HTML - Degrees of Lewdity [v0.5.1.3] [Vrelnir]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1565443

    Possibly the best text-based adult game out there. It manages to be both deep, yet simple at the same time. The daily life and mechanics of intercourse are quite intuitive and allow for quite a wide range of situations. However it has a complex "story" (i.e. possible things to do which are somewhat like questlines but a bit more menial) which should have more explaining as it's very hard to know what where and when to do something, but on the other hand it's very fun and rewarding to explore and find out on your own.

    The only downside is the fetishes being presented. The game is extremely dark and based around rape. The player has to constantly fend off rapists or give in. Plus bestiality and futanaris are present. Although there are options to turn off most of the fetishes or make them appear less often, doing so turns off achievements and new game+ bonuses.

    Overall, if you are an open player and have a vivid imagination needed for text games, this is definitely worth playing. I rate it 5/5 because it's my favorite customizable game out there, with semi-regular updates bringing new content.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    definatly in my top 3, one of my all time favourite games. the developer Vrelnir is not only a super nice person, will literally reply to every single message on their vlog, they work super hard along with a super helpfull community that helps develop the game way further. It's a very unique game with enough gameplay to keep you busy for weeks or even months with each playthrough, also has endless replayability potential! enough rambling, keep up the good work!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    What can i say. Searched tons, played tons, dol still my favourite, and kinda feel it may have bigger (or maybe the biggest) female player base comparing to other erotic games on 95zone.

    +++++too many can't list
    -tho playing an extremely defiant pc largely decreased the risk of endless harassment, still hoping for a chance to turn the table not just kicking people's ass but actually play the dom role.

    ps The design of unique LIs combined with various fetish choices really expand the game experience both in depth and width.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best lewd games with tons of content and a great system to create characters with their own playstyles or challenge runs. The animation system adds a much appreciated layer on top of the mostly text based game.
    Likes: atur
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent sanbox game with a ton of choices. If you liked CoC or TiTs and want less transformation then this could be perfect for you. This may be the only sandbox game where the dev is truly active and responsive too.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The only reason I play this is because this is one of the few mobile games that isn't Renpy trash. And I would rate it higher if it wasn't for a lot of annoyances this game has, basically requiring you to use cheat mode to have fun:

    - Exporting from mobile to PC doesn't work, copying text from the textbox only copies a part of it. So importing it results in an error that the save file is incomplete/corrupted.

    - Control stat is just there to annoy you, it serves no fun purpose at all.

    - Why does my character behave the same on exhibitionism 6 as it does on 1? It only opens some extra scenarios, but your character is just as shy going out naked as if it had exhibitionism level 1. Same thing happens with other "skills" too.

    - Why does the game spawn a dog in every street at night? I'm not against that type of content, but traveling at night becomes a pain.

    - Character creation feels limited, if you want to recreate a character you need to use cheats since most hair colours and all clothings are only available after you create a character. And then you still need to buy them by gaining cash in the game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite adult games on this website. It's a sandbox, let's me be a guy/girl/other pursuing guys and/or girls... being pursued? Yeah, it's submission focused, which is great. There aren't as many games with this kind of focus, and it really scratches an itch of mine. Currently, on verison, pregnancy hasn't been implemented yet, but it's confirmed as a future addition. Looking foward to that. The developer is reliable, which is a huge plus. It's a text based game, which I also like, and there's no obnoxious real porn. I don't really like that stuff. Ivory is currently my best bae.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is actually a really good RPG. Hopefully, it gets fully completed soon. Most of it is done already. I want to find more games exactly like this one. Its amazing how big and detailed the game is.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    God-like. Simple as. One of the best H games I've ever played, easily. The amount of content and re-play ability alone. I've sunk nearly 20 hours into this game and regret none of it.

    Some tips for starting out.

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  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll start by saying that my singular "complaint" with the game is how I'd prefer CG animation, but far from saying that what the game brings with the pixel art is bad

    It's very much an anything goes sandbox game, what else can I say. There is a huge amount of options for archetypes to fit your character, a good variety of characters to interact with, pretty good writing...sure, the scenes themselves might get repetitive, but damn it's "Excellent" not "Perfection from the heavens"
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    (pretty well put together. horrific)

    the world is bleak enough to let eastern european men feel comfortable, which on its own is enough to gross me out, they have bad taste

    more seriously though, the grind makes it enough of a time sink that the sparse moments of something nice/fun happening aren't worth the investment

    i cannot wait until someone takes this type of text-based open world and makes something worth playing
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely one of my favorite pornographic games. Gameplay is admittedly simplistic and repetitive, but still manages to achieve an interesting world. The progression system seems simple but ends up being much more compelling than one would expect. This is a game about exploration, and taking risks in order progress. While it may seem punishing at first, you will quickly discover that there is literally no way to die, which i see as a nice change of pace from other games. While it is a text based game, it would be nice to see improvements to graphical elements such as the sex scenes or the map, for example - why not put the map found under the journal tab in the top right all the time? Anyway in conclusion cool game, easy to sink time into, but lots of room for improvement.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    So this game is... something..? i truly dont know how to start writing this. The game is centered around your created character (which is given quite a lot of freedom on who you want it to be, either by gender, body type, genitalia, so on and forth, tho clothes are a bit lacking on terms of options for males), who is an orphan and from the starting day the head of the orphanage comes to tell you "a'right i had enough of you, you are already old enough to make a living, now get going and start paying me on a weekly basis.

    So far so good, the game will have you manage both school and work to be able to afford living comfortably still in the orphanage (tho thats the only extent of it, you dont seem to be capable of having a home or rent something) and what you will quickly discover is that this game is like fucking rape city and dark shit going under the table. Regardless of what gender you choose, whatever you try to do you always SOMEHOW end up the "victim" of sexual mischief, you get constantly harrassed on the street, even catcalled even when you are a male, now for me im all up for gender equality but, holy shit wtf is in the water? whats wrong with this place? every girl wants to rape me to the point of smothering.

    The game makes no qualms in showing you how this is more about you being the bitch and nothing more, regardless how you spin it, regardless what you do, you are always the bottom and honestly i hate that, i expected more freedom, but then again the description of the game is rather vague. Would this game make more clear how this is about you getting raped continuously at almost every chance, i would have know that it isnt my thing and move on. But anyway, for people who like to be bottoms, boooii you really gonna get your rocks off with this.

    Basically, the game seems to have some really good effort put to it, the day by day is spent mostly going to class and even there the headmaster is a deranged sexual abuser who for some reason look like it has people on high places for the shit it does), sometimes the "battles" are a bit messy like a girl is facesitting on you and is rubbing her thigh with yours while you have another one riding your dick, which even if it makes no sense i find it pretty funny regardless just trying to imagine such contortioned mess.

    Anyway, im sorry this review is a bit messy, but i find it hard to find something concrete to say besides that. The constant focus of the game on putting you in a victim position without any way to snap out of it in good ways, the lack of possibilities to be able to make it further down the line without having recur to more debauch methods (all of which you end up degrading yourself) also makes it even less appealing. So if you are looking for a good roleplaying experience this might no be it, but if your intent is playing the bottom by all mean go nuts, have a blast, im sure you will find more fun that i can
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Cons :
    - A game which is limited by its own system. I think it has a very interesting way of handling encounters. But what makes it interesting , also makes it boring .

    - All kind of encounters are handled by the same combat system. And so , it is nearly impossible to differentiate one character from others. All of them have same lines. Behave in same way. Excluding the 6-7 main specific characters, which only vary in a very minor way from other threat/people.

    - Also the frequency of violent encounters are too damn high. I know there is a setting to the game to reduce those, but they pretty much the main feature of the game.

    - Game is very punishing for the kind of game it is. It is very difficult to achieve a specific thing that you are up to achieve in a single run. Not only is the event discovery impossible , there are no clues and only way to find them is through wiki.

    - Too text heavy , and obviously it is supposed to be, because it is a text game. But in series of repetitive texts , the important ones are often lost.

    - Lack of feelings, all feelings are reduced to numbers. No feelings description whatsoever in spite of it being a text game.

    Pros :
    - its a manager game , with high risk element.
    - There are many many events , if you count them separate. (I don't)
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This is up there with some of the best NSFW games. My first few times playing through this game was like a dream. There's so much content, and so much of it is communicated through actual gameplay systems and not just through a static scene. It's honestly exactly what an NSFW game should be.

    Just so I don't suck this games dong too hard, some minor gripes would be how grindy it can get and the art is sometimes a little subpar.

    Besides that, I would consider this a must-play, at least till you the end of the first year.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    An actual enjoyable simulator game. Lot of content and just generally really fun to play. .
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This in my opinion is the best adult game. This game intentionally or not is a critique of capitalism in a form of an adult game.

    Why do I think that you might ask? Well its simple - commodification.
    Most games of this type (and adult games in general) when it comes to lewd stuff will give you a choice "Do you want to see lewd scene - Yes / No". Nothing than your horniness dictates what choice you chose, nor does your character gains anything from this choice.
    DoL is different. Here you are presented with unavoidable task of making ends meet. You are constantly forced to pay more thus having to find things that will pay you more. If at first waitress and docking jobs were enough to make the ends meet the further you progress the more you are forced to commodify MC. If you wont do that on your own? Well lets just say that MC will end up commodified either way, even unwillingly.
    The background of the MC, named characters personalities, world building, all adds to the game. It makes you care and empathize not just follow your horny.

    To conclude, I wish all the best to the developer of this game and I encourage those ho haven't yet tried this game to try it.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    As a "victim simulator", this game necessarily puts you at a perpetual disadvantage when it comes to combat, establishing your helplessness in a dangerous world that can only be survived, not conquered. While the subs will, of course, love this, it makes the early game a frustrating grind if you're more interested in other content. Still, DoL features a well-crafted world, excellent writing, and a darkly sinister tone that will keep you engaged until the very end of your playthrough. All in all, DoL a thrilling experience that I feel has boundless promise, and this is one project that I will definitely be following with great anticipation.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best text-only game out there. A word of warning though, text games are not for everyone.

    There are some illustrations, and they are a welcome addition. Their only purpose is to help picture the world around us and it works.

    The game shines by its customization options. The concept and challenge of the game are easy to understand and fun.

    IMO there are 2 major issues with that currently prevent the game from reaching its full potential.
    1- No illustration for named NPC (only the MC has them)
    2- Not enough customization for fetishes. I would love if rapists had some customizable fetishes. You know the usual "Oh no, don't rape me using your [insert lewd here]. Oh no, I so wish that that that didn't just happen to me." The game has a fetish filter, not a fetish modifier and that's an entirely different thing. There is something to turn monsters into monster girls/bois and that's definitely a tiny step in the right direction.

    UI could also definitely be improved. There could be an option to load the latest save/sort saves by date. Settings could be edited to make actual sense.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    The F-Team

    I totally underestimated this game at first. Didn't think a text based 2D pixel art game could draw me in like that, but boy was I wrong.
    The amount of options and content is enormous.
    Will follow this with great interest.