When it began (together), Daval said that this comic was about sharing, considering that at the beginning it was only Alice, Arón, David, and Sara. It was logical that this comic had 2 male protagonists, but since it started with David, everyone thought he was the only protagonist, which seems silly to me, since if that were the case, instead of Sara not having a son, she would have a daughter, 3 women and 1 man. David as a character is flat, he generates nothing in his scenes with Sara. If I were to ask them which scene they like the most, one of David and Sara from the many they had or the only scene Piter had with Sara, which would they choose? And even though I didn't like that Piter81 paid to get into the comic, I admit it was one of the best scenes. Now compare the development of Arón with that of David; which one is more developed? And I don't say this to belittle David, it’s just that he has no development, and he had 3 chapters just for him. Why do you think Daniel is so popular? In just 3 chapters he won over the subscribers, and Arón, in just 1 chapter, is having great development, compared to David who is being sought after by Sara and Alice. Arón has to come up with plans; he is a hunter. Doesn’t that seem familiar? It’s the same thing Daniel did with Lana.