Latest progress report (DEC 31, 2021)
Howdy! Here’s what’s up:
We were crunching for 30 hours straight, but unfortunately ran out of time. We really wanted to upload a new version today and celebrate holidays with our families without thinking about Defenestration.
I was 100% sure that this would be it, but there’s no way we’ll make it work today. Apparently while everyone was doing math at school, I was doing meth. However, we will not go on any holidays until this monster will be slayed.
There’s no major problems, it’s just too big and we do not want to cut anything out. This particular expansion was in the making this entire year and we will have to start the next year working on it as well, hopefully for a short time.
I hate to break our tradition of releasing the game at the end of the year, but we really have no choice - it’s just not ready. We are aware of all the bugs and pictures that I forgot to include and we will resume our work on monday.
Releasing it in its current state would be like gifting you a disease for christmas, since this version in its current state will most definitely break your savefiles (not to mention countless visual glitches and a problem with a picture preloader).
That said, I refuse to give up and I hope this post didn’t ruin your holiday mood. And while there won’t be a new version today, I didn’t come empty handed:
- I upgraded the holding pose, I didn’t want to add more work to Moana, so I just replaced the pictures.
- I’m already drawing artwork for the next update.
Upcoming version has too many pictures, Kira’s character art has doubled in size and the events show everything apart from outfits.
Like I’ve said, this version aims to end the “character art” part of our game. It will feature every body-mod that we picked together via polls, drawn, coded and referenced in advance.
On top of that, I deliberately picked the worst type of events for this update. Both of them are all about breasts and are harder to implement for that reason. I thought they would be an ideal testing field to figure out whether or not we have to cut some body-mods out.
As you already know, we won’t cut anything, but we will start making more events that feature Killer Queen (Red Kira). On top of that we will occasionally reuse art and add events that don’t feature Kira at all.
What I was trying to say is that we do have a plan and we know how to fix this, we just have to properly finish our current update and it continues to resist our efforts.
On a different note, on the teaser above you can see the upgraded holding pose and you might notice that I also upgraded Kira’s nipple rings to match her updated nose ring. Hats and tails are also a new addition to her character art.
Right now the majority of work lays on Moana's shoulders. I do what I can to help, but in reality she’s doing all the heavy lifting at the moment.
Which means that I’ve had more time to finally start drawing the farm content and on the picture above you can see the next two days of the “Barn sleep” event (background is a placeholder).
If we didn’t have a body-mod oriented game, this event would be good to go. Which is precisely why I want to implement the “Killer Queen” storyline - her art won’t have body mods and we will be able to always have an event or two up our sleeve.
I already rewritten the barn intro for this path and now I’m going to start drawing various concepts for Killer Queen’s unique look. Then, once our current update will drop - we will together decide both her body proportions and her totally not lewd “combat” outfit.
Because we’ve already implemented thousands of pictures, we thought that it’s pretty much done, but it’s still full of issues that need to be immediately resolved. In other words, we were blinded by the light at the end of the tunnel, but we’re still working and fully intend to start the new year on a good note.
Meanwhile, the farm continuation is already in the works and as such, will arrive sooner.
I hope you all are having a happy New Year and please do not be saddened by my post! Thank you all for your support and patience, as per usual - the end is truly near, I can smell it!