Hey Jeff, I guess I could be wrong but the legal age of adulthood in the U.S. is 18, emancipation only applies to minors under 18 who seek to bear responsibility for themselves (and are able both mentally and financially), in a situation where the parents are less than responsible for said minor. The plot puts D and Pop in California (the other side of the U.S. from me) but she is 18 and therefore responsible for herself. That's why it's a "sore" point for me, "been there done that".
Age of emancipation is by state and, for example, Alabama has emancipation at age 19.
“The legal age for consent is termed the age of majority and is a function of state law, not federal law. Individuals who have not attained the age of majority are termed minors. Under Alabama law, a minor is a person younger than 19-years old, unless such a person has been emancipated.”
As for California, the fact that Lucas was looking at months instead of years in prison for home burglary, assault, and attempted rape would make this not California. Lucas in California would not be getting probation on what he did, and would look at 4-5 years prison and picked up two strikes in the home burglary and attempted rape.
The fact that I’m the only one I know on the DMD team from the US is another indicator this game does not take place in California - and indeed was decided by the team it would be in some mythical world.
Would be interested in hearing about why you think it takes place in California, though.