
Active Member
May 5, 2018
I should mention that all of these have some great content involved in some way, all are grindy as fuck(this game basically) and all are bad and can get worse and are in need of more content when it's their turn to get some. Thoughts?
My first thought is, I love all of those dungeons, and other than having more content and at least 1 quick escape route, I wouldn't really change a thing. Such serious situations probably should be at least a little grindy.
Second thought, I want a character that is similar to the doctor, but also his opposite. Maybe you could meet him and potentially be bought by him in the slave dungeon. Dr. Harper takes away your trauma and awareness so you're like a little child that is easily taken advantage of. I think a character, I'll call him the doll maker, who purposfully maxes your trauma to make you like a blank unresisting doll is an interesting idea (doll maker increases masochism, too). Since, in my initial scenario he gets you from the slave dungeon, maybe he intends to sell you after he's thoroughly broke you. Also, recovering from his version of breaking shouldn't be something you can easily recover from on your own. You'll probably need Dr. Harper. For buyers, you can probably make use of the existing characters. I think the principal would love to have a doll he can use whenever he wants, though there are other teachers that don't currently have fleshed out existences so one of them is also a possibility. There's also Kylar who would happily buy you, and I bet Avery would also love a doll.
Closing thoughts, I love this game, and you're doing a great job, Vrelnir. Take care of your health! :giggle:


Jan 13, 2020
How can you get S attractiveness without being completely nude? I've maxed out my seduction skill to S but I'm still stuck on some seduction choices where you need S overall rating (thus also S attractiveness rating). For example, trying to whore yourself out at the Pub and demanding £100 requires S attractiveness and although I have 6 exhibitionism I can't go to the pub nude.

Increase your beauty, get longer hair, wear accessories.
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Oct 18, 2018
How can you get S attractiveness without being completely nude? I've maxed out my seduction skill to S but I'm still stuck on some seduction choices where you need S overall rating (thus also S attractiveness rating). For example, trying to whore yourself out at the Pub and demanding £100 requires S attractiveness and although I have 6 exhibitionism I can't go to the pub nude.
That is controlled by "Allure".
Slutty or missing clothes is only one factor increasing allure.
Others are:
  • Beauty, increases over time, you cannot control it
  • hair-length
  • being drenched in goo, inside or out
  • night
  • having a transformation
  • high fame for lewd stuff
  • low fame for other things
Yes, you can get £100 just by asking, but you have to play about 100 days to get there.
Before that you have to spend drinks. Try it out how many drinks it takes to get £50 or £100.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
Glancing through the patch notes, it looks like most of the updates lately are improving quality of life stuff, or under the hood. All important stuff, to be sure, and I thought of a bunch of less than useful thoughts and ideas in while zipping through it again. Holy wall of text, Batman!

Out of curiosity, will it be possible to make Robin a bit more.. amorous and/or adventurous under the protagonists helpful guiding hand? Especially if the two have been a couple for a while? I know he/she is supposed to be pretty oblivious to the world in general, but even Robin has to notice things when say, our hero(ine) is running about in a thong and little else. Or completely soaked through from the rain. Or uh, *other* fluids. Or *full* of said other fluids. RNG is a cruel mistress.

Also, it could be a kind of fun scenario if the maybe boy wonder was occasionally trying to hide a full chub, or dripping with need, or to be utterly frank-- just all kinds of turned on and looking to get their rocks off. That's what friends are for, right?

Actually, I recall one time when playing, several months ago, other orphans stumbled onto my character as they were using the bath, and I could offer to have them join in. Haven't duplicated it since, but it was a fun situation. It'd be keen if there were similar chances to boost uh, morale, for the orphans in similar ways.

Tentacles. We've got water tentacles. Weird alien hallucinogenic tentacles. Seeing how there is a science fair and all sorts of weird fungus and crap growing about, why not the gold standard plant tentacles?

Speaking of awkward situations, any chance of say, stumbling upon the sight of Whitney being pumped full of puppy power and/or chowder, or a similar otherwise precarious situation? Gonna be real difficult for them to try and be imposing if they have been reduced to a cum addled mess, or worse yet-- our protagonist has helped them out before things got too.. sticky. How depraved!

Or another fun scenario, Whitney tries to shove you in large locker, you struggle or they stumble, and either way you get stuck in it together as it audibly clicks shut. Potential sexytimes ensue.

Come to think of it, if you become a master of the sexy arts, how come you can't use your Bone no Jitsu or equivalent on aggressors? I mean, if they have all their bits trying to shove their way into *your* bits, can't you just use your magical hands on their undefended nether regions to render them sated in short order? Assuming our hero is depraved/comfortable enough to go for butt stuff, just aim for the spot in the interior walls annnddd.. well, refractory time is a bitch. Just saying.

Another another *another* semi awkward setup: The protagonist has just administered a masterful bj. They are also, however, playful and potentially dominant. So they opt to give their partner a kiss with a little extra salty surprise. Not sure how that would work with the current flow of the sex, however, as usually it concludes on the partners orgasm in an auto script sorta deal, no more interaction on the part of the player.

Back to Whitney. Couldn't a potential answer to their aggressive hostilities is to just be.. I dunno, *better* at things? Hard to stay angry at somebody that renders you boneless via a toe curling orgasm at a regular basis. And on the non hands on approach of things-- what about school popularity? If you are one of the cool kids, wouldn't *Whitney* be under the merciless might and plight of pure pressure to leave you the heck alone, or at least pretend to get along, lest they themselves get bullied? (And likely voilated, because this is a super happy fun world to play in.) Dramatic irony! There is always somebody bigger, after all.

Last little bit: Any progress on the Darryl or Doren front? Regarding Darryl, I'm curious what sort of plight has them so haggard the few chances of conversation have indicated so far. That, and the whole-missing-glasses-actually-on-the-head thing is so cute it's pretty much made them adorable forever. 10/10, needs shagging. That said, I'm not opposed to them taking up pole dancing or taking a more active role in the strip club, because I'm a depraved sort. And I still shamelessly pine for a slutty sister in arms for the main character.

Doren is also one of the few not-horrible characters in this worlds writeup, and I'm super curious to see them develop. They even went so far as to attempt to defend the protagonist and seek assistance from the (corrupt) policeforce, giving Doren a small taste of the horrible chain of events looking to pants our hero on a regular basis. Feels like the last interaction with the.. scottish? Welsh? (I dunno, but I'm pretty sure there was an accent there at some point) teacher was a long time ago, though.

..Regarding that, couldn't the time available to drop by Dorens flat get extended or moved an hour? Between Whitney, random hijinks and suspension I never seem to line up with the proposed time slot to drop by.

Lastly: Any line on futa when, if ever? I absolutely don't have some sort of head canon that Robin and the M.C. are a pair of hermaphrodites shagging eachother blind on a nightly basis. Ruining all the sheets. All of them. I may also be lying. That's my jam, I apologize for nothing.

That's everything I can think of off the top of my head. Game is great, Dev is great. Thanks again for making this fantastic little sexy orphan misfortune simulator, eagerly looking forward to more when it drops.


Nov 5, 2019
Back to Whitney. Couldn't a potential answer to their aggressive hostilities is to just be.. I dunno, *better* at things? Hard to stay angry at somebody that renders you boneless via a toe curling orgasm at a regular basis. And on the non hands on approach of things-- what about school popularity? If you are one of the cool kids, wouldn't *Whitney* be under the merciless might and plight of pure pressure to leave you the heck alone, or at least pretend to get along, lest they themselves get bullied? (And likely voilated, because this is a super happy fun world to play in.) Dramatic irony! There is always somebody bigger, after all.
Yeah isnt popularity right now borderline useless?
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Aug 14, 2019
Glancing through the patch notes, it looks like most of the updates lately are improving quality of life stuff, or under the hood. All important stuff, to be sure, and I thought of a bunch of less than useful thoughts and ideas in while zipping through it again. Holy wall of text, Batman!

wall of text

Lastly: Any line on futa when, if ever? I absolutely don't have some sort of head canon that Robin and the M.C. are a pair of hermaphrodites shagging eachother blind on a nightly basis. Ruining all the sheets. All of them. I may also be lying. That's my jam, I apologize for nothing.

That's everything I can think of off the top of my head. Game is great, Dev is great. Thanks again for making this fantastic little sexy orphan misfortune simulator, eagerly looking forward to more when it drops.
Where there is any mention of my name in the change logs, bare in mind im a programmer not a story writer, i leave that to Vrelnir and the other contributors mostly. A lot of things that ive added are behind the scenes and quality of life.

Regarding Futa, dont expect it soon, there are still combat issues with it and many areas where story needs to be re-written to support it. I also doubt it'll be spoiled when its done either, so ull only know when its in after its all sorted and its update is out.


May 7, 2019
Game's pretty good, however I don't understand how any of this stuff works, everything seems to work on a weird RNG system, not only that but unlocking feats is extremely tedious, I get that there are people who do want to unlock their content in a porn game, but as I see it, there's no real reason to have the feats not be in the cheat menu, it isn't a multiplayer game, and it's extremely hard to make your character how you want them to be without the cheat menu, so either you have to deal with getting mentally broken, and abused, or cheat and be unable to access content in the game, because you simply weren't having fun with how unfair the game can be at times.
You've likely heard this quote many times, but I'm gonna say it anyway, ""If it's not fun, why bother?"", most people playing porn games don't play them for their in depth RNG, and millions of unlock-able content, they play it because they wanna escape reality, and live a life that's not healthy to live in reality, or can't even happen in reality. However, what's a review, without being really reviewing the game completely.

The characters are interesting, and I feel bad for some of them, really wanting to help them. [however, unless I cheated, I couldn't.]
The way """combat""" works, is very interesting, and I've never seen it done like this before, it's pretty good.
The art is pretty well done as-well.

However, the negatives are kind of large.
It takes far too long to do anything, you need to do too much for a simple action that shouldn't make you feel like you're trying to figure out what button is used to stop a nuclear explosion from going off, and the rest just make the timer tick down faster.
There are far too many rapist, that just get away with everything, which makes no sense, I know that 1 good person = 500 bad people, but like, there has to be someone who would come up, and punch the person trying to rape you.
Things break way to easily for you to not use the cheat menu.
Everything feels repetitive.

The game is alright, but it would be nice to maybe let people who just want to play a porn game, and not have to do multiple endings just so they can unlock the full game. I'm not the only one who feels this way, I'm sure. Just doesn't make sense to have a cheat menu, when you aren't even allowed to truly play the game when you've used the cheat menu.
This one isn't really that important, but since herms seem to be a recurring bug, maybe just add herms, and let the PC be a herm? Some people do want to be able to penetrate while still having their pussy, just saying.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
Tentacles. We've got water tentacles. Weird alien hallucinogenic tentacles. Seeing how there is a science fair and all sorts of weird fungus and crap growing about, why not the gold standard plant tentacles?
This game has them! Way in the Forrest plant tentacles will cum for you, i'm having to battle them on my trips to the pond from the Wolf cave. They have a metal one as well living in the Scrapyard too.
Yeah isnt popularity right now borderline useless?
You can set up a gloryhole at the school toilets and use your popularity to get better prices, but i heard Vrels working on adding cliques to the school.
You can replicate all of the feats in the cheat menu and you can find a list of them in the Wiki. But i'm on your side in regards to the exclucivity of them for mostly the same reason. Just not the "If it's not fun, why bother?" aspect, who's to say what's fun and what's not. As someone who is trying to get all the Acheivos(and i'm pretty close to it now ;) ) i can say i've had some fun getting them while also cursing some of the more RNG based ones(super super baby? Come on!) and wishing some changes to some of them( the ends of the earth one should have you visit all the locations not just swim to the end of the ocean) but these are a trial i'm guessing as they are new to the game and there is room for more/improvements.. And a lot of these updates are setting up some base stuff for other larger updates that are to follow like the Farm and the Prison.

As far as Acheivos/feats go i doubt most players will bother to track down alot of them, it seems most of the peeps who play this rarly restart unless your like me and restart to get to the new content each update but most players live off of the one life. I personally think they need a way activate them in-game, you could still have "new game" feats but others should be activatable through a menu in-game. But over all the "feats" are ment to help your next life rather then then anything that "needs" to be unlocked as non add content to the game, they just add boosts.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
Thanks for the heads up, Midge. Overmuch affectionate plantlife is already in? Exploration must be done, post haste. In the name of science! ..And shagging/being shagged by everything that moves. Also for science. Just a hop skip and a jump away from dryads and plant people now.

Also, Metal tentacles? Oof. That's gonna chafe some willies. And other delicate bits. I'd say hopefully the citizens are up to date on their tetanus shots but given the state of the hospital in this games world... yeah, pretty sure they are all doomed.

Where there is any mention of my name in the change logs, bare in mind im a programmer not a story writer, i leave that to Vrelnir and the other contributors mostly. A lot of things that ive added are behind the scenes and quality of life.

Regarding Futa, dont expect it soon, there are still combat issues with it and many areas where story needs to be re-written to support it. I also doubt it'll be spoiled when its done either, so ull only know when its in after its all sorted and its update is out.
Ah, so that's where the magic happens. A feather in thy cap, good sir or mad'am! S'okay, I figured it wasn't an easy (innuendo!) addition, given how binary (punny!) the either/or format of most of the areas and encounters appear designed. Good things cum (not sure counts as innuendo!) to those that (master)bwait (okay, now I'm not even trying).

Regarding Coital Kombat, (yes, now the music theme is most likely running through your head. You are welcome), will there be an easier way attack things head on, i.e. administer cunnilingus/blowjobs, or positions in general? Maybe dexterity is a factor? Currently it seems like it's just a race to your bottom bits, and any chance of using your oral skills in rng based off the start of the encounter.

Even sexy times with Robin does this. If they *really* want all the love and affection, they would offer to go down on you, and vice versa.

Heck, if flexibility is potentially a thing.. any chance of giving yourself some creative tongue lashing either mid encounter or masturbating? Obviously trying to smuggle your sausage in your mouth would be easier or more difficult depending on size, but flexibility and creative thinking can go a long way. Ditto for female M.C.s conquering their quim, especially if the player is rocking the cat form transformation. Licking themselves and grooming is like, 60% of what they do.

Gotta say, if our protag knows how to go down on themselves in the middle of a dance routine in the strip joint? It's gonna rain benjamins. Now the student has become the master.

Regarding cat transformations, a random event or compulsion could involve preening or brushing their hair considerably more often than the norm. Or maybe hand Robin a brush and ask her to do it, if trust and affection is running high.

Another cat style event or shtick could be being drawn to sudden movements or shifting lights, for better or for worse, which would require willpower to resist.

Sexxing: Is a cowgirl stance a potential option somewhere down the line? (Which if so, by extension, requires us to have access assless chaps and a cowboy hat. Pretty sure it's a law somewhere.)

Assuming our hero is a well rounded type: Boobjob? Paizuri?

..Hotdogging? (If you think this is about random meat products being applied to buns, you are getting warm.)

Other notions for (turning) tricks in combat: Maybe it's based off charisma and amplified by your assets, but any chance of a suggestive wiggle or jiggle to direct their gaze elsewhere? (Perhaps based an ability that is available with enough acceptance earned meditating on your curvy attributes.) Currently you can plead with "please no tab a in my slot b" but it's hardly the same thing as arcing the back, slapping your rear whilst moaning suggestively, or making a super duper subtle blowjob/wiggling tongue gesture.

Edit. Derp, that's kinda sorta already in, offering your rear or your vag. Not so much on making them focus on boobs or flexing those throat muscles, though.

On the flip side, maybe have a random chance of an opponent/aggressive partner tired of your sass (mocking, pleading, whatever) and decide to silence your talk speaking with their squishy bits, instead of whatever they were doing. Maybe intelligent characters can use some reverse psychology to achieve it intentionally? May be a potential pain to write, though.

And that's it for yet another unsolicited chunk of random questions, thoughts and ideas. Thank you generous hosts!
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Feb 10, 2019
hello! sorry to bother with my broken Eingrish and bad grammar again, (English not my main language) got a question:

Where to take the papers you find in a safe that is drop by a car on the streets? it say something like "someone in the underworld may have some use for this" and MC seems to keep them, but who to take it too? ...or is this part of the game not developed yet? is it like a sub-quest or something? i am curious. thanks!
also what is the deal of rescuing the girl who is bully on the street? if you fight the bully she either escapes, give thanks (lows trauma) or say she didn't need any help... does saving her has any use at all? other than that lower trauma thing in one of the out comes ?


Oct 29, 2018
is there anywhere I can see Vrel's timeline for future updates? like an ordered list of things he plans to include?


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
hello! sorry to bother with my broken Eingrish and bad grammar again, (English not my main language) got a question:

Where to take the papers you find in a safe that is drop by a car on the streets? it say something like "someone in the underworld may have some use for this" and MC seems to keep them, but who to take it too? ...or is this part of the game not developed yet? is it like a sub-quest or something? i am curious. thanks!
also what is the deal of rescuing the girl who is bully on the street? if you fight the bully she either escapes, give thanks (lows trauma) or say she didn't need any help... does saving her has any use at all? other than that lower trauma thing in one of the out comes ?
Try Laundry at the Pub for all things crime related, i'm pretty sure it all converts to stollen goods money. So far for that event it seems like that's it unless it raises combat fame as well which i think it should.
is there anywhere I can see Vrel's timeline for future updates? like an ordered list of things he plans to include?
Nope. You just have to trawl through the blogspot fourms usually in the latest update post, but i think next up is "body writing along with an underlying system that can handle other markings on the PC's skin. It's a requirement for some of the farm scenes." that's from Vrel.
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Oct 29, 2018
Try Laundry at the Pub for all things crime related, i'm pretty sure it all converts to stollen goods money. So far for that event it seems like that's it unless it raises combat fame as well which i think it should.

Nope. You just have to trawl through the blogspot fourms usually in the latest update post, but i think next up is "body writing along with an underlying system that can handle other markings on the PC's skin. It's a requirement for some of the farm scenes." that's from Vrel.
thanks pretty useful to have this


Jun 11, 2017
I realize this game has some real depth into it, but after 2 weeks of on and off playing it (this is rare for my attention span, I LOVE this game) I want to try different things, but I don't know how.

The information and choices are overwhelming to the point that I don't know how to proceed. How can I create an assertive PC? From my experience getting raped is way too easy in this game (I know I could use cheat and use infinite pepper spray or change stats so rape had no effect, but this is not the way to go). How can I control the rape scenarios and how can I become a assertive king/queen? Is this even a choice on the game? Or is it just orientated towards sub fantasies mainly?


Active Member
Nov 18, 2018
For future reference, OP has a couple uses in common internet tongue: Overpowered and Original Poster. Overpowered is obvious. When OP is used in a forum setting, it often refers to the first post made by the one that started the discussion thread.

As for the challenge in maintaining control, that is indeed meant to be difficult to muster without cheats. The game used to be called a PTSD sim (likely still is) and as I understand it the main character is mainly meant to canonically be victimized by all the rape and sexual encounters with the challenge being keeping sane despite that and either finding ways to cope with the effects or avoiding the sex all together. To be honest, I wouldn't even say it's oriented towards sub fantasies since those same effects are meant to be debilitating rather than something that encourages the sub play. Again, with cheats, you can make the main turn into a subby toy that's just as accepting of the circumstances as everyone else in this crazy town, but even then the game still thinks you are not suppose to and you're still often treated as at least a somewhat unwilling and hapless victim of sexual assault. What you're seeing is what I think is the meat of the game's be less about finding ways to screw or be screwed like so many games are in this genre and instead be a game about overcoming the adversities associated with being an unwilling toy and existing in a world seemingly gone perversely fuck-hungry mad (although there's a whole other conversation here about how much of that is suppose to be real or illusory).
Aug 5, 2019
The OP is the First Page <
All the Links you should Bookmark or should know about >


Link to where i have the html would be here Degrees of Lewdity

This is how i have it Bookmarked using Firefox.
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