
Active Member
Dec 5, 2021
I feel the school system, if you want to call it that, is in even greater need of overhaul than the combat. In my playthroughs so far, I generally became an A* student first thing. There's various driving forces for this, like the projects / stage play and the gameplay improvements tied to being good at school (shortcuts, combat action efficiency etc).
But it is easy to become good at school, and at that point even going to school becomes godawfully boring. Cause every day there is almost exactly like the one before, and there are far too few events tied to school performance and progression in general. You've seen most of it countless times after your first term and almost all of it after the second.

Some things that could be done would be for the school days to be more varied, i.e. with not exactly the same subjects in the same order every day.
There could be additional subjects like normal sports, housekeeping, religion tieing in to purity, something related to speech (seduction) ... just to name a few.
The player could start more varied (not with an F in everything).
Every lesson could only have a single stance choice, with an option to skip even that, setting a stance for the day. On some days, this could result in the game skipping the school day entirely, describing it as uneventful.
Progression to better marks could be a more rare option, for example at the end of the term, but then with the option to reach every mark, not just the next better one.
And, of course, there could be many more events and possibly some other named students, but that would of course potentially be more work than the things I mentioned above combined.

Anyway, I have to admit that I don't think I ever played much longer than a handful of school terms. At that point, you've likely seen most of what the game has to offer, are super skilled in everything you want to be skilled in and have thus run into the second major flaw the game has in my book - no real endgame / endings.
Can agree with everything You said except ending (IMO it's intended as endless thing), there are still a lot space to grow, but I dunno how many years it'll take and which "routes of developement" dev's will take.

Still, we can hope for mods to expand game somewhat, some are quite promising and not adandoned, fans can try mod 'bout vampires (not Jojo), can gain tentacle LI :love:, Doren days as I know also expand school and adds buy able and functional flat (I know many want that), we already have 2 working mods for better visuals... so maybe DoL will take "Skyrim path", who knows :unsure:
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Apr 29, 2020
I feel the school system, if you want to call it that, is in even greater need of overhaul than the combat.
Absolutely agree with this point really. Even something somewhat small like being able to choose which classes you take and adding a few more would be huge. Home ec for housekeeping and gym classes to raise the physical attributes for example. Hell adding in after school activities would be pretty cool as well or maybe just have them be replacements for swim class. Even just doing that isnt really a small update though considering it would require ripping out the entire school event code table and rewriting it. I bet that thing is fucking MASSIVE.


Active Member
Dec 5, 2021
I'm voting for Dark sOuLs :KEK:
Nah, seriously, If being honest want DoL to be darker, and want some not immerse breakin' challange (not like x10 clothes prices... rather looks silly instead of makin' game harder), I want chastity belts forced block option in Hard/Iron Man Mode, deeper stress and trauma, more violence and depravity, at least mild mutilation, netorare, and death... and Vampire afterlife... and death... and zombie afterlife... and death... and ghost afterlife... and death.
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Apr 29, 2020
The combat UI itself isnt even that bad currently. Its simple and easy to use even if its not pretty. The main issue is that combat is kind of stale. The vast majority of the time you just select an action for the body parts then mash 1 a dozen times till combat resolves itself. Nothing really important is ever mentioned in the flavor text. Most actions have little to no consequence unless you are going a virgin run. As soon as you latch onto a dick its basically not getting away.

The system isnt bad though its just barebones and pretty static. Id love to see more NPCs grappling and pinning and there being actions to take to squirm out of it. You should have to BEG to do actions you want if you are submissive instead of being able to instantly take control of a situation and guide it however you want. For me the ideal combat for a submissive is having arms pinned and having to plea with them to do what you want or contort yourself to position a hole instead of the current system you just select generic actions and they play out. Like most of the events are non consensual where the NPCs literally grab you and drag you into an alley so why are your hands almost always free?

Naturally something like that would murder you with hits to control for getting penetrated against your will but that would just need a balance pass to make something like that less punishing overall. A bigger hit for initiating an event and smaller ones for events inside or the like. Maybe refunding more for getting them to respond to begging or diverting out of penetration. I also still really want an option to go full slam pig and not getting hit for control or stress during non consensual events and instead having it drain fatigue directly and increase pain. Like the character LIKES it but it wears them out to get abused. The constraints always being control trauma and stress get kind of stale.


Engaged Member
Jan 5, 2019
The combat UI itself isnt even that bad currently. Its simple and easy to use even if its not pretty. The main issue is that combat is kind of stale. The vast majority of the time you just select an action for the body parts then mash 1 a dozen times till combat resolves itself. Nothing really important is ever mentioned in the flavor text. Most actions have little to no consequence unless you are going a virgin run. As soon as you latch onto a dick its basically not getting away.

The system isnt bad though its just barebones and pretty static. Id love to see more NPCs grappling and pinning and there being actions to take to squirm out of it. You should have to BEG to do actions you want if you are submissive instead of being able to instantly take control of a situation and guide it however you want. For me the ideal combat for a submissive is having arms pinned and having to plea with them to do what you want or contort yourself to position a hole instead of the current system you just select generic actions and they play out. Like most of the events are non consensual where the NPCs literally grab you and drag you into an alley so why are your hands almost always free?

Naturally something like that would murder you with hits to control for getting penetrated against your will but that would just need a balance pass to make something like that less punishing overall. A bigger hit for initiating an event and smaller ones for events inside or the like. Maybe refunding more for getting them to respond to begging or diverting out of penetration. I also still really want an option to go full slam pig and not getting hit for control or stress during non consensual events and instead having it drain fatigue directly and increase pain. Like the character LIKES it but it wears them out to get abused. The constraints always being control trauma and stress get kind of stale.
there are traits after getting molested and raped enough times that reduce their respective impacts, but the numbers needed are imo stupidly big
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Aug 31, 2017
The combat UI itself isnt even that bad currently. Its simple and easy to use even if its not pretty. The main issue is that combat is kind of stale. The vast majority of the time you just select an action for the body parts then mash 1 a dozen times till combat resolves itself. Nothing really important is ever mentioned in the flavor text. Most actions have little to no consequence unless you are going a virgin run. As soon as you latch onto a dick its basically not getting away.

The system isnt bad though its just barebones and pretty static. Id love to see more NPCs grappling and pinning and there being actions to take to squirm out of it. You should have to BEG to do actions you want if you are submissive instead of being able to instantly take control of a situation and guide it however you want. For me the ideal combat for a submissive is having arms pinned and having to plea with them to do what you want or contort yourself to position a hole instead of the current system you just select generic actions and they play out. Like most of the events are non consensual where the NPCs literally grab you and drag you into an alley so why are your hands almost always free?

Naturally something like that would murder you with hits to control for getting penetrated against your will but that would just need a balance pass to make something like that less punishing overall. A bigger hit for initiating an event and smaller ones for events inside or the like. Maybe refunding more for getting them to respond to begging or diverting out of penetration. I also still really want an option to go full slam pig and not getting hit for control or stress during non consensual events and instead having it drain fatigue directly and increase pain. Like the character LIKES it but it wears them out to get abused. The constraints always being control trauma and stress get kind of stale.
I feel like the variations of encounters where you're dealing with a non-conventional creatures like tentacles and swarms a little more engaging. Especially when you need to stop certain members of the swarm from targeting certain parts of your body if you're keen on protecting your purity. Tho there are some moments where it feels like the enemy ai gets stuck and doesn't do anything for several turns until I let loose on the defense.


Feb 8, 2019
Quite sad that my phone still can't play the combat animations/gifs properly. Used to play the game a lot back when my phone can still bear it.

But no longer will it play combat animations like it used to. I can still enjoy the new stories and feats without them but it feels rather dull seeing my character covered in tentacles while lying stiff and unmoving.

My character became an art piece of frozen live organisms or a painting that resembles a battle against literal purple darkness with quick cement like tentacles.
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Jun 3, 2020
Since people are sharing their opinions on what needs the most work, I thought I'd share mine too. I agree with everyone else about School and Combat needing work. I think the key thing is that game just becomes too easy too quickly. Once you feel like you're on auto-pilot, the game and the scenarios start to lose their charm. It's too easy to become a super strong, mentally healthy, perfect A-student, filthy rich sex god/goddess. The game has all of these systems in place that are supposed to be oppressive (trauma, stress, pain, control), but 90% of the time they feel trivial or underutilised. There are too many simple and repeatable ways to lower trauma. Control can generally be fully repaired with a single consensual encounter. The use of these stats just don't reflect the world and the scenario to me. If you play the game in the most "standard" way, you're an orphan essentially being pimped out by an evil predator. Yet it's trivially easy to be completely mentally well-adjusted and physically healthy while you're repeatedly selling your body at the brothel to pay off Bailey. The only aspects of the game that present some challenge in this way are non-consensual encounters and soft-ending scenarios. But Physique is way too easy to level (even when I'm hardly trying to) which eventually trivialises most non-consensual encounters too. IMO, the game would be more fun and engaging if keeping your character sane, financially-stable, and physically healthy felt like more of a struggle. To achieve this I'd suggest the following:

- Make the school system more about trade-offs rather than being good at everything. If school was harder and quite frankly more of a grind, it would become more a question of "do I want my character to be really good at Maths, or really good at English, etc?" rather than all of the above. Or "my grades are finally decent, but my status is terrible. I'm going to need to let my grades drop for a while so that I can raise my status and stop getting bullied." If it wasn't so easy to be good at absolutely everything simultaneously, then it would introduce more strategy and thus more interactivity. Then, even with the inherent repetition of something like a school system, it would stay more engaging and feel more like an active mini-game with significant penalties and rewards. Which I feel like is what it was probably originally conceived as, because a lot of the mechanics are already sitting there waiting to be utilised, but they need dialing and tweaking. Because currently, I go to school and do the exact same thing every day. Study in the library before school (because there's not much else to do anyway), go to science class early for the bonus. Focus on the lesson twice and socialise once. Talk to Robin at lunch. Study more (again, there's not much else to do at lunch time). Go to History class early. Repeat.

- An attitude setting so that sex via prostitution doesn't lower stress/trauma and increase control, but instead increases stress/trauma and lowers control (but to a lesser degree than non-consensual encounters). Regadless of Promiscuity level. This would add way more challenge, and allow you to play as a character that resorts to sex-work out of desperation but feels bad about it. Which would quite frankly be appropriate given the scenario the MC is in. And it could lead the character to have to rely more on self-medicating (e.g. alcohol and/or anti-depressants from Dr Harper) to stay healthy. Currently, you can essentially "heal" yourself from a bad non-consensual encounter by going to the Brothel and whoring yourself. This might fit some people's roleplaying approach, but it doesn't really fit mine. Having an option to remove prostitution as one of the "positive" types of sexual encounter would also then put more of an important emphasis on sex with love interests, which would now play a more important role in repairing the MCs control and reducing stress/trauma.

- Something resembling a "wear and tear" system, where repeated sex acts (even consensual ones, but to a lesser degree than non-consensual ones) can cause significant pain. So that you actually have to pace yourself. This, combined with the suggestion above, turns prostitution into a high risk / high reward way of making money, rather than the relatively low risk / high reward thing that it currently is. So maybe a character that mostly relies on prostitution to make money has to take a couple days off and make significantly less money at the cafe instead, in order to let their body heal enough.

- Dial down some of the financial rewards, or introduce new money sinks, or both. For example, I now just ignore Avery every playthrough because going on dates with him is just too lucrative. Once you're financially set up and Bailey's payments are no longer a concern (even while supporting Robin too), that's when the boredom sets in. You feel like you've "won" the game. A game like this with the oppressive world/narrative/scenarios should never really feel like you're "safe" or you've "won", or if so, that victory should be really grueling and hard-earned.

Anyway, those are my opinions. I'd definitely like to see a focus on refining, expanding and rebalancing what's already there rather than adding new features for a while. It feels like lots of the foundations are there but certain elements are misfiring or being underutilised at the moment, at the expense of challenge and difficulty. And I'm of the mindset that challenge and difficulty are key here, because they require the player to make constant strategic micro-decisions, which increases interactivity and immersion. And in a text-game such as this with a lot of repetitive events, decision-making, interactivity and immersion are essential.


Nov 8, 2019
Oof, That's a shame.
I didn't even notice that they'd made it specifically as a loli graphics mod, 'cause I just thought it's a better redesign of the vanilla sprites. :KEK:
But heyyyy, maybe with this CRP it'll be put there instead? I dig their designs more than vanilla tbh.

I don't really get what they meant by this "no longer what it used to be" 'cause I only remember it being the hardest smut game I've ever played now reduced to casual difficulty with all the ways we can bypass even if we max out the sliders.
Unless they specifically wanted the literal part where we play as kids then this game won't even last this long 'cause the prudes will fire them ASAP.
When i first played this game i remember that i got a generic feeling that this is in general a dark game where we are abused orphans who just want to survive and do whatever we can for it but nowadays its some really casual game where even the story feels less impactful but thats it. The game is considerably lighter.
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May 1, 2021
Right, two big problems:

Combat at the moment is either just stroke/stroke/nothing/moan(suck) or punch/punch/kick/demand(bite) spam with occasional stealing.

School exists as a time sink (bonuses you get for good grades are too good to ignore and stress gained is mostly negligible) and for Whitney. I know there's more content like a glory hole but it's not very sign posted.

Having an option to remove prostitution as one of the "positive" types of sexual encounter would also then put more of an important emphasis on sex with love interests, which would now play a more important role in repairing the MCs control and reducing stress/trauma.
That would make a love interest too good. I believe you could start by just separating prostitution from casual sex with strangers.
  • Thinking Face
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Jun 3, 2020
That would make a love interest too good. I believe you could start by just separating prostitution from casual sex with strangers.
Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear. I wasn't suggesting buffing the love interests. Keep them as they are. I was just suggesting that by separating prostitution from other forms of consensual sex and making it a "negative", it would inherently make getting a love interest and spending time with them more important than it currently is. Because you wouldn't be able to use prostitution to lower stress/trauma and increase control anymore. Which only leaves sex with love interests and casual sex as options for that.

Currently, when I play a prostitution-focused character, I don't even really feel like I need a love interest (aside from roleplaying reasons) because my control levels are maxed and stress/trauma levels are at zero 90% of the time anyway.


Active Member
Dec 5, 2021
Right, two big problems:

Combat at the moment is either just stroke/stroke/nothing/moan(suck) or punch/punch/kick/demand(bite) spam with occasional stealing.

School exists as a time sink (bonuses you get for good grades are too good to ignore and stress gained is mostly negligible) and for Whitney. I know there's more content like a glory hole but it's not very sign posted.

That would make a love interest too good. I believe you could start by just separating prostitution from casual sex with strangers.
I'd say it'll make love interests at least needed and not totally ignored.
When I need Promisc Control - gloryhole
When I need Exgibitio Control - striptease
When I need lowering trauma - Robin
When I need pepper spray - Kylar
When I need Sidney, Eden, and others? Except roleplay - mostly never, your GF/BF must give better - trauma/-stress then random in the bar, prostituting yourself must give you at least some +stress and small +trauma...
Okay, MC might like it, but it might be corruption oriented change, we have that only in basic terms after 1st Bailey payment failure for totally innocent MC (tbh I never got Bailey events non intentionally, I dunno how to make challenge for myself... even with cheats)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
Is there anything that makes the game more challenging later after you start getting £500+ per hour at the cafe from making cream cakes?

Seems a bit unbalanced compared to the other stuff in the game so far, and I'm only in week 3...


Active Member
Oct 18, 2018
Is there anything that makes the game more challenging later after you start getting £500+ per hour at the cafe from making cream cakes?

Seems a bit unbalanced compared to the other stuff in the game so far, and I'm only in week 3...
How do you get £500 after 3 weeks? It's almost impossible to get only the chef-job within 3 week let alone making that much money.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
How do you get £500 after 3 weeks? It's almost impossible to get only the chef-job within 3 week let alone making that much money.
I went and got the parasite from the going on the rocks from the beach topless on day 1, then worked in the cafe every day until it unlocked chef job and the buns, went and bought the 2 pumps from the hospital, then I unlocked the photography place and got the +30%.

I did also purposely get attacked by dogs breaking into peoples houses after doing the cafe jobs. I thought stealing their collar for £50 a go was good...

I was mistaken about the amount

"It has been 21 days since the game started."
Buns sold: 34
Bun Value: £100
Your cut: 30%
Labour value: £10
Total earned: £1030

You can repeat that 4 times as well before you run out of mulk, so earn 4k a day for 4 hours.

More than I thought, kinda makes the game a bit easy :(.
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Apr 12, 2020
Since people are sharing their opinions on what needs the most work, I thought I'd share mine too. I agree with everyone else about School and Combat needing work. I think the key thing is that game just becomes too easy too quickly. Once you feel like you're on auto-pilot, the game and the scenarios start to lose their charm. It's too easy to become a super strong, mentally healthy, perfect A-student, filthy rich sex god/goddess. The game has all of these systems in place that are supposed to be oppressive (trauma, stress, pain, control), but 90% of the time they feel trivial or underutilised. There are too many simple and repeatable ways to lower trauma. Control can generally be fully repaired with a single consensual encounter. The use of these stats just don't reflect the world and the scenario to me. If you play the game in the most "standard" way, you're an orphan essentially being pimped out by an evil predator. Yet it's trivially easy to be completely mentally well-adjusted and physically healthy while you're repeatedly selling your body at the brothel to pay off Bailey. The only aspects of the game that present some challenge in this way are non-consensual encounters and soft-ending scenarios. But Physique is way too easy to level (even when I'm hardly trying to) which eventually trivialises most non-consensual encounters too. IMO, the game would be more fun and engaging if keeping your character sane, financially-stable, and physically healthy felt like more of a struggle. To achieve this I'd suggest the following:

- Make the school system more about trade-offs rather than being good at everything. If school was harder and quite frankly more of a grind, it would become more a question of "do I want my character to be really good at Maths, or really good at English, etc?" rather than all of the above. Or "my grades are finally decent, but my status is terrible. I'm going to need to let my grades drop for a while so that I can raise my status and stop getting bullied." If it wasn't so easy to be good at absolutely everything simultaneously, then it would introduce more strategy and thus more interactivity. Then, even with the inherent repetition of something like a school system, it would stay more engaging and feel more like an active mini-game with significant penalties and rewards. Which I feel like is what it was probably originally conceived as, because a lot of the mechanics are already sitting there waiting to be utilised, but they need dialing and tweaking. Because currently, I go to school and do the exact same thing every day. Study in the library before school (because there's not much else to do anyway), go to science class early for the bonus. Focus on the lesson twice and socialise once. Talk to Robin at lunch. Study more (again, there's not much else to do at lunch time). Go to History class early. Repeat.

- An attitude setting so that sex via prostitution doesn't lower stress/trauma and increase control, but instead increases stress/trauma and lowers control (but to a lesser degree than non-consensual encounters). Regadless of Promiscuity level. This would add way more challenge, and allow you to play as a character that resorts to sex-work out of desperation but feels bad about it. Which would quite frankly be appropriate given the scenario the MC is in. And it could lead the character to have to rely more on self-medicating (e.g. alcohol and/or anti-depressants from Dr Harper) to stay healthy. Currently, you can essentially "heal" yourself from a bad non-consensual encounter by going to the Brothel and whoring yourself. This might fit some people's roleplaying approach, but it doesn't really fit mine. Having an option to remove prostitution as one of the "positive" types of sexual encounter would also then put more of an important emphasis on sex with love interests, which would now play a more important role in repairing the MCs control and reducing stress/trauma.

- Something resembling a "wear and tear" system, where repeated sex acts (even consensual ones, but to a lesser degree than non-consensual ones) can cause significant pain. So that you actually have to pace yourself. This, combined with the suggestion above, turns prostitution into a high risk / high reward way of making money, rather than the relatively low risk / high reward thing that it currently is. So maybe a character that mostly relies on prostitution to make money has to take a couple days off and make significantly less money at the cafe instead, in order to let their body heal enough.

- Dial down some of the financial rewards, or introduce new money sinks, or both. For example, I now just ignore Avery every playthrough because going on dates with him is just too lucrative. Once you're financially set up and Bailey's payments are no longer a concern (even while supporting Robin too), that's when the boredom sets in. You feel like you've "won" the game. A game like this with the oppressive world/narrative/scenarios should never really feel like you're "safe" or you've "won", or if so, that victory should be really grueling and hard-earned.

Anyway, those are my opinions. I'd definitely like to see a focus on refining, expanding and rebalancing what's already there rather than adding new features for a while. It feels like lots of the foundations are there but certain elements are misfiring or being underutilised at the moment, at the expense of challenge and difficulty. And I'm of the mindset that challenge and difficulty are key here, because they require the player to make constant strategic micro-decisions, which increases interactivity and immersion. And in a text-game such as this with a lot of repetitive events, decision-making, interactivity and immersion are essential.
This is pretty comprehensive. Thanks for putting so much thought into this.

- Returning school to a system of tradeoffs sounds like a good idea. Although there would ideally still be a way for players that put the work in to be good at everything. Perhaps some tradeoffs would have to extend to out of school. One way I can think of this being possible is to simply make exams harder, requiring the player to spend more time focussing on raising their mark for each subject one at a time while just trying to keep the others sustained. That might get annoying, though, and would feed further into the problem of school being a same-y grind.

- It might be worth straight up making new encounter designations, so rather than just "sex", "molestation", "stalk" and "fight", it could be "sex" for general consensual sex, "prostitution" for sex that's consensual but done for an ulterior motive, "molestation" for someone just wanting to get off quick using the player's body, and "rape" for someone taking full control and advantage of the player.
"Sex" and "molestation" would allow the player to take some form of control or appease their attacker, and perhaps even take control as is so often requested, while "prostitution" and "rape" would mean the player has to satisfy the NPC in a certain way and has little control of the situation. This could also set an actual task the player has to complete in order to get out of the situation submissively. "Fight" and "stalk" would remain largely the same, total combat rewrite notwithstanding.

- There is a lot of unused code revolving around bruising that could be revived. It might need to be a toggle, but the challenge would be there for players that want it. It could come with ways to become inoculated to repeated use that scales with bodypart skill, and maybe the player could become a client at the spa to speed up the recovery process.

- A total redo of the economy and balance of money might be a good 0.6 goal.

Thanks for your thoughts. You've given me some good ideas.


Active Member
Oct 18, 2018
I went and got the parasite from the going on the rocks from the beach topless on day 1, then worked in the cafe every day until it unlocked chef job and the buns, went and bought the 2 pumps from the hospital, then I unlocked the photography place and got the +30%.

I did also purposely get attacked by dogs breaking into peoples houses after doing the cafe jobs.

I was mistaken about the amount

"It has been 21 days since the game started."
Buns sold: 34
Bun Value: £100
Your cut: 30%
Labour value: £10
Total earned: £1030

More than I thought, kinda makes the game a bit easy :(.
So you do nothing else than spamming the café?
That's not easy that's just boring. And you see nothing else of the game.


Conversation Conqueror
Dec 4, 2019
So you do nothing else than spamming the café?
That's not easy that's just boring. And you see nothing else of the game.
Hmm, you can try looking for marks / stealing at Darryl's club in daytime, the school library for cash.
The spa too, lotsa places where you can steal money / things to sell.

That can usually net me 1k - 2k+ before afternoon.

Or if you want some rng involved, spam jobs at the houses from the rich folks residences.

I'm not really a fan of the cafe money-making because that is too broken especially later on, I just did it for the feats.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
Since we are on about new features....

What about cheese making. Some "home made" cheese to sell at the market would be fun.
Ability for the bully to cut your hair in a way that makes you look stupid, so you have to fix it.
Being distracted by doing stuff while travelling (flashing people, running from people) which results in you falling down opened manholes at random (rare), just for comedy value.
Getting scared at night from trauma and pissing the bed.
Maybe a system where you have to clean your clothes/bed after getting dirty, or getting pissed on by dogs etc.

The bruising stuff sounds cool, the more you get into the rough stuff the worse you look. Maybe people will take pity on you, or maybe people will use you as punching bag more if they think you are weak.
Could also expand to people spanking you, and have it so every time you sit down at school you get +pain.

Maybe my mind is just fucked though.
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