Ooo~ Awesome, been a while since I am waiting for an update to come as my tall amazonian herm who was once pure and angelic turned demonic cow is currently rich beyond imagination and famous beyond imagination as I just finished all the things I can do in the prison (Which I allowed myself to be caught as the police have been unable to do so for a year now) as I escaped like a badass.
Currently keeping my rival's farm burning and planting food for the city and providing for the orphanage that is armed with pepper spray, a soup kitchen, and a big greenhouse filled with produce.
Wanted to ally with the church even if some are a bit corrupted, but mostly keep the corruption at bay, ensuring that the tentacle realm and other lusty entities are being kept in check as I destroyed a gate ritual at the manor. (Hope in the late game we can help keep the town {Corrupted/Pure/Balanced} with the spreading corruption that the nuns always insist we are yet to be ready for).
Now that the pregnancy update is coming soon, I will ensure that only named NPCs will give me children, if not then the wolves, jaguars, centaurs, or forest people will do as to breed more wild and powerful amazonian hybrids to my cause. (Also for my babies to be able to survive in the wilderness and not succumb to the will of the weak city dwellers. (Sounding more and more like an amazonian mother by the minute, but mommy will provide).
Well, I will keep on selling my milky-filled donuts and getting my enormous ass on everyone's calendar.
Good job Vrelnir and everyone making this amazing game possible ;3