Dont forget, the Player Model has a high polygon/ bone count, meaning it costs a lot of frames when its shown, which is why it gets removed once you go back to first person. In my opinion is this not a huge problem, seeing how the main part of the game, where you need good frames, is played in first person and the Dev is probably aware of optimization issues.
Still, dont forget that we are still talking about a pre-Alpha, made by one person in a Year.
Not like Wild Life that has been in development since 2017 (that was when its thread was opened on this Site) that gets over 110,000 Euros a month on Patreon alone, is on Steam and is being developed by a actual game Studio (then again, they are German and by god, we have been sucking at finishing our big projects on time in the past 20 Years).
I am not saying that one is better than the other because that would be like comparing apples and oranges but i like the visuals you get in Delta Zone way more than what i get out of Wild Life.