Oyyy, believe me it takes hours to render most of my images (1000 iterations at least) with RTX 2070 and Ryzen 7 3700X. Every single time (even while working in aux viewport) I am trying to optimize my scene, calculating the dedicated memory cost of the meshes in the scene, tweaking here and there, dealing with sudden crashes without an autosave... Well, there is a plenty of difficulties to deal with, however, one tablespoon of patience and a pinch of swearing always save the day :3
I cannot render a scene with more than 3 characters + an average environment together. This is sad. I quit my job around a year ago. Unemployed since then. Trying to survive with freelance jobs and such. Speaking of an upgrade, I also want one, however the only thing I can do now is to wait until my beautiful Coral gets to known very well and becomes a top-model ^^. Maybe then I will be able to enlarge her dream world <3
Thank you so much for your beautiful comment :3