Different pose and a V-flat instead compared to my last post here. Same camera settings and same color/power on the lights.
I simply added some bloom and changed the pose.
Here's the render.
Here is the render after post in Lightroom.
I simply played around with contrast and tone for this one, nothing special and nothing that took me more than 3 minutes, but I wanted the effect of her blending to the background.
And here's with the same neon/scifi look as the last time. Simply changed the shadows to a blueish tint, the highlights to a yellowish/orange-ish and the midtones to purple.
I think I prefer the V-flat look compared to the simple high powered diffuser behing her.
Next one is going to be a bit more involved since I'll be trying something new. And I'm quite positive that what I'll be trying will be adding a few hours on the render, so I'm not looking forward to that.
I noticed that the post work in both images flattens the hair a lot. They look more like a cutout than hair. This, weirdly enough doesn't happen on the render and I have no idea what caused it.