I hope WIP is welcome otherwise ... oh well
Recently got back into daz after a while away, waiting for money/pc parts ect. anyway, i've been trying out Dforce for the first time and am pretty impressed by the versatility of it, especially for hair and draping of cloth while a character is bent over or laying on something.
However as you can around the shoulders i'm having trouble with clipping, i've tried the normal methods of adjustment like smoothing, collisions and slight increases to garment size, all to no avail, I've also tried simulating Dforce a couple of times in a row, thinking that since it simulates form a memorised pose that each sim would improve the result, this didn't see to help too much.
So yeah, some WIP i have ongoing for a pinup set i thought i'd dip my toe back in with, any suggestion with dforce and clipping and how to get around this would be welcome.
(no post work at all since it's not a final render)