HTML - Degrees of Lewdity [v0.5.1.3] [Vrelnir]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    has something for about everyone~
    and fully customizable in every way as well ;3

    sadly never really done feats, not because I'm not a fan of it.. but because I love using the cheat menu XD,
    but besides that, great game, I've been playing for years due to its constant updates and lack of boredom when tryna find new content in the game, and I was never really a fan of these types of games but this one made me love them in a way, great for beginners coming beginners into novelish games based more around itself then a lot of pics, but don't get me wrong~ they do include lots of sex scene and pictures as well, but I can't explain it because they do it in more of a creative sense that i think much would enjoy as well, but I love this game in a lot of ways, more than one, ;3
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Updates often. Community is pretty alive too. Surprisingly has a relatively in-depth story for the love interests and other characters. Text/dialogue isn't heavy and is just the right amount. Frankly better played mobile bec you're able to catch up and read the text better there
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Another "choose your path" game which is always welcomed, cool pixel art and character customization, it keeps improving and improving, tons of content to play with, this game has something for everyone why are you not playing it? i'm gonna finish my review with a my favorite quote from the pope St. Sylvester I "Avery is the best mommy dommy and i would let her crush my balls with high heels ANY DAY"
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game holds a place in my heart (at least the sexual part) as an amazing game. This was the first ever porn, erotic whatever the f*ck you wanna call i played and it was good. I honestly can't wait to see what they do with it and i shall support it from the shadows.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great sandbox game with animations and features from Lilith's throne, Corruption of Champions. Texts are short so you do not need to read the wall of texts covering the entire page to understand the quest unlike the games mentioned above.
    Achievement system is great, however combat is quite repetitive.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite game here in F95 good game play, good animations, a good character personalization, a dark history... Good combination for a Sandbox.

    The game imrove with every version, hope one day introduce impregnation
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 272181

    The game is just excellent with it's mechanics and unique combat system. It allows for so many things. But you have to like the style or just don't care about it. It's like text based game but with animations, great idea.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Scoutship setting Sail

    Excellent open world adult text-based game with lots of different fetishes. Art style is more in support of the text and less appealing itself.
    There is no real story, you just try to get through the month. Doing so however allows the game to focus on events and people, which it does quite well.
  9. S
    5.00 star(s)


    This is my favorite adult game i've played so far. It's a sadbox game about living in a very perverted world with different love interests, secrets, jobs. activities, events and more and it's constantly improving with frequent updates. The main problem i have is that there's not enough of it but vrel is actively listening to feedback and taking suggestions from the community to create more content. Try it and you won't be dissapointed.
    PS: Whitney is best
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't usually write reviews here, as I rarely 'finish' games to the point where I feel justified in reviewing them. DoL is an exception though, I just keep coming back again and again. There is so much content, so much replay value and so much variety! It is an open world game with very detailed character customization (player and NPCs) and a loong list of fetishes (most of which are optional). You can easily find a playstyle that suits you, or experiment with different characters. I usually have a few different saves at any time with characters that I play very differently.

    And let's not forget the updates! This game has frequent and regular updates, as well as a very responsive and involved developer who really listens to his players. The updates are usually massive, adding loads of new content every time. Bugs are patched quickly in smaller bugfix-updates (that may or may not also contain more content!)

    Oh yeah and it's all free. So yeah, 5/5 game, 5/5 developer, I really can't find much to complain about except maybe that I'd wish for more artwork if at all possible (even though it is primarily a text-based game).
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    The Oppai ФЕН Huihihih

    Well great game, the only thing that's missing is "Purity Guy Submissive NPC" !
    Joke's aside, you can do bassiclay whatever you want in this game.
    The story is good, the customization is great.
    Also the discord is wild and the suport from the community is great.
    If i have one thing that i dont like and also like its that the game it's not finished yet.
    Enjoy it degenerates !
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    So this game hooked me by the tags it is given, and a few of the images. I always like the wild and crazy ones. I've been playing v0.2.22.6 for a few days now. I haven't really reached an end on my first save/playthrough. Or rather something that I can say "yep this is a good place to stop."

    I enjoy the writing of it, and really everything there is to do. The wiki is your friend. I only have two minor critiques. The first is the payment ramp. It goes to max so fast. Honestly I'm not sure I would have been able to keep up with it had I not been curious as to what would happen if I said "no". I made sure that I could cover the bill when ever I did that though. Which I'm glad because as soon as I made my escapes the first thing when I came back was "where's my money?" On that note I would have much rather have it that once the "Underground Brothel" as is, that MC would then randomly be sold to any of the four places. Making it a gamble to say "no" again.

    The second thing is the combat related traits I've read about on the wiki. Cumdump, Fucktoy, Bitch, ect. And just how many times each of them take. Like I said I've been playing this game for a couple of days now, with little breaks. And I still haven't even gotten one of them. I feel like they could use their own scale as MC is worked up to the end of the trait, because they are almost presented as a good thing to have, just getting there is taking forever.

    One more small thing, that I would love to see is a skimpy school outfit, sure you have a short school skirt, but I'm trying to turn MC into the school slut here...

    To me these are just small things and there is probably more of the game to explore that I haven't found because I was too scared to wander off. The Asylum gets a little boring... Anyhoosie, I do give this game five stars. It has kept me interested and I plan on going right back to it. Just felt I had played enough to give some honest feedback and rating.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    DoL is a tense game, where it's your character against the whole world, but it's a good kind of tense. You can feel that the game wants you to suffer, but it provides you with tools to come out on top. You may lose a couple of characters at first or fail to progress in some directions, but a couple characters later it becomes clear that there are a lot of things that you can track or do to gradually gain control.

    However, it's still a WIP game, and I can't call it a 11/10 masterpiece. Some things are obviously missing, and there's pretty much no late game. If you manage to earn a lot of money, there isn't that much to do with it. You can't buy or rent an apartment, for example.
    Relationship lines feel a bit radical, though maybe it's just me. I dunno, they seem to cross that line between dumb porn tropes and a hardcore grim scenario.

    It's still a surprisingly detailed game for something almost completely text-based, and it's definitely worth checking out, even though it's not for everyone. I can't even imagine how much good, polished and detailed content this game is going to have in later versions.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    In my opinion truly a masterwork of depravity.
    At first i was shocked twhen i saw that this is an textadventure and played a bit purely out of curiosity. Why would anyone play a h-textadventure i thought.
    Well it hooked me and now i come back from time to time and sink in a few hours.
    What ive seen of the updates is satisfactory and i didnt even knew i missed contend.

    Give it a try and enjoy ur stay as an orphan in rapetown^.^

    -A few mistakes in grammar, otherwise well written.
    -Plays like an management/turn based rpg
    -Freedom of choice except from a few scipted events
    -Many different kinks integrated
    -Sandboxgame/reach a bad ending but keep going
    -textadventure with little pixelanimations
    -interesting really dark world
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been playing Degrees of Lewdity for a bunch of hours now, and it is time to make a review.

    This game was the first text-based game that I've played and I'm happily surprised with how good it is. I had the game recommended when I asked for games with a dark setting - but also where you could choose the personality. I will say, this game hits pretty straight here, and that is nice.

    You have loads of choice in this game, especially with the customization of the character. You can choose female, male and transgender. It is rare to have that much customization. While the world itself is not dark, the setting sort of is, as you live in an abusive orphanage.

    I will say that a real litmus test of any game is how well it allows you to play in your desired way. Obviously, there are some caveats to that - for instance when playing Geralt of Rivia you will have of course have to adapt to the character's personality.

    Anyways, this game allows you to play however you like. Do you want to be a submissive push-over or a defiant person who stands up for them self? Do you want to give the bully his way, sway the weirdo or help your best friend? You decide, and that is great.

    Alright, so let me break it down for some fast(er) reading.

    The good:
    • Many different things to do and explore.
    • A real choice on how you want your character to be. This is probably the real strength of this game.
    • Actual pressure to make money and pay-up.
    • Many stats, and they are easy to find and view.
    • A huge amount of customization - both with the character and in terms of clothing.
    • Peculiar art. I put it under good because it is quite different than most. It's not really something that turns me on, but that isn't the point of a text-based game I feel.
    • There are many traits - and that is pretty cool as you get them depending on your play style. Though, can you really only be an angel if you are a virgin - does that actually make sense? I don't think so, but this is probably not the place for that discussion.

    The in-between
    • It took me some time to realize, but nonetheless the game becomes quite grindy. Especially the school days feels very repetitive busy-work. There should be ways to either mitigate them or make them more interesting. For instance a school trip to the lake or farms.
    • Various characters can become infatuated with you. I think it would be interesting if I could pick my own love interest. Sure, someone may be into the MC, but that doesn't make it mutual. Currently it makes it mutual, and I find it quite annoying when my character exclaims "I'm already in a relationship with X" when my character isn't.
    • The possibility of being assaulted needs to be balanced. Currently, you can get assaulted in broad daylight on the beach, bus or wherever. It's honestly a bit much and it breaks the immersion. Yes, I know the MC is attractive, but still.

    The bad:
    • The game needs a better journal/quest system - I've missed time-sensitive events because of a lack of reminders.
    • There are times where the dialogue simply doesn't make sense. I will keep it spoiler-free, but for instance a very shy person goes from "ple-please have sex with me" and if you agree they immediatly goes to "you like that you slut?". It doesn't really make much sense and it breaks character. Or having consensual sex also sometimes use the same lines that a sexual assault use.
    • A bit more information on how and where to find quests would be pretty neat. The information is not that well conveyed in the game.

    I hope this review was helpful to you!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    the best text sex simulator game i've ever played ( actually the first one but anyways ) I wish there were more games like this or some more story update to the game, I think I've played too much and there are no more contents
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has an amazing amount of depth without putting wall after wall of text in front of you. It's a sandbox game with a couple lose conditions and an achievement system to give you some goals if you need some direction.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This Is a Really good game for the simple reason being: Its not a generic visual novel like half the things on the front page. and also it gives you alot of things to shape your charactors personality in a way not many games like this will do.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    After playing this game for a long time, i've decided to finally give the praise it deserves. This masterpiece in the making is essentially a sandbox with endless posibilities, it just amazes me how after all the time that i've played it i still managed to find new events or encounters, like kicking my brain into a sense of wonder that's pretty difficult to find nowadays.
    With that said, this is just an early stage of a game i love, it needs polish and a direct upgrade to de defiant system, and domination overall, but i will be there, waiting, because this game deserves my attention and my energy.
    If the creator sees this review, thank you for pouring your heart and mind into this game. I will see how this project goes, thrilled.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    very fun and addictive RPG with lots of pussibilities. The customisation of the character, world and people you meet is awesome and the depth of the characters and interactions is very cool. The optionnal fetishes is a very nice touch.