Game Developer
May 4, 2020
Hi, if possible, I'd like to know how the process of redesigning Kira's face is going. (If it is going at all).
And when at least approximately we can expect a new version of Kira's face in the game.
(Saw some old posts with a variant of the new face, liked it).


Jun 10, 2020
Hi, if possible, I'd like to know how the process of redesigning Kira's face is going. (If it is going at all).
And when at least approximately we can expect a new version of Kira's face in the game.
(Saw some old posts with a variant of the new face, liked it).
We haven't had an update since then I believe. The devs seem to be all in crunching on the next update and haven't taken the time to cover much outside of it recently.
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Char Aznable

Mar 14, 2020
No, sadly Ukraine can't be moved away from Russia. And certainly not by a physically weak slav like Mulan.

(Edit: In case that wasn't obvious this was a joke. Don't ban me dear mods.)
With this rate this game gets updates, we will be sooner seeing robo-putin's reanimated corpse having his final stand as the gauleiter of the Chinese People's Democratic Socialist Nationalist Bolshevik Province of Ural invaded by Neo-Zeon force drones advancing from the "moskva Exclusion Zone".

Blackouts resuming again don't help either... but hey, could be worse:

By that time, Bones Manor will still be version 0.21.b and no excuses like... WAR... there.


May 15, 2017
Update speed sucks but there really isn't another game like this with a visual component, closest thing is I guess trap quest but that is a very different type of game and no cg that is affected just the avatar, there is a reason why most of these games either a) are mostly text with maybe some art and or real porn like secretary/transylvania/many other html games or b) focus more on mental changes rather than physical ones like star knightess or caliross. Does this game still have very slow update time even considering all this? Absolutely, but it really be one of the kind game and what is actually in the game already is amazing and unique.
I would love to be proved wrong if you know game that does very similar thing better feel free to recommend it to me, I'm not saying this is the best transformation game, just this way of doing transformation games is barely even attempted at all.
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