a: Your English is better than my French, so you're automatically doing better than me.
1: I think it's brilliant. Combined with new improvements to the program which has reduced render times by a significant amount for me, the denoiser reduces that even further as you can often finish the render a long time in advance if it looks good, and you don't have those nasty spotty things.
2: It works through the entire process from the iteration you set it to. I've heard people set it far from 8, but I've had it on 8 and don't notice any difference. I rendered a few complex scenes without the denoiser, and then with the denoiser, and can't really see a significant difference when you've let both finish completely. You will notice a difference if you finish the denoising scene prematurely, though. Especially with hair, etc. Most of my recent renders in this thread have been done using the denoiser (see if you can spot the difference

). Fullsize, they still have fine detail.
3: Some say leave it to 200 or 300, but I've got mine on 8
4: the difference (apparently) is the detail has a chance to cook in before the denoiser hits and smooths it all out. Though, even on 8, the detail cooks in as time goes on anyway.
I'd suggest giving it a try yourself. Render a scene full size, then with denoiser at 8, and then 200...
Side note: I personally noticed some complex scenes would kick in with the denoiser when set to 8, but would skip it at 200+ due to memory issues. I have 6gb of video ram, so... The other issue is, using the denoiser it's best to restart Daz before starting any complex scene with it to clear the video memory first. I often find memory clogs a bit more when rendering a chain of complex scenes using the denoiser. It requires more Daz restarts and, if REALLY complex, a system restart between renders...
But that's just me.