As I understand it; This is false.
Freeroam isn't being removed completely, simply dialing back on the scope and depth. Sandbox similarly will still remain but tuned down.
Player agenda is still a full-go, make the decisions you want, pursue or ignore Love-Interests and character paths as you wish and deal with the consequences and reap the perks of the paths you chose. Even with the Freeroam and Sandbox tuned down, His post does fail to detail what the changes are so will also submit a small elaboration provided by Meorless on the Discord.
I do not fault either of you for drawing these conclusions but it appears to me to be a misunderstanding. I will write out my understanding of the game; But as with all my previous posts: I can never claim to know to a 100%
Like most games the story-progression is linear, You're dropped into the role of a character and the whole game revolves around you pursuing or as the character, unwittingly take part of the plot towards the inevitable ending whatever shape that takes.
That does not make the game experience linear, nor converted into a "Kinetic Novel" where you are being told a story that a character experiences.
A couple of examples but by no means a complete list of things you are able to do.
All of which is optional paths to take, sometimes mutually exclusive making you miss out on certain scenes in favor of experiencing others. Which allows for a branching of multiple characters story that is entirely up to the player to progress as they wish; Which by the very nature is filled with Player agency and is far from a linear experience with no choices and will very likely result in multiple ways the story comes to a close based on standings with characters.
And like Meorless said: "if you liked the game for what is already in it - You won't miss much"
This to me translates as an assurance that having free player agency of choice in paths and relationships to reject, pursue and commit to will stay, free roam will exist; just not as in depth as originally envisioned and the only RPG elements affected by the cropping is items such as Hunger, Lust, Stamina, Health etc. That each in their own way require systems to function in the game. Systems he will instead chose to not put work into implementing as it is no longer part of the vision of the game he is making.
Spells is a bit tougher of a subject for me to tackle and speak on as there were plans for a wide range of spells (None that has been present in any iteration of any version of the game released to the public.) But it is deeply unclear to me whether all access to spells are to be removed or not. "Cropped" means to narrow the scope or to remove unnecessary or unwanted elements from something to me; Which does imply Spells to be present in some form, but to what extent is impossible to tell if so.
And just to repeat myself yet again: I am in context of the development of the game a nobody, I am not involved in the development, I do not know what Meorless has planned for the future other than what he has written in updates or his Discord. The only thing I am doing is trying to clear out potential misunderstandings or misconceptions of what will be removed, added or changed about the game moving forward when I see things be assumed, written or expressed that I disagree to be accurate with what Meorless has said or elaborated on.
Yes, I am a big fan of the game.
Yes, I am aware that it can make me look like a Shill or a Fool.
Yes, I am taking the game and it's creator in defense.
No, I am not going to stop doing that.