Indeed but still, it's not my point, not entirely I mean.
I pointed out that in his current fight mechanics state, the "durability mechanic" shouldn't be really implemented.
Weapon durability got added to address the problem that the player could (in theory) get the most OP weapon off of a dead enemy in under 10 minutes and then proceed to just murder everything. So, for the sake of giving the game an actual playtime that is longer than the attention span of a chipmunk on crack, the Dev decided to add weapon(part) damage to the game to re-balance that.
Is it currently a little "unbalanced"? Sure, after all, it just got added and one man can only do so much testing as the day has hours.
Will it get worked on and will it be re-balanced? Certainly, once the Dev has time for it.
Like you yourself said in an earlier post, the game is in early Development and now you say that it should not be implemented now.
Then when should the Dev start implementing major Gameplay mechanics that impact the games balance, as much as this one, to his game in your opinion?
When its 1 month away from release? When it is halfway through Beta? When the enemy AI got dumbed down to the point that even Redfalls Enemies look like strategic masterminds, because people where complaining about the game being hard?
Wouldn't it be better to add this as early as possible, so that the Dev has more time to work on it, to ensure that everything that interacts with it (in the present and the future) will work properly, to give people as much time as possible to test it?