Captain Ping

Jun 2, 2018
It's a probability that could be added to a Mod, much like lol747's Mod, which they have alternate choices for some of the clothing. You should check it out, over in the Mods section of the site . Degrees of Lewdity Not-so premium Mod [v2.0] [LoL747]
Have seen/used this previously. There's a few things which i don't like about it though so i've uninstalled it again :p
Maybe i should consider only installing some things.

So I don't know if this has been talked about or what, but can we get the ability to name our orphan or am I just not seeing that
I'd really like this too. And no i don't think it's been discussed a lot.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
Yeah, but I was thinking more of a character who hates our PC, for whatever reason, looks like someone they hate, PC is left handed, maybe too pretty and feel she needs to punish them for that or simply because is a sadistic and cruel person just enjoys making MC suffer. something like that. We already romance a bully with Whitney, But this character will only strikes fear to out PC, just asisting her class will raise trauma and stress +++ and because is an authority figure there is really nothing our PC can do. PC is helpless. So no romance, no change of personality, you can only endure the suffering till she is gone, or arrested or Baily makes her disappear in strange circumstances.
I feel you. For me just throw in some Hate Raping and i'm good. And a possable way to remove them maybe through a quest line? I said romanceing i ment Lewd stuff, the teacher bully stuff could be entirly rape based and i'd be fine with that, the same i would be fine if thats the options for some of the other NPCs. I basicly just want more depth and the possability for Lewd/romance with all the NPCs.
I really like the idea of a Bully Teacher that actively HATES the PC and will do everything and anything to make your life a living hell at school(and maybe some outside of school stuff if you run into them). ATM you have Whitney who does some "minor" things more peer presure stuff with some Dom stuff and you have Leighton who is more passive untill you get famous enough so there's room for an aggressive type at school. You would have to "limit" it to their class maybe(this feels more like a sadistic Gym teacher/coach) and maybe a few events in the halls or something, i like the idea of being able to skip their class to "escape" but your truancy gets you into more trouble).
They could have a Hate meter, the things they do to you based on how much they Hate you(low=minor stuff[getting picked on in class] High=big bad stuff[dragged into a sports shed and raped]) that builds through your interactions with them and reduces after a "payout".
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Sep 17, 2018
Honestly, I would hope that if something was added like that, that you'd be able to avoid the hate without incurring some penalty. And if that required you getting rid of the character from your game, I could only hope that it didn't involve some horrible fate like either Whitney or Kylar.

There's already enough dark and horrible stuff in this game that you can do literally nothing to stop, so I'd rather not have more. I've even stated before that I hope there's some way to stop/placate Bailey that doesn't involve her falling into some horrible fate, even though as it stands I practically hate them as a character.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
Honestly, I would hope that if something was added like that, that you'd be able to avoid the hate without incurring some penalty. And if that required you getting rid of the character from your game, I could only hope that it didn't involve some horrible fate like either Whitney or Kylar.

There's already enough dark and horrible stuff in this game that you can do literally nothing to stop, so I'd rather not have more. I've even stated before that I hope there's some way to stop/placate Bailey that doesn't involve her falling into some horrible fate, even though as it stands I practically hate them as a character.
I don't know Kylars fate isn't too dark they just get arrested for kidnap and all the other dodgy stuff they're doing. And yes Whitneys is Dark(ish) they wanted this fate for you but got chosen instead, and you can still rescue Whitney with Max skullduggery and access.
As it stands you CAN just cut class and bypass some NPCs. I feel like there should be more penaltys in general for cutting class all together(there might be but IDK) so you'ld have to confront it eventually but i wouldn't want "really" Dark stuff for the game just probably more stuff along the lines of what we already have in the game. And like i said just limit the Bully Teacher to their class and some outside events and then players who don't want the content can just skip it.
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Sep 17, 2018
I don't know Kylars fate isn't too dark they just get arrested for kidnap and all the other dodgy stuff they're doing. And yes Whitneys is Dark(ish) they wanted this fate for you but got chosen instead, and you can still rescue Whitney with Max skullduggery and access.
As it stands you CAN just cut class and bypass some NPCs. I feel like there should be more penaltys in general for cutting class all together(there might be but IDK) so you'ld have to confront it eventually but i wouldn't want "really" Dark stuff for the game just probably more stuff along the lines of what we already have in the game. And like i said just limit the Bully Teacher to their class and some outside events and then players who don't want the content can just skip it.
While you can rescue Whitney, they're still sent off to a sex dungeon for who knows how long to be put in a miserable state. And with Kylar, they're taken by the police, and we know how suspect the police are in this town, treating prisoners more like toys and whatnot.
Meanwhile, missing class does have punishments, both short-term in the form of Leighton and long-term in the form of school events. As with a high delinquency, the events where classmates try and blame things on you the teachers will actually believe them, serving to give you a punishment.(Edit: Forgot to mention that missing classes also lowers your subject scores, which in turn makes your character weaker with time.) And especially seeing the kinds of things that can happen to Robin, this game can get rather dark at times, so "along the lines of what we already have in the game" could mean some pretty nasty stuff, in my opinion.
Now, I'm by no means trying to say "You're wrong for wanting this!", I just don't like what I personally see from how I'm interpreting it, y'know?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
While you can rescue Whitney, they're still sent off to a sex dungeon for who knows how long to be put in a miserable state. And with Kylar, they're taken by the police, and we know how suspect the police are in this town, treating prisoners more like toys and whatnot.
Meanwhile, missing class does have punishments, both short-term in the form of Leighton and long-term in the form of school events. As with a high delinquency, the events where classmates try and blame things on you the teachers will actually believe them, serving to give you a punishment.(Edit: Forgot to mention that missing classes also lowers your subject scores, which in turn makes your character weaker with time.) And especially seeing the kinds of things that can happen to Robin, this game can get rather dark at times, so "along the lines of what we already have in the game" could mean some pretty nasty stuff, in my opinion.
Now, I'm by no means trying to say "You're wrong for wanting this!", I just don't like what I personally see from how I'm interpreting it, y'know?
And fair enough. You're entiltled to your opinions as are we all , which is why most "dodgy" content is gated or give you some wiggle room to getout of it(or big warnings). From what i know about the truancy stuff though you only get delinquency points for being late to class not missing the whole class(i used to skip swimming as i wanted to get All the fluids everywere), and you can study in the school library at ANY time to get all the skill points you could ever want(quicker with the glasses). And as long as you're cool with the students most of the bad stuff is offset with the good. But hey if you want to discuss some more "wholsome" events/stuff i'm fine with talking about that as well.
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Sep 17, 2018
I know I certainly wouldn't mind more wholesome stuff being added. After all, I'm the kind of person who plays on Softcore, cheats in a load of money to ignore the whole payments system, and plays with the mindset of "They can't rape me if I want to be fucked!" just to avoid as much dodgy stuff as I can, ha ha.

But yeah, feel free to talk about what you want to, I just wanted to have a discussion so I could add my two cents on the matter while I was here
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Aug 7, 2017
You could have the sadist be your Guidance/School counselor and you'll have to visit them once a month (at least) for an "interview."
Or the Librarian, if you want to study in the library (or stay there too long), you're fucked.. literally.

Events like Eden and Kylar; "You're being watched/hunted" but in school, and if you enter an empty classroom, toilet, or anywhere without anyone else around, you're gonna get pounced.
If you don't defend yourself in some way during those events, the next event will be worse until it's basically a sadistic/hate rape ride to the hospital.
a successful escape would reduce the encounter rate or event probability up to a certain minimum, not 0 though.

Make it someone like Whitney's parent, explains why Whitney is such a cunt as well. and if you romance Whitney, they could end up double teaming you in the guidance office/library.

Oddly Blank

Apr 10, 2018
could just add a mode for the whole sadist thing that stops 'other' sexual things from happening for people who like that thing.
(note:i mean with some characters already being somewhat like that)


Active Member
Nov 18, 2018
So I don't know if this has been talked about or what, but can we get the ability to name our orphan or am I just not seeing that
There is currently not a way to name yourself. The last time it was brought up, if I recall, the main issue would be that adding a way to name your character isn't necessarily the problem, but rewriting the tons of lines of dialog and interactions to reference the character's name would. Wouldn't be a bad thing, but it probably wouldn't get much traction in the long run.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
You could have the sadist be your Guidance/School counselor and you'll have to visit them once a month (at least) for an "interview."
Or the Librarian, if you want to study in the library (or stay there too long), you're fucked.. literally.

Events like Eden and Kylar; "You're being watched/hunted" but in school, and if you enter an empty classroom, toilet, or anywhere without anyone else around, you're gonna get pounced.
If you don't defend yourself in some way during those events, the next event will be worse until it's basically a sadistic/hate rape ride to the hospital.
a successful escape would reduce the encounter rate or event probability up to a certain minimum, not 0 though.

Make it someone like Whitney's parent, explains why Whitney is such a cunt as well. and if you romance Whitney, they could end up double teaming you in the guidance office/library.
I like the idea of having a School counselor but once a month visits limit your interactions with them too much i feel for them to be the Sadist, and the Librarian kind of already has a personality(they can help you if your being picked on) and i wouldn't want to change established stuff too much(unless it expands apon whats already there).
I wouldn't want the school to have Forrest levels of oppresion like "being hunted"(it has that kind of already with the student/teacher fame levels), only because alot of the game takes place at the school so it would end up probably being "unavoidable" which shouldn't be the case(most of the "dangerous" content in the game has outs for players like swiming across a river for "Hunted" or Hiding understuff for Morigan and you can talk to Kylar to remove suspicion).
And if ends up they're Whitneys parent maybe that could work.
could just add a mode for the whole sadist thing that stops 'other' sexual things from happening for people who like that thing.
(note:i mean with some characters already being somewhat like that)
Sorry but can you elaberate on that abit? I don't understand. Do you mean a fetish tickbox that turns off S&M/BDSM stuff? And what would you consider to be that kind of content, spanking? Tying peeps up?
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Oddly Blank

Apr 10, 2018
Sorry but can you elaborate on that abit? I don't understand. Do you mean a fetish tick box that turns off S&M/BDSM stuff? And what would you consider to be that kind of content, spanking? Tying peeps up?
i mean isn't things like bite punch and etc. already a thing just need to add a bit more, remove other sex related things by something like a mode. i mean adding a whole character that you can only do the one type of thing with seems kind of boring, also could just add a character that has a mode you can turn on or off, because if a character like that was added to a role, then Vrelnir couldn't add other different sexual things for a character in a role like that, sense some people seem to want that to be the only thing that character does.

(note:it just seems like a fetish that shouldn't be added to one character, cause people who like that kind of fetish could run out and people who don't won't be able to play with that character and if it's a character added to a role, you can only have one of, it'd suck for people who don't like it at all, but want something for a character in a role like that)
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
i mean isn't things like bite punch and etc. already a thing just need to add a bit more, remove other sex related things by something like a mode. i mean adding a whole character that you can only do the one type of thing with seems kind of boring, also could just add a character that has a mode you can turn on or off, because if a character like that was added to a role, then Vrelnir couldn't add other different sexual things for a character in a role like that, sense some people seem to want that to be the only thing that character does.

(note:it just seems like a fetish that shouldn't be added to one character, cause people who like that kind of fetish could run out and people who don't won't be able to play with that character and if it's a character added to a role, you can only have one of, it'd suck for people who don't like it at all, but want something for a character in a role like that)
Bite, punch and kick are really just to fight peeps off in combat and not tied to the "sadist" fetish. And yeah we have NPCs like Winter, Whitney and some randos who are into "light" Dom stuff already. And we don't have an named NPC who actively HATES the PC(unless you piss off Avery) and any others are usually either Randos with one event or can be "switched" like Whitney.
If your worried that a one note character might be too boring then there is always a way to just add more lore to them to flesh them out, and to vary the events and situations they can get you in. Maybe there are deeper reasons they hate you and you could find out through events, point being you can add to characters to make them seem deeper(like Vrel has done to River and Dorian) with out too much trouble.
Ok if your also worried about having the "sadist", whom players might not want to play with, in a class that they do want to go to, then also have the class skill be also gotten else where. And what i mean by that is like with all classes now they can be skipped and you can get the skills in the Library or by swimming in the lake or at the beach.
Also we are just laying out the ground work for an NPC like that. If you want to add something that would make them more interesting then please say it as i would like the imput and will try to fit it some how.
AND if you want to talk ideas for a different NPC i'd like to hear about those as well.
AND ALSO if you're worried about if we fit the "sadist" NPC to say Gym Teacher but others want a "kind" Gym Teacher then that's always going to be the case right? That's just going to always come down to personal preferances which means NO character anyone comes up with could "fit" any role.
The thing to remember is that "Vrels gunna Vrel" and do their own thing when it comes to what "actualy" is in the game. Doesn't mean we can't come up with stuff we'ld like to see.
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Oddly Blank

Apr 10, 2018
Bite, punch and kick are really just to fight peeps off in combat and not tied to the "sadist" fetish. And yeah we have NPCs like Winter, Whitney and some randos who are into "light" Dom stuff already. And we don't have an named NPC who actively HATES the PC(unless you piss off Avery) and any others are usually either Randos with one event or can be "switched" like Whitney.
If your worried that a one note character might be too boring then there is always a way to just add more lore to them to flesh them out, and to vary the events and situations they can get you in. Maybe there are deeper reasons they hate you and you could find out through events, point being you can add to characters to make them seem deeper(like Vrel has done to River and Dorian) without too much trouble.
Ok if your also worried about having the "sadist", whom players might not want to play with, in a class that they do want to go to, then also have the class skill be also gotten elsewhere. And what i mean by that is like with all classes now they can be skipped and you can get the skills in the Library or by swimming in the lake or at the beach.
Also we are just laying out the groundwork for an NPC like that. If you want to add something that would make them more interesting then please say it as i would like the input and will try to fit it somehow.
AND if you want to talk ideas for a different NPC i'd like to hear about those as well.
AND ALSO if you're worried about if we fit the "sadist" NPC to say Gym Teacher but others want a "kind" Gym Teacher then that's always going to be the case right? That's just going to always come down to personal preferences which means NO character anyone comes up with could "fit" any role.
The thing to remember is that "Vrels gunna Vrel" and do their own thing when it comes to what "actually" is in the game. Doesn't mean we can't come up with stuff we'd like to see.
to put it simple to what i'm saying everyone who's talking about it seems to want the character to only do one thing and you can't change the relationship to something else which i find kind of boring.

(note:i mean vrelnir could just make it a path kind of thing)


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
to put it simple to what i'm saying everyone who's talking about it seems to want the character to only do one thing and you can't change the relationship to something else which i find kind of boring.

(note:i mean vrelnir could just make it a path kind of thing)
Well so far only Whitney, Kylar and Avery are the ones you can "change" the feelings for in a major way in the game(i don't count Robins switch from like to love but would consider Leightons passive to active maybe{sorry you can blakmail Leighton and flip the script on them but i wouldn't want that for "sadist" teacher as i think doing that again might be lazy]) and the rest don't factor in as they have no impact on events yet(Charlies love or hate does nothing for you). Unless you want the "sadist" bully Teacher to be Romanceable some how, either they change their nature or you go full "sub" i guess. We kind of talk about having a way to remove the character from the game through a quest event(like Kylar or Whitney) but IDK. Should all the named NPCs be changable though? Wouldn't that be boring? How would you manage to change the Super "sadistic" Bully Teacher from the PCs POV?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
What exactly can you do at the stockade scene, when someone else is locked up?

Lots of stuff can happen when you're the one locked up, but when it's someone else, all I've seen is throwing fruit and occasionally an NPC will pull their shirt up.
I wanna frame Whitney and get them punished.
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Jun 17, 2019
Is there a wet pussy display, mechanic or something like that? If not, i think it would be a cool feature. Your underwear might get transparent when your Arousal is too high and on display screen you might leak etc.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
What exactly can you do at the stockade scene, when someone else is locked up?

Lots of stuff can happen when you're the one locked up, but when it's someone else, all I've seen is throwing fruit and occasionally an NPC will pull their shirt up.
I wanna frame Whitney and get them punished.
I would like an answer to this as well. I've thrown the fruit and haven't seen the top stripper. I've also read that the Angel transformation gets a thing to do there as well but haven't done that myself either. Another area i'd like to see fleshed out. Maybe i'll cheat to see more.
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