My god... Alright, I'll try to be constructive, but it will be hard...
1) Don't declare your class in a label ! There's an init block statement especially for this. Same for the flags and things like this.
2) Your game crash when you try to load a saved made at a wrong place. This because you didn't use the said init block. The needed variable haven't been saved because whatever, and like they don't exist yet when you try to load the game from the main menu, it lead to an unavoidable crash. Hopefully, just starting a game, then loading the save is enough to correct this, but still this shouldn't happen even in the first public alpha.
3) If you go to the console, you lost the background for the dialog box (and the text). In result, you can't read anymore the choice option if the background is light. I don't know what the hell you've done with the dialog box, but seriously, if you really want to innovate, at least put it on overlay. Firstly because it must always return back on screen, secondly because it must hide when the player press "H" to see only the screen.
Oh, by the way, it don't always disappear when it should (need to change room then come back to the bedroom for this).
4) Talking about the choice... There's people who aren't young anymore and don't have a wide big screen. The choice are mostly unreadable for my old eyes because it's way too small. As for the text itself, at least the font is easy to read, so it compensate a little it's small size.
And while I'm talking about to small text, what's wrote on the quest log ? No, seriously, how am I supposed to read a 5 pixels (yes, I counted them) text ?
Oh, there's an indication of the place you are (you live/sleep ?) and the time it is... Why haven't seen it before ? Oh yes, because it's almost invisible due to the font and color.
Choose your fonts readable and think about people who don't have the same material than you. 1280x1024 are still more than 40% of the screens owned actually. It's not a real problem with Ren'py since it resize itself, but then the text become smaller. And like the picture are just 1920x1080, I assume it's not even a question of screen resolution but really a too small size for the text (or a too big screen).
5) The quest log shouldn't stay on the screen at the same time than the stats, and the opposite is also true. Just put questLog/statpgeisvisible at False when you put the other at True. By the way, I will not really complain about it because it's one of my own default, but try to stick to a naming convention. Why camel case for one and all lower case for the other ? You'll quickly forget the correct syntax and add a lot of bugs just because you'll address the wrong variable.
6) Haven't said it before, but finding the yes/no button when you save is a mini-game by itself. Same for loading obviously.
7) Seriously, having to pass time three time in the motel before being able to sleep ? Then four times before something happen in the morning ? Script this whole thing. You fall asleep once you reach the motel and are awaken by Laura knocking at the door. It's way better than letting the player figure out by itself that there's nothing to do yet except waiting.
8) And then we are back to "wait, wait and wait again". I know it's an early stage, but you'll loose a lot of people because of this. Especially since I have the feeling that it will stay like this in the future. The few first days will be mostly empty... Add task even if they do nothing, add wandering on location...
Don't know, you can go walk on the beach by yourself, thinking about your life. Just a background, few words and a time passing. Anything which don't let the feeling that there's absolutely nothing to do except waiting the next events.
Hey, why not making the cleaning of the pool harder at start. Due to it's state, it will probably need more than few hours to be cleaned. Stick to the $50, but make the player pass three/four day cleaning it.
At least it will be something to do, so better than just waiting. Even with a full content, if the game start like this, you'll lost almost everyone because it's just boring. No one want to pass full in-game days waiting for something which don't even happen.
9) By the way, like I haven't been on the bar, the location is still visible (same for the beach), but obviously unreachable. Is this a bug, a feature, don't know, but it feel like a bug.
10) Oh, there's something (planned) on the bathroom at 9... Oh, and also in the bedroom. Oh, wait, no, it's the exact same event. Let's me try and... yes, you can also see it (I mean, the placeholder) if you're at the pool. Well, at least I'll not have to check each room each hour.
Oh, weird. While the event is present whatever your location, you need to be in the bedroom to go eat with mom... It should be the contrary.
This said, how are we supposed to see a white icon which is half (when not entirely) on an almost white background ?
11) sometimes the map's background is only shown as a flash when you click somewhere.
12) When you're forced to go sleep... the "sleep" icon don't disappear. I assume that the flag isn't lowered by the forced sleep event.
13) Once you get Sarah to the pool, it's bath time every time ; strangely, except at 20h... oh yes, because mom is showering.
14) Oh, there's a message... And it's in a big size and on bold. Too bad that only "dical Emerge cy" is readable because it's on yellow over a white background..
15) Please, please, please, reduce the size of the avatars !!!! 114 Mo for 24 pictures which will end displayed as 200x200 is way too much ! Plus, by reducing the size yourself, you'll be master of the process and sure that the result will be good looking.
Ok, well, I'll stop here... Haven't had the missing image problem, but I don't want to know if it's because I missed something or haven't hit the "wait" button longer enough. Anyway between this and everything said by the other, you've a lot of works behind you.
I just hope that all these comments, mine include, will not make you stop, because your game look promising.
The CG are good, the effect used in a way which improve the scene. Looking at the game is a pleasure. The story is also kind of interesting and not this badly wrote. For one time I didn't had the feeling that I have already played this game... but you really need to improve your coding skills and Ren'py knowledge before thinking of the next release. Because all the good parts are quickly hidden by the really bad code and all its errors.
You've wrote 10 commandments on your blog, and have really followed only one of them, the ninth...
Your game is not ready. You used mechanism that you don't master (but well it don't hide the story, just the screen). The player need to flood the "wait" icon to see, well nothing it's just a placeholder. We player already have four quests, and I'm pretty sure that the last one mark the end of the actual version ; but well, like I can't read the announce and the quest log... The available content is the introduction, everything else is nothing, just three pictures, and perhaps a scene with the mother in the bathroom if you are patient enough. And you haven't tested a single thing, right ? I know that missing a bug is easy, but seriously, take a better look at my points 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14... You simply can't have tested your game and missed them all. It can seem harsh like comment, but don't write such commandments if you aren't ready to follow them all yourself.