Is there a combo for clothing to get your attractiveness down to F grade? (or whatever the lowest grade is) Lowest I have found is D rank. Trying to grind out the pub once seductiveness has reached A rank is a pain in the ass.
Am I just going to have to put up with save/loading to work around me passing my checks?
Granted the real reason I have need of this is that even with A rank I still can't pass my checks to get math insights at school since my attractiveness cant go above with the school clothes I can buy at the library. Is there some kind of clothes for school to get out in the world instead?
If you look in the mirror you will see the factors contributing you your Attractiveness. As you can see your Beauty is the main factor. If you leave a calm (trauma free) life, your Beauty will max out to Divine. But if you suffer constant trauma, your character will be perceived as "Plain". Beauty increases over time on it's own.
Cutting your hair have some impact, as well as "ugly" clothes. The interactions you are bothered with are caused by your Allure, not your Attractiveness. You can have A grade Attractiveness but "unremarkable" allure, and that will make your life considerably easier. In order to decrease your Allure, cut your hair, wear ugly clothes (unassuming), avoid collars, wear long school shirt, school shoes or wellies, and - very important - level up modelling, combat, kindness, business and socialite fame (those decrease allure). Avoid rising fame on every other social categories as they contribute to allure and implicit raise the probability of aggression events.
Every location have a % of such event, based on time, your allure and in some cases on your past decisions.
To get insights for the competition you need more than just Attractiveness. You need Exhibitionism and Seduction. But you can get 4 insights very easy. One from 1st dose of stimulant, and 3 from River if you helped her at Soup Kitchen (his/her love must be higher than 50 or 60 (I think).
Hope that helps, have fun.