasure of self-masturbation.


Aug 4, 2017
This update was a lil uninspired. There was still minor progress, but the inner monologue of the daughter telling herself to stop if things progressed beyond masturbation is concerning. Makes me think the author wants to considerably slow down how far you get with her.

I'd also have liked to see more interaction/progression with jennifer?...elena's other friend.

I hope next update isn't just all about the chase to bring her back...i.e. no intimacy.

Maybe we need some mods, just like for Big Brother...haha
I think that it will be about the rings. I suspect he will chase her. She will dream and miss him more and more. She will explore her body and move forward in her sexuality. Perhaps explore with her friend. Daddy will have to decide between work and his love. Finally, they will be together and mistaken for married to get each other. That is how they will act and live. No more dating, just date nights as a couple in love.

Wow - this had quite an impact on me.
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Aug 5, 2017
Like others I am a bit disappointed by day 13, not by the ending as Daughter will probably find a way to escape her mom and come back, but by the lack of a new sexual act.
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Aug 8, 2017
Like others I am a bit disappointed by day 13, not by the ending as Daughter will probably find a way to escape her mom and come back, but by the lack of a new sexual act.
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Yeah I thought it was a missed opportunity when we saw D washing up after a "massage" to have her taste it, and then she'd take the office opportunity to taste is even more.

I'd also have liked to see more interaction/progression with jennifer?...elena's other friend.
Jennifer and Elena don't really do much for me, they look too young physically, but the more the merrier - especially since Elena is D's best friend. Georgina and Margo are more than welcome to join! I hope there's going to be a harem route eventually, it is quite possible to have open relationships without being a dishonest asshat - especially if you're great in bed.


Aug 23, 2017
love this laters update, i like that its not as fast as other VNs in getting into the sex part, not that i dont want there to be some but this keeps me on my seat alot more then other VNs have done.


Aug 8, 2017
D is more in love with LOVE than she is with F ; F is more in love with LUST than he is with D.
Blame her? She wants warmth and attention. He's basically "middle-aged crazy, trying to prove he still can". He is failing his daughter and himself in the long run. Love her as a father and a friend. Get her out of the clutches of Rachel. Commendable.
Then use your influence over her to bang her? I'm glad that I don't "become" the MC in these games or I'd never play...
Agreed, besides the middle-aged crazy part. He got his girlfriend pregnant when he was a teenager, so he's at maximum 37 - the age where most men peak in the sexual marketplace, which would explain why most women in the game find him attractive.


Jun 5, 2017
D is more in love with LOVE than she is with F ; F is more in love with LUST than he is with D.
Blame her? She wants warmth and attention. He's basically "middle-aged crazy, trying to prove he still can". He is failing his daughter and himself in the long run. Love her as a father and a friend. Get her out of the clutches of Rachel. Commendable.
Then use your influence over her to bang her? I'm glad that I don't "become" the MC in these games or I'd never play...
It was daughters idea in the first place to become "fake" boyfriend and girlfriend. Then it was her idea that she wanted it to be real, regardless of confusing feelings or it being wrong. She loved the path it was going down, loved the kisses and cuddles and didnt want it to stop. She doesnt want to be with anyone else.

Is it wrong? Sure, why not. But lets say they work out and stay together for 30 years or whatever. Enjoy the relationship and after dad dies daughter moves on happy she had the time she did with her husband / father. Would it be "love" at that point? What is love?

Lets explore this further. You say F is a scumbag, should be looking out for Ds best interest, doesnt care about her, ect. So what if we get the news a few updates down the road that dad isnt really biodad. Would he still be a scumbag if the relationship continues? Why or why not? Was he a scumbag before, but now its not scummy? Its funny how one sentence, one piece of information can completely change perspectives and contexts. In actuality there relationship was the same as before, except for now its not considered taboo so he is not a scumbag.

Lets say you are 40 and fall in love with an 18 year old, and you have an 18 year old daughter. How much of a scumbag is that guy? How big of a difference is it really from dating your daughter instead of the 18 year old?

Whos the better dad. A dad who walked out on his daughter and wanted nothing to do with her, or a dad who let physical intimacy get involved after the daughter turned 18 when she was the one pushing it.

I am not trying to justify taboo or make excuses. But it doesnt sit right with me that you guys are saying "thats not love" and "theres no way it could ever end well".
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Walt Dee

Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2017
Personally I worry that the next few story updates will be something along the lines of,

D slowly realises she's been tricked but isn't allowed to contact F.
F chases after D but is prevented from seeing her by Rachel.
Elena try's to help but unsuccessfully.
Rachel pushes D onto Frank in an attempt to maybe force a marriage through.
If either D or Elena have any access to technology: Internet/Phone/Skype/text messaging, the word *will* get out. I hope Dad is at least tech-saavy enough to have Skype on his smart phone. And if he goes outside of his country he's probably going to have to have some sort of international something to receive calls, etc. (although he could always use the hotel's Wi-Fi.)

My worry comes in when some combination of the local police/Dad's country embassy/the local legal system comes into play. I don't believe for a minute that Rachel *could* even renounce D's citizenship even if she wanted to, and besides, was Rachel pissed off at the Dad, or the entire country?! And he's already proven she's a liar, so why would we believe anything she says on face-value?

So, Dad will have to:
  1. Wait out the storm
  2. Wait until those who had flights previously get first dibs on flying out
  3. Fly overseas (presumably after packing one or more suitcases, and booking a hotel)
  4. Get checked into a hotel on arrival
  5. Find some way of locating Brad & Rachel (presumably they're in the online phone book with their address) or receiving word from either Elena or D, herself.
  6. Assuming D is still a citizen, now of both countries, you'd probably want to talk to the embassy and hire a lawyer. Also, D is at the age of consent (I assume for Rachel & Brad's country) so there shouldn't be a custody hearing.
  7. Hope & pray that neither D nor Elena spills the beans in some way. ("But Mom! I *love* him! He's *more* than a father to me! He's my boyfriend/true love!") That'd be a quick route to Dad wearing an orange jump suit and chains, only to be shanked in jail.
  8. Have a police office/embassy flunky pay Rachel a visit and ask if there's a young woman, at the age of consent, a dual citizen of both countries, who was kidnapped across international lines and held against her will? They would *have* to produce the daughter, and as long as she doesn't completely flake out, they should release Daughter into Dad's care, or really, just plain release her, and take Rachel into custody for the above charges, and Brad for being an accessory.
The only problems that I see with this scenario are:
  1. Daughter really did, through her Mother, renounce her citizenship.
  2. 18 is nt the legal age of consent in that country.
  3. Or, either Rachel or Brad have a muckitymuck benefactor who'll hire the best lawyers, etc. But, once D's released, what are the police going to do? Send her back with Rachel?! I don't think so!
Unless the devs cam pull a rabbit out of a hat. I highly doubt Daughter will be giving Dad any French kisses or hand jobs, or he frigging his little girl to orgasm until *at least* 0.15, or the very end of 0.14.

Now that I know that 0.13 was the end of a chapter, and 0.14 will be the beginning go a new one, I'm a little more accepting of the situation. But it most definitely didn't go the way I'd hoped.
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Game Developer
May 26, 2017
I dont think anyone actually gives a shit about career paths. This game is called DMD not select one of three careers and wait months for them to be fleshed out. We already have more then enough branching options with harem vs pure dynamic. Dad is a corporate executive. If the next months are going to be fleshing out Dad being a freelance programmer and Dad being a doctor, that is probably the worst possible choice for this game. Like who actually gives half a shit what dads job is? Anyone?

Hopefully dots doesnt abandon the project if the career path development turns for the worst. But if he does, oh well. My life doesnt revolve around DMD just another failed TV show I got into pretty much.
It's not just about career path. It's about polishing the whole chapter 1. There were some paths that were abandoned (Martin's help to tackle Lucas for example), dialogues that has to be rewritten (Georgina at the cafeteria for example) and they need to be worked on. At a certain point a general revision was due. Now is the moment. Adding career paths is a bonus, if you like to see it that way.
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