
Active Member
Nov 21, 2020
I like bizarre modifications personally, most of graphic art use grotesque anyway: anime and theatrical facial expressions, cartoonish violence etc. But, in my opinion, they should have been part of "bad end routes" (if you visit farm only to complete spy questline, you don't get modified and if you start cow questline, you are locked on bad end route) so mulan could have used branching art instead of having all modifications on one doll and in many scenes.
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Oct 15, 2019
To Mulan:
Your game is great. Never doubt that. From the idea, from the render, from the work done...everything is great.
Yes, it takes time to get the job done, but at least the game doesn't seem to be going downhill: you keep doing things, improving the way the game works, in one word: you're doing your best.

I'm not here since the beginning. Heck, I'm probably here for little more than a year. But I relate to your difficulties in delivering work. I am a porn fanfiction writer, and after the first few spurts of inspiration, it took me years to find a consistent rythm of writing that went hand in hand with my personal life. The important thing about you is that you keep trying to establish a schedule, and that's admirable. Everyone has his own rythm, and you are not a five-people team working full-time on a game.
I'm hyped by the update and give you all my kudos for continuing your work.

Yes, some people leave, some are disappointed, some would want some things to be done before others. After all we all have different tastes. But that doesn't mean you are wrong on your choices. Perhaps, once the part that doesn't please them is done and you focus on things that interest them (for example the central plot), you'll see them coming back, because whatever you do, your game just has "this" touch that makes it particular and endearing. Be it Kira's stupid dialoques, the cranking-up exhibitionism, the silly setting, the awfully-nomenklatural thinking of some people (Imperator, for example), there's something for everyone in your game and this is what makes it wonderful.



Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
True. But I highly doubt the amount of people that prefer all that titswork over thing I said is that big. To put that much work into a pretty specific kink is a waste in my book while you could put it into some other aspects that doesn't make your characters look ridiculous, for ones, but hell, what would I know, maybe that kink is way more popular then I think.
Suum cuique I guess.
I mean, I am here for the tits. I like the story itself, even if it is a lot of dialogue. (In fact, just because of that, I started a new playthrough, because I wanted to have the biggest tits but Bimbo-Kira was melting my brain, lol.)

From the other things you are mentioned, I can also say that clothing is nothing of interest for me, I tried all the clothes available and I just stick with the black ones you get early on, so I doubt that will change at some point.

But I am also fine with waiting if the Dev wants to add other things than bigger boobs to the game, I am happy that others get their wishes, but I am also grateful for everything regarding Body Modiciation which is added, so I am quite excited about more Boobs.


Active Member
Nov 21, 2020
that doesn't mean you are wrong on your choices.
As a writer\artist maybe, but as a developer? Only blizzard could have spend time on a game in infinite numbers, and in the end it didn't end well. As a developer you suppose to find balance between what you want to make and what you are able to.


Nov 14, 2019
I like the setting and the farm definelty doesnt have the same vibe. Hopefully they'll finish tinkering with the back end and finish the story.
If its your first game you learn alot about future proofing your mechanics through experience and ultimately you can always return to the setting.
Difference between western and eastern rpg game makers is they will publish and finish a game, as they know they can always make more games and that each game becomes easier and faster to do whereas western game makers will often string their first project forever and nearly kill themselves stuck and stressing about the faults of their foundation

Joe Steel

Engaged Member
Jan 10, 2018
Strangely. Because rural life was big part of ussr culture.
It was a big part of Russian culture, but Soviet culture tried to make rural life as much like city life as possible (reorganizing farming into industry-like production units, replacing family huts with communal living, etc). The farm in the game is pretty much a Soviet-style farm, however.


Active Member
Mar 25, 2018
P.S: Of course we’ll continue to work on events for Kira, but she’s grown to be quite difficult to manage and we need to upload new versions more regularly.
Then make it less complicated and stop getting sidetracked with additional characters and whatnot PunishedMulan.

Kira should be your #1 priority, not the other way around.
Reduce the layers until you come up with a way to speed up the process. You're supposed to concentrate on the main quest and not waste time with DLCs.
Limit all of Kira's modifications to specific scenes if you have to and explain it with hypnosis, nanobots and/or experimental tissue (akin to a fat suit) instead of going through the hassle of showing every possible change in every scene. Vivarium has one set of clothes and modifications, other locations might have different ones.


Active Member
Jun 18, 2018
It was a big part of Russian culture, but Soviet culture tried to make rural life as much like city life as possible (reorganizing farming into industry-like production units, replacing family huts with communal living, etc). The farm in the game is pretty much a Soviet-style farm, however.
I happen to be that i currently reading a book by russian writer Maxim Gorky "The childhood", where he talks about his childhood with his grandparents and his elusive mother. the point is that his grandparents lived through the age of servants, and were eventually freed. It is a very sad book really, where the child is raised and beaten by his grandfather, who also systematically mistreats the grandmother to the point of trampling her on the ground.
the grandfather was an old pawn who climb in his hierarchy and managed to have considerable wealth, while the grandmother was the daughter of a servant who had been injured due to the cruel treatment of her feudal lords. therefore, the grandfather always had contempt for her origin since she did not possess the dowry to compensate for her social status
just a comment aside
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Oct 9, 2017
Remember when this was a cool game about a retrofuture USSR and a main character who wasn't sure what side she was on?

I miss that game. I am utterly disinterested in the new game about freakshow mammary modifications. I wonder if there's a way to convince Mulan to let someone else continue the original game, while Mulan works on this one.
I havnt played any updates for a while, and I too thought it was cool the way the creator poked fun at the former USSR (and current Russia?) and the way the MC was a victim and had to keep dealing with idiots. I like her as she is, with not too many wierd looking body mods, unless they are temporary, and can be reversed of course.


Active Member
Nov 21, 2020
It was a big part of Russian culture, but Soviet culture tried to make rural life as much like city life as possible (reorganizing farming into industry-like production units, replacing family huts with communal living, etc). The farm in the game is pretty much a Soviet-style farm, however.
You are correct, to some degree.


Active Member
Nov 21, 2020
I happen to be that i currently reading a book by russian writer Maxim Gorky "The childhood", where he talks about his childhood with his grandparents and his elusive mother. the point is that his grandparents lived through the age of servants, and were eventually freed. It is a very sad book really, where the child is raised and beaten by his grandfather, who also systematically mistreats the grandmother to the point of trampling her on the ground.
the grandfather was an old pawn who climb in his hierarchy and managed to have considerable wealth, while the grandmother was the daughter of a servant who had been injured due to the cruel treatment of her feudal lords. therefore, the grandfather always had contempt for her origin since she did not possess the dowry to compensate for her social status
just a comment aside
Yeah, Gorky loudly hated Imperial Russia with its existing social segregation. He supported Bolsheviks by his money, after october revolution had some second thoughts but eventually returned and was widely published, praised and had become officially the "head writer"


Oct 15, 2019
I happen to be that i currently reading a book by russian writer Maxim Gorky "The childhood", where he talks about his childhood with his grandparents and his elusive mother. the point is that his grandparents lived through the age of servants, and were eventually freed. It is a very sad book really, where the child is raised and beaten by his grandfather, who also systematically mistreats the grandmother to the point of trampling her on the ground.
the grandfather was an old pawn who climb in his hierarchy and managed to have considerable wealth, while the grandmother was the daughter of a servant who had been injured due to the cruel treatment of her feudal lords. therefore, the grandfather always had contempt for her origin since she did not possess the dowry to compensate for her social status
just a comment aside
Yeah, many Russian writers have that incredibly rare gift to write life as realistic as possible yet almost unbearable to read. The extent of emotions, of emotional violence and truthfulness in Dostoievski's work, for example, is astonishing. The first time I tried to read The Idiot, I couldn't get past a few pages at a time. But that's what makes him a great authour. Same for Chekhov or Solzhenitsyn.
Personally, I find this incredible. The only current authour I've heard doing a similar job today is the French Houellebecq. He is quite popular in Germany, I've heard.
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Active Member
Nov 21, 2020
Yeah, many Russian writers have that incredibly rare gift to write life as realistic as possible yet almost unbearable to read. The extent of emotions, of emotional violence and truthfulness in Dostoievski's work, for example, is astonishing. The first time I tried to read The Idiot, I couldn't get past a few pages at a time. But that's what makes him a great authour. Same for Chekhov or Solzhenitsyn.
Personally, I find this incredible. The only current authour I've heard doing a similar job today is the French Houellebecq. He is quite popular in Germany, I've heard.
Dostoevsky was very hard reading to me and to many people I discussed it, I dropped everything but C&P mostly because his religious overzealously is very poorly supported even by his own characters, not mentioning real life, in Demons (shittiest content he created) and Karamazov brothers.
Chekhov is much more well accepted overall, since his stance never was openly shown, you dont see openly ugly persons in cherry garden, he shows that former lords, young bourgeoisie and working class while have strong antagonization, can be nice persons. Also out of these three his writing language is clearly best.
Solzhenitsyn, well. He is loved by "anti-Soviet" intelligentsia including Putin himself, but by wide public he is completely forgotten and only forced upon teens in school. Mostly because he had a shitty written language, clear political agenda (guy lived in CIA apartment ffs), his gulag is full of blatant lies to make more horror and he himself was called snitch by people who was imprisoned with him.
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