D-E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N ;
Actually the body proportions are quite a bit off. A tall human female is 3 head lengths from chin to crotch; shorter human females are 2 to 2.5 heads to crotch. Your model is 3.5, which makes everything look weird.
If there was no sex component, no 3rd person camera, and no fan service, then I wouldn't want to wait a month for it. But as there is and seems to be a major thing for this game, I'd be willing to wait.
Your comparison of the real girl (in white) to your model is also off, as the human head is longer than it is tall (the back of the skull to the nose, is farther than chin to top of the head). So by comparing the two the real girl's head is tilted downwards, messing with your comparison proportions, making it appear okay, when it really isnt. Because if you look at the real girl, technically the top of her skull, is the roots, so if you measure from that point to her chin, you'll see that your proportions are way off.
I'll edit your image to illustrate my point.
The two yellow lines indicate her actual head size, from chin to top of the skull. If you compare the size of her skull to your character's skull, your character's skull is 50% taller.