Not sure if crouching works in deep water.
You can, you become completely submerged on some places like the Swamp underwater shortcut or the big water lake on right in the rocks at the start of City Outskirts.
It's infuriating that any kind of water puddle makes you walk slowly, as do entering deep water.
But it's funny that if you crouch and the water level is above camera height, she'll crouch walk at normal speed underwater. =P
Also don't remember if it was you who said to me that crouch walking through tentacle places don't alert them, and that's true and something that should be more explicitly explained methinks.
I fucking hate the bush and water run speed cancel mechanic, it's pure bullshit and only affects the player, another layer of bullshit against the player.
Component is the most you're getting out of raiders.
For fuck sake... so to clarify once and for all: After Modern, there are Component parts ALREADY in the game (v19) that can be found and used?
I can only find Modern parts, never found anything better than them, no matter the enemy or map. So if it is possible, I don't fucking know what I'm doing wrong after so many hours dumped in this demo already (those fucking dangling pussy lips, I swear they're fucking hypnotizing...)
You can click "Info" on guns to see the parts, although it might make your eyes bleed and will not remove strippable* (is this a word?) part names if you field strip the gun.
That popup needs a rework fast too. Smaller text and each part on a line instead of one after another all crammed togheter. It's fucking headache inducing trying to read that shit while a fucking thunderstorm and shots keep happening around you.
And yeah, that's a word.
i got trader picks 1,4 and 5 of most traders. average ai art imo. have fun.
Thanks, I found them quite cool. Don't think it's 100% AI art since the pussy, hands and face is very well resolved. So if it is, it's further edited after generation probably. I can NEVER generate proper pussies with correct clit, clit hood, labia, urethra and vagina hole correct, it's always a generic meat tunnel. Hands are also a fucking nightmare to get correct most of the time. Faces a little less, but often eyes and smaller details get asymetric differences.