I'm not 100% sure how to reply, So imma just try the best I can.
You a free to like and view whatever you want. I'm not telling you what to do, that's not my place.
Inversely, I am free to refuse whatever I like and not consume whatever I don't like.
My comments thus far have been specific to me. I'm not asking the Dev to change anything, and I really don't except them too. I'm just one person and these are my gripes, I'm not saying the apply to everyone. I just wanted clarification that I was seeing what I thought I was seeing, cus I really don't want to drop the game, it's really fun.
However, on the whole fiction thing your contradicting yourself. You say it's just fictional but, then say it needs to be realistic. It's just fictional so even though rape is a horrible thing, next to unforgivable, causing immense damage in a person, and honestly just not sexy, It's fiction so it's fine.
BUT that doesn't apply to the soldiers? Who you say, in that situation would deffinatly rape their victim 100% of the time, which I don't agree with. But also you JUST said it's fiction so why does that matter?
Also as far as utility, which I think you mean functionality in game, rape doesn't actually provide a function besides the impregnation thing, which is not super mechanically relevant. The only mechanical thing that happens is you losing items which doesn't require rape.
Speaking of mechanics you ask why I'm ignoring the tentacles. For one, sex scenarios with things like tentacles lean toward consensual alot of the time online cus they don't have to use rape as a crutch.
And in an earlier post I explained how using the resist or give up mechanic you can rationalize away the non-consent by doing give up 100% of the time. I also admitted this was a REALLY dumb mental trick I was using to try to meet the game half way. SO it's really dumb, but again, this game is REALLY fun, and It's my personal BS that won't let me play it soooo, yeah.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk

Sorry for the text wall.
TLDR: You can 100% like whatever you want. I DO NOT like rape content and WILL NOT play it, but that's specific to me.
Just because it's fiction doesn't mean it has to be unrealistic.
The use of the term "fiction" just means that everything that happens in the work in question is not "real".
If I make a film, when, in a moment, I make it clear that an animal is hit by its master
In reality, the animal was not abused, it is fiction, the animal has nothing
(If indeed he really suffered blows during the shooting, you can call the SPCA)
Do you understand what I mean? It's that, even if here, the heroine suffers from the sexual vices of creatures and humans, already, it doesn't seem to me that she appreciates what is happening, unless I'm mistaken, but moreover. .. It's that nobody physically, in real life, suffers from it
In no way am I saying what's going on is exciting, or even something you have to like, I'm just saying there are rape scenes, which is pretty consistent with the universe that is placed in the game
If now, you really don't like the scenes, just play SFW version, you won't have any such scene, and you can enjoy the game
When I talk about mercenaries, what you don't seem to have understood is that, in the game, when the heroine has tentacle eggs inside her, the tentacles do not attack her. Which can explain why the mercenaries are not bothered by the tentacles, because they are ALL infected
Yes, you have the right to give your opinion, like us, we have the right to say that we understand or not
When you posted your review, you made it clear that you didn't like it, and that you would like it changed(the non consensual part)
And there, compared to the context of the game, it wouldn't make sense, I know it's supposed to be a porn game, who cares about logic, but it's always more enjoyable for those who is interested in it, that it remains coherent, once again, I will repeat my joke, but if from now on, in all pornographic works, when one wants to "imitate" the non-consensual, the fictional character must ask for the permission... Just look for something else then, don't impose on everyone what you want...
Already people are complaining that we play a female character in this game... I can understand that the developer of this game doesn't even want to talk here anymore
Either, indeed, you play in "SFW" mode, or you wait until he has advanced in the game to add the "prostitution" and "lesbian" parts to play only that and not the rest...
As you say "I have the right not to love"
But you gave your opinion, we also have the right to disagree, that's the basis
BUT, I agree with you on one point.
The "Rape" tag should be added to the game, because it seems inevitable when playing it
TLDR; I find it stupid to dissociate logic and fiction... A work, whatever it is, can be a fiction, and brings with it its own rules, which is the case here, the rules seeming to be intimately linked to our reality