HTML - Degrees of Lewdity [v0.5.1.3] [Vrelnir]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I never played a game with so much freedom! The last thing close to this was the first time when i player GTA SA. Damn, this game is so fucking fun! Its like a fusion between skyrim, gta and the old flash games. Its so simple, but so complex. Also, this game is better than most of these boring triple A modern games. Im currently trying to earn all feats. I never had all the achievements on a game, but im going to have this time. If you never played this game, play now. It can be a bit boring on the first playthrough, but when you learn to see the beauty this game has to offer, man, you gonna love it!
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I have a hard time liking some aspects of this game. Their choice of words for not only the MC, but also their whole situation could be made MUCH more palletable if they made it something that the player decided or that defaulted to something more generic. Such as Landlord, tenants, men and women and college! instead of... Orphanage Director, Orphans, boys and girls, and just school.

    If you ignore that though, it's a fuckin' master class in game design for a sand-box lewd game I think. There's always something to do and while you can't exactly eliminate your debt (yet, maybe in the future?) there are many things to explore and it's always a very fun time when it comes to lurid descriptions of what's happening and how much control you have in those situations. You can honestly come out on top every time if you really want to, but why not raise your ass and let the bastards have their fun?

    There are consequences for it and I don't think there's a 'BAD-END' scenario, just you spirialing over and over into the mad house or stuck in where-ever you are.

    The toggles available to you for the more extreme content is appreciated and I am honestly eager to see what happens next.

    Edit: For those who are having issues with the games combat increasing your physique will help you immensly. If you can't commit to grinding that stat, like I can't, a .SAVE editor (Online or or offline) can be used to modify values.

    The Values you'll want to modify are physique as well as athletics. You can find them with a quick CTRL-F while in you save eidtor of choice. You can also search for swimmingskill to find a majority of your stats as well as the current transformations of your character at this time.

    Edit 2: Make sure your saves are NOT compressed if you want a chance in hell to understand exactly what you're trying to edit.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Pretty bad ui and combat design. Feeling helpless is the point, but it shouldn't come at the cost of clunky, annoying, frustrating mechanics. Some of the most boring characters I've ever seen in a text based game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Just incredible
    Everything from bystander, to bugs and plant are going to catch you ass and you are going to love it.
    As there too much stuff to alk about i will just point some thing that can happend
    you can be send to prison, getting molasted almost everywhere, raped even more, you can be catcalled and follow at nigh, gangbanged in some dark place underground ...
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the Best sandbox games here, big amount of freedom, fetishes and great replayability.
    Customize the world, Customize the NPC's, Customize the MC, have fun as You like (to some point ofc, main theme is still being a victim, but at least you can be big and strong alpha male (If You want...) who kicks asses and claims pussies... or someone less boring)

    Maybe I'll write normal review some day, but for now, just can't leave this game without it's deserved 5/5 rating
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    My favorite nsfw game by far, nothing else comes close. Art is pretty good but the meat is in the open world exploration and events. The dialogue is written pretty well (although I wish there was more) and gives your imagination a lot to work with. Game isn't as enjoyable if you aren't into CNC, but there are options for that and many more kinks.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    It's absolutely insane just how much content there is in this text-based game, which includes animated sprites in it! There's just so many details, so many gameplay mechanics, and so many amazing fetish scenarios, I can't imagine a score less than 5 out of 5!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I was bored last week looking for something new, and damn if this game hasn't held my attention daily since then (and after the initial systems learning curve). Seems to have plenty of content for whatever your fetishes may be and what kind of character you want.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few sandbox games in this page where sandbox is just not something added to the detriment of the game. And one of the even fewer that can be considered to have replayability.

    I personally don't enjoy the having to pay an increasing amount of rent each week but the game gives you plenty of stuff to adjust your experience from difficulty to content (and some good cheats!). And even then my favorite parts is probably getting kidnapped and not returning to the orphanage.

    Excited for the planned stuff that is yet to come. Personally would love more homes (like named npcs) to avoid the orphanage even more.
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Degrees of Lewdity is an HTML game where you play as the damsel in distress and no one is coming to help you.

    It's a sandbox style game where you do your best to make ends meet while the entire city attempts to molest, abuse and rape you. It might be dogs, it might be tentacle monsters, it might be your school mates, it might be just randoms on the street; everyone is out to get you or use you. It's a dark world coming for your orifices.

    You can do your best to resist, but in the end you have to make progressively more money or get shipped off as a slave. As such, you end up in riskier and riskier jobs with more and more of a chance of being abused in some form or fashion. There are a lot of different ways to resist but it's a slippery and dangerous slope.

    If the above is the type of thing you're into, great! Degrees of Lewdity has a ton of depth and lots of content. There's all kinds of sexual mischief to struggle your way into and out of. There are lots of characters to attempt to befriend, though decent human beings are few and far between in this game. Most "friends" are also coming for your orifices, though getting on their good side can make it more beneficial.

    Overall, it's a very different game with a very cool system. However, just be very wary about getting into this game if you're expecting consensual fun times or a power fantasy. Degrees of Lewdity expects to eat your character alive and spit something completely different out the other end. Your Mileage Will Vary far more on this game than most games on this site.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not a fan of text-based games but this one has it all:
    1. Quality writing.
    2. It's concise enough. It's a game and it doesn't pretend to be a novel.
    3. You can pick a gender for any character including the PC and lose no content from your choices. \o/
    4. Reading the source, the dev literally thinks of everything. You won't believe the amount of trivial branching the game has. You probably won't even notice most of it but it's what keeps the story/facts/characters/etc consistent in all possible ways.

    This isn't entirely true btw:
    > Degrees of Lewdity but is a game where the player character is always in a unfortunate situation, they will never be able to be the "aggressor"

    There are at least two named NPCs you can attack and one non-named NPC encounter where you're the "aggressor". Not to mention all the consensual stuff initiated by the PC.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid game, fast updates, and very diverse quality to appease all my kinks. What more could I want you ask? Visuals. I absolutely love the game, and that's rare because its text base, and I'm simple, so for this game to stand out amongst the rest is saying a lot. There's really nothing much else I can add to the pot of ideas other than keep up the good work!
    Likes: Daioh
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    To me, it is objectively one of the best games of the site.
    Even if I don't like the graphics, I think they are awful (borderline p3do).
    Even if a lot of fetishes involved don't appeal to me.
    I always come back to this game, because there is so much content, so much immersion that I still can RP and ignore the things I don't like.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I just love it. It's not even 1.0 version and it has soooo much content. You can just play for hourse and not get bored, I know what I'm saying. At first I didn't want to play this as I don't really like "pixel" graphics, but I was bored onec and just downloaded this game: the best choice I could make. Now I just wait for new updates (again, those updates are large and I really like added content in those).
    Likes: atur
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 34719

    You have visual novels where only bringing attention aspects are only pornography, you can find pornography or erotic games, where besides visual aspects you have good story, etc. And you have games where you can wonder if porn or erotic elements are even necessary.
    And I think this game edge between second and third option.
    Cause it's adventure, visual novel, clicker game where mechanics are build about erotic elements but can do great without them, you can turn off images, (mostly) kinks you don't like and you have nice storytelling school life visual novel game, you have well-written characters, story, locations and this really keep this game whole.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is simply the best! I never thought that such a good game would be on the html engine, but when I saw this one, I was speechless ... I'm really looking forward to the next updates, especially animations, with some creatures that are kind of there, but only text acts.. I fully support the developers, and I hope that they will not abandon this masterpiece.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great great game.

    It's an open-ended RPG set in a massive world with tons of different characters and locations.

    Though it may seem difficult at first, the game can become trivially easy through discovering secrets and mechanics during the gameplay loop, which is an immensely fun part of the game. Though there are technically non-consensual situations within the game, once the player is adept enough it is near impossible to stumble into any of them.

    One of the few games I have discovered on this site that would be fun without a lewd focus.

    The romantic interests are (greatly) varied so everyone can pick their cup of tea. There are also many ways to develop your character's personality (clothes, defiance/submission, promiscuity/innocence).

    Highly recommended.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly I've been keeping up with this game for a while now and can say wholeheartedly that this is an amazing game! Always a pleasure to come back to and updates quite frequently. Also take feedback on improvements on discord and gives credit to the suggester.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Review as of Version
    An excellent text-based, porn game that should be a standard for games of its category.

    The characters are well written and, while they are somewhat "trope-y", are excellently compelling. The game is generally a life simulator with turn based combat for its sex scenes (both consensual and non-consensual, though, of course, the game explains that everything is consensual and that everyone is a paid actor and wearing costumes).

    The main mechanic of the game revolves around several stats that need to be high enough to bypass skill checks within the world. These skills are by definition a grind, but the grind itself is enjoyable as failing checks still improves your stats and failure is not so damaging as to set one back a significant degree of progress. Failure also often leads to the more interesting scenes in this game. Additionally, the game allows one to essentially control its difficulty with one being able to save/load at any point. There is even a feature that allows one to back peddle by one decision, but this is limited to about four back steps due to software limitations.

    As stated above, combat is turned based and is designed around either attacking or pleasuring one's assailant until they yield. Sexual stats determine how well one pleasures with one action or another. Attacking is determined by one's body size and the athletics skill, as well as pepper spray one can use as a weapon. However, since pepper spray increases one's crime level, and the fact that only one skill determines how well you can attack someone, the game makes it clear that the goal in most combats is to satisfy one's attacker. These combats are the main lewd points of the game, though there are a few narrative sex scenes where one has no control, but these narrative scenes are more flavor than actual effects on the overall game play.

    The various "life" parts of the life simulator are compelling lewd as well. One attends school, where there is a cast of characters to interact with during school hours, though attendance is not effectively mandatory and one can explore the town regardless of school hours). One can get up to all sorts of lewd antics with classmates both in class, out of class, throughout the school, and without the school. Also there are several jobs one can take on, which always have the risk of some sexual encounter. This risk makes them all interesting in their own right. Finding a new job is like finding a new means one's character can be taken advantage of.

    This brings me to the final point; this is a submissive game. A brutally submissive game at that. You will be put down a significant amount, both to a significant degree and significantly often. The majority of the enjoyment in the game is managing to slip oneself out of dangerous situations, or slip oneself into a dangerous situation if that is what you are looking for (hopefully enjoying the ride). If you are looking to be a dominant force, this is not the game for you. However, it is well written enough and the mechanics enjoyable enough that I would suggest giving it a go if you enjoy other text-based games on this site. If there are some fetishes that you do not think you will enjoy, then you can choose to disable their appearance, alongside a large portion of masochistic events as far as I am aware. However, this game's theme of depravity and submission is at the heart of its mechanics, so you cannot necessarily avoid everything. As I said before, the game allows the player to control the difficulty relatively easily, so if you do not like being the absolute bottom in a situation, you can back up and try another option.

    I hope this game continues to do well into the future, and, from what I have experienced so far, I believe that will be the case!
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Kaito Sudzuki

    ¶ Потрясающая игра! Не ожидал ничего подобного. В игре ещё много чего можно добавить из мелочей, игра только на бета-тестировании, однако уже доставляет огромное удовольствие игрокам. Разработчику Большой Привет!

    ¶ Редактирование персонажа, продуманность программной логики, интересные сценарии событий... огромное множество привлекающего контента есть в этой игре.

    ¶ Однозначно советую попробовать всем, кому интересно создавать свою историю, а не только "фан-сервис".

    P.S. Каждая игра получается отдельной интересной истории на подобии игры "RimWorld".

    English Translation:

    ¶ Amazing game! Didn't expect anything like that. The game has a lot more that can be added from the little things, the game is only in beta testing, but it is already a great pleasure for the players. Developer Hello!

    ¶ Character editing, thoughtful program logic, interesting scenarios of events...
    there is a huge amount of attractive content in this game.

    ¶ Definitely recommend it to everyone who is interested in creating their own story, and not just "fan service".

    P.S. Each game is a separate interesting story similar to the game "RimWorld".