3D-Daz Daz3d Art - Show Us Your DazSkill

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Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2019

Imagine my surprise, as the guy rendering the image...I didn't hit preview, didn't realize that tree was right there (wasn't showing on preview). sigh.

But, it's an awesome image if I was doing horror.
Kinda getting some Wrong Turn vibes there.


Sep 29, 2020
Only way is experimenting, start with curve, mess with brightness/contrast, etc.

Experimentation is good - if you're using PhotoShop there are a ton of great YouTube resources (Piximperfect seems to be the gold standard - it's where I learned most of what I know: - but there are plenty of great teachers on YouTube; just watching the video on mastering curves would probably get you started). You can also find plenty of presets that you can just drag and drop if you're looking for a specific "mood" to an image, subscription sites like Envato have thousands but there are no doubt lots of free options too: (color replacements presets - "color look-up tables" or just LUTs - in PS are also pretty useful as a one-click solution in many cases; toy around with camera raw filters as well).


Sep 29, 2020
Hello everyone. Can I get some feedback on my first renders?

I don't have an Nvidia GPU so i have to render by CPU and run the images through the Intel denoiser.

1- I know the lighting is fucked, forgot to disable cast shadows on the ambient fill spotlights. And that damn body pillow is glossy as hell.
View attachment 1245500
2- I think lighting is better on this one, but the pillow still shines way too much because I forgot to change the glossiness and diffuse values. I also need to retouch her right eye on post because of that firefly on the eyelid

View attachment 1245499

Once again, thanks for your time!
Given the hardware limitations, I'd say these look pretty good. I don't love using perfectly even lighting, it makes it feel like it's on a set to me, but I understand that DAZ doesn't do well with rendering complicated lighting (which is why I mostly don't use it to render environments).

I like the expressions and posing, not too over-the-top. It may not be feasible without a GPU, but adding a bit of deformation with a dForce simulation to the pillow/mattress would give it an added sense of connection between the character and the props (the pillow in particular not deforming under her weight gives the impression she's kinda floating above it). Overall, for a first attempt, I'd say you're doing really well, nice work.
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Sep 29, 2020
Shieldstronger recognized it as a zipper. For some reason, the zipper is showing, even though it's parent clothing item is invisible. Thanks for pointing out the shoulder, though. I need to get better at looking over the image before rendering.

The image rendering now has a character's hand about 2cm away from her hip. I see it now, but do I want to stop >30 minutes work to fix that tiny detail? Nah, I'll fix it for the next image.
One thing about DAZ's functionality I'll never understand (there are many) is why hiding a root node doesn't hide all its children - seems to be a particular problem with clothing (anything with buttons, zippers, ornamentation, etc.), yet deleting the object deletes all its children so obviously the relationship exists somewhere. I know you can add everything to a group, which will hide it all, but having things grouped then causes other issues (breaks scripts, etc.). Definitely just one of those annoying things you have to work around.
5.00 star(s) 13 Votes