
Sep 20, 2017
So I've been playin' this game for awhile and I would like to give developer some suggestion:
1: Please make male and female bodies more specific for example bigger hips and thighs and narrow waist and feminine legs for female , and for male more masculine looking body you can even make a gym for workout and make the 'mc' looking sexier and attractive (make the girl looking more thick and male more muscular) at current the body is always looking the same and bland while the player constantly improving their physique.
2:It's just more of an Idea but I think it works well to have this mechanism in the game ---> you see when the character had sex for too many times you need to put more stats for genitals for example if you're a girl your vagina becomes wider and wider and this makes you to easily put as many dicks inside you as possible and for male your penis becomes bigger naturally and in reverse if you avoid having sex for awhile you can recover and get back to your original size and even take back your virginity I think that would be interesting.
3:Also add more skin colors and more sex animations
That's all
~wish you luck~
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Jun 12, 2017
View attachment 400385 has anyone else been getting this issue? im not really sure what cause it but when i leave the house like form my bedroom this pops up and rip me doing anything else i gotta load an old save
Truth, I thought I was the only one getting these the way everyone was responding. I switched browsers (used Microsoft edge, i.e internet explorer, to my shame) and even deactivated my ad blockers. I kept getting this error message. So, frustrated, I went with the mobile version so I could get somewhere. Even happens in that version as well. Maybe, there's a minor bug somewhere.

I did notice a pattern though, if no one else has anyway. the game doesn't simply crash, there's a small build up where some characters aren't being described properly. Like, intsead of 'Curvy woman' it'll read '0 woman'. It'll do that about 2-3 time then when you go to any area this error message appears and crashes the game unable to progress unless you have the cheat tab available where you can move time forward 'uncrashing' the game. But after a while the pattern starts up again to crash it


Jul 18, 2017
is there any sex in the mansion tutoring job or is that smut free? also did you remove the option to finger ass while masturbation?
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Aug 31, 2018
(´・ω・`) I can't believe I've never heard of this. I have been playing this game none stop for the past week. lol
chrisdraconis It's there. The ass masturbation that is. I'm not sure what check it looks for but maybe you had to have anal sex?
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Sep 20, 2017
So the last class of school is going to pool and improve your physique but instead of that you can add club activities such as: art class or martial arts or pool or gaming club and etc... you can choose one of them at the first day of school and later if you changed your mind you can leave that club an join another one
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New Member
Jan 18, 2018
So I've been playin' this game for awhile and I would like to give developer some suggestion:
1: Please make male and female bodies more specific for example bigger hips and thighs and narrow waist and feminine legs for female , and for male more masculine looking body you can even make a gym for workout and make the 'mc' looking sexier and attractive (make the girl looking more thick and male more muscular) at current the body is always looking the same and bland while the player constantly improving their physique.
2:It's just more of an Idea but I think it works well to have this mechanism in the game ---> you see when the character had sex for too many times you need to put more stats for genitals for example if you're a girl your vagina becomes wider and wider and this makes you to easily put as many dicks inside you as possible and for male your penis becomes bigger naturally and in reverse if you avoid having sex for awhile you can recover and get back to your original size and even take back your virginity I think that would be interesting.
3:Also add more skin colors and more sex animations
That's all
~wish you luck~
I personally think changing the bodies is a very bad idea. I for one, along many others, prefer my male MC to be androgynous and cute like he is with the current body. But mostly the game is basically about being a vulnerable young girl/boy being preyed on by the people around them. The loli/shota look the characters have right now work a lot better with that premise than the thicc girl/muscular boy would. It would make being a target for every pervert in town look kinda dumb and would only work if you turned the tables around and the MC became the one to do the hunting instead of being hunted. But then that would be a completly different game entierly, and I think it would be better for the game if Vrelnir's time and effort were invested in improving and expanding the core game rather than trying to catter to people who want it to be a different game.

I find half of your second suggestion to be a much better idea. With the penis size for NPC having been recently added, the MC vagina and anus becoming looser with use could realisticly come in the future and could be neat depending on how it's implemented. But I don't think it would be as much of a good idea to have the same system for the penis. Firstly whereas it's somehow realistic for vaginas and assholes to be molded by repeated use, unless I didn't pay enough attention during biology class, I don't think penises grow larger and larger the more you have sex. Even if the game has some more unreal elements like tentacles and stuff, expending dicks through regular sex would just feel kinda silly and it would also go back to what I talked about earlier about the body type. It would make having sex make you grow more masculine and give you a more powerfull look when it should instead be a threat looming over you.

For your last idea I have nothing to add, I agree with you on that one :)

In any case Vrelnir hasn't disapointed me yet in all of the time I have been following this game, so I trust him to make the right decisions.
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Sep 20, 2017
I personally think changing the bodies is a very bad idea. I for one, along many others, prefer my male MC to be androgynous and cute like he is with the current body. But mostly the game is basically about being a vulnerable young girl/boy being preyed on by the people around them. The loli/shota look the characters have right now work a lot better with that premise than the thicc girl/muscular boy would. It would make being a target for every pervert in town look kinda dumb and would only work if you turned the tables around and the MC became the one to do the hunting instead of being hunted. But then that would be a completly different game entierly, and I think it would be better for the game if Vrelnir's time and effort were invested in improving and expanding the core game rather than trying to catter to people who want it to be a different game.

I find half of your second suggestion to be a much better idea. With the penis size for NPC having been recently added, the MC vagina and anus becoming looser with use could realisticly come in the future and could be neat depending on how it's implemented. But I don't think it would be as much of a good idea to have the same system for the penis. Firstly whereas it's somehow realistic for vaginas and assholes to be molded by repeated use, unless I didn't pay enough attention during biology class, I don't think penises grow larger and larger the more you have sex. Even if the game has some more unreal elements like tentacles and stuff, expending dicks through regular sex would just feel kinda silly and it would also go back to what I talked about earlier about the body type. It would make having sex make you grow more masculine and give you a more powerfull look when it should instead be a threat looming over you.

For your last idea I have nothing to add, I agree with you on that one :)

In any case Vrelnir hasn't disapointed me yet in all of the time I have been following this game, so I trust him to make the right decisions.
I mean the game already have weird stuff like transformation tentacles vore and kinky stuff the game doesn't need to be that real and for the body shape part you can become sexier and still be vulnerable i mean you're an inexperience young guy you can be easily fooled fall to the trap you can choose to stay slim and be traumatized by all the perverts and for female (specific body part that I mentioned is necessary imo) you can improve and become thick an sexy and have many peoples attention to you an still be vulnerable in front of everyones eyes this isn't gonna change the path of the game by any meaning this is just gonna bring some more kink and spice to the game (just imagine to become a thicc bimbo slut)
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Jul 18, 2017
would really love a way to stay dry when its raining or at least have a way to not care about soaked clothes, because i seem to waste way to many days trying to get home, also does robin not always come to your room?
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May 28, 2017
Error in the hospital after a tentacle baby is born:
Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: State.temporary.pregnancy is undefined
Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: State.temporary.pregnancy is undefined
I don't see a way to sell it either. I don't get any money after selecting it for selling, and there's no option to do it in the hospital.
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Jun 24, 2017
Kylar encounters ending when the player reaches orgasm instead of when non player does would be tight


Feb 10, 2019
Question, was the % lower to find mushroom in the Forrest for the science fair?

i find the two annoying bitches and 9 to 15 teeth bared wolves and "you are being hunted" warning before any mushroom now.

And i am looking for the "easy" mushrooms, the ones before the lake... Had to cheat, which i don't really care anymore because all my good game files are not working anymore; now enter the forest with a suit of armor (cloth and under cloth with 1000 hit points that keeps getting steal by rapist, so meh! I name this cloth "Forrest cloth" yeah! very original name I know, whatever...) and infinite pepper sprays... still i find 1 mushroom after 8 hours "searching this area carefully" for 30 minutes. I can only think the difficulty to find this freaking mushrooms has raised exponentially. Am i right?

if this the case can anyone give me a hint on how to find them more easier? like for example a pattern: in > in > search > out > search ? because i have been trying to find a pattern but there seems to be none... it's just very random and very low chance now.


Jun 24, 2017
if this the case can anyone give me a hint on how to find them more easier? like for example a pattern: in > in > search > out > search ? because i have been trying to find a pattern but there seems to be none... it's just very random and very low chance now.
Go to your bedroom and turn events based on allure down to .2 youre just getting super unlucky even at 2.0 i find one every 5 or so and as far as patterns go everything in the game is seeded so if you take the same actions youll get the same results if you save the game and do the exact same 50 actions youll get the same result no matter how many times you save and reload but if you do something else a few times itll change the seed and youll get new results
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Feb 16, 2018
i have 0 suspicion yet i can't take the keycard.
Low suspicion just makes the chance easier. You'll need fairly high Skullduggery (roughly B) for a realistic chance of success, since trying to pick of pocket of a doctor treating your psych issues isn't an easy task. As someone who's worked security with psych patients it really should be higher, but it's a game so some suspension of disbelief is required.
Aug 14, 2019
Error in the hospital after a tentacle baby is born:

I don't see a way to sell it either. I don't get any money after selecting it for selling, and there's no option to do it in the hospital.
Sorry about that issue, its been fixed for a while now on my end. Fix will be in the next update.
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Feb 10, 2019
when will next update be?

Go to your bedroom and turn events based on allure down to .2 youre just getting super unlucky even at 2.0 i find one every 5 or so and as far as patterns go everything in the game is seeded so if you take the same actions youll get the same results if you save the game and do the exact same 50 actions youll get the same result no matter how many times you save and reload but if you do something else a few times itll change the seed and youll get new results
I see it now, thanks! I put alure at 2.0 because though the game will be more challanging xD didn't know that change could make the game so incredibly annoying. TY!


May 21, 2017
Sorry about that issue, its been fixed for a while now on my end. Fix will be in the next update.
i hope that update is soon i honestly just cant play really it keeps having that error pop up at most random of times that i kinda have save over and over just to be ready for it.
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