
Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2017
17 games?! jesus does order matter in em? I'm way late to this party
lmao XD hahahahahahahahahaha ye that was my same reaction when i found about this, but hey...
this only means we got SO MANY GOODIES to enjoy!

as for order... well... the dawn of kagura series, named in japanese kagura reimeiki are simpler games like these 3 that shiravune released, bunch of dungeons, h scenes, gets the job done, in those the order does not matter because they're isolated stories about the shrine maidens, no important chronological order
thing is, most of these girls originate from OTHER games which are more like full-blown SRPGS and do have more fleshed out stories and shit, and they kinda have a chronological order but it's that kind of thing where from one game to another many years have passed or it happens in a different location so... nah, while there IS a chronology to those, they could be enjoyed stand-alone too without MUCH issue
for example these three girls come from the same game, natsu kagura, which is an SRPG who has an old version and a remake version. I just played the OG one recently, and I loved the shit out of it, would recommend, although gotta confess it's a bit lacking in the H department, but it was a very cute story and you really get to see the girls personalities shine.
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Aug 31, 2017
Although gotta confess it's a bit lacking in the H department
I miss the old Kagura games, they had 2 girls, each had their own good/bad/horny endings, and a really GOOD amount of cg's

Now i feel that they have a deadline for each game and it's a bit dry in content
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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2017
Black screen when i launch game, Who know how to fix?
any more info you can give us? do japanese characters display correctly on the launch menu? do you hear sound? do you have your pc in japanese locale? do you have vcredists installed? it could be anything


New Member
Jul 31, 2018
any more info you can give us? do japanese characters display correctly on the launch menu? do you hear sound? do you have your pc in japanese locale? do you have vcredists installed? it could be anything
English not my first language so sorry for mistakes. I try japanise locale but result the same, everything installed. Here skreneshots
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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2017
Any sound when game ran. Maybe i should change on english locale?
You can try doing that, but I don't think it will help.
Instead, what if you try to put the game folder in a path where there are only english characters?.
I think you should also ask help here:

They have helped me in the past when I had issues as well.


New Member
Jul 31, 2018
You can try doing that, but I don't think it will help.
Instead, what if you try to put the game folder in a path where there are only english characters?.
I think you should also ask help here:

They have helped me in the past when I had issues as well.
Thanks for help


New Member
Aug 1, 2023
is this compilaton of all single girl they launch recently? i like this series not have time to play them


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2017
The older games are way better than the newest ones. Really sad that the devs gave a fuck about it since the failure on steam

They said that it was "too expensive" to make the english translation, made terrible ones and proceeded to never add the 18patch on them. It did bad from the point of view, that's why other groups like Shivaune(?) are asking for permission to translate the games, which is nice, but i wish they gave permission to translate the older ones

These ones feel that they are just pumping them out for a quick cash, sure, it has art and everything, but comparing the new ones with the older having 2 heroines + lots of enemies + extra scenes (regarding other characters) and possible DLC's with way more stuff?

The only thing i give points to the new ones is that enemies have 2 CG's, 1st time rape and 2nd rape
I missed this.
Why would they not let Shiravune or anyone else for that matter translate older games?
I assumed Shiravune wanted to pick newer games because new stuff is always like more popular so higher chance it sells or something like that