This. I'm honestly tired of these new map updates. I already have a hard time being incentivized to move out of the starting zone to visit more distant ones. Its starting to feel like a mile wide/inch deep game. I know making maps is what Devo is strong at and he's playing into what he can make, but he's really get out of his comfort zone and also start pushing these other two people he brought in and get something more from them. I'm starting to really feel the support fatigue here. But its true, there is no other game like this here with this sort of content that I want in a game. Survivals are my favorite sub genre or games. I really REALLY want this game to succeed.
He has been nothing BUT focusing on maps, quests and AI. So much so they're pretty much flushed out and only need bugfix and balance tweaks. I personally love the survival part. Yes the cyberware feels clunky and unfinished.. because it IS unfinished. It only got rolled out this patch and needs a bunch of work yet. Its nice to have options and different ways to play and solve problems. 100,000 other games here are a railroad of gameplay. This one stands out because it isn't such, its a cyber survival/horror with lewd aspects. I do agree that the grind is a bit to much right now for how far you need to travel and works of a travel system is in the works to make that grind easier by getting around much easier.
The problem is that people expect some miracle to pop out of Devolution's ass like a goose egg that will "liberate porn games from the shackles of corporate greed" when the real world doesn't work like that. Cyberpunk 2077 was in development for over seven years and took more to become good. I played the day one release of that thing and it was an absolute shithole, and that game had a whole
reputable studio behind it and
the fucking Polish government. I agree so much with the sentiment that Devo should probably focus on more NSFW aspects of the game as its popularity is decreasing, but don't complain when a guy hands you a sandwich for free because it didn't have mayonnaise in it.
I don't think that maps are good, at least for a game that DZ is. Sometimes there are wierd design choices that forces you to go around map becouse of obstacles, and it's not tied with progression, that is you never unlock new ways overcoming this obstacles. Also good map design takes to consideration enemy placement and in this case tentacles and most of the time I think they were sprinkled quite randomly and we have stuipd cases like swamps where for accesing trader you have to cut thru hordes of enemies. But anyway, wasn't this update suppoused to drop already?
It's a point to make when you have limited resources and want the game to actually be difficult. Plus, it really doesn't bother me
that much; you have so many ways to avoid and altogether counter said obstacles.
Buddy, nobody is complaining about the game itself. Reading comprehension is an important tool.
Wasn't the past hundred messages, trolls, and keyboard warriors not enough evidence that people are complaining? Shit I even am.
I personally think the game is fun and if you think the game sucks then clearly you aren't good at Tarkov
Absolutely crazy that people still don't get what a difficulty slider is, then dive into a hard save face first. It's the point of a
survival shooter game. Porn game it may be, but if you dropped into this thread, read the information, downloaded it, and still expected some glorified scene viewer then you must be more ignorant than competent.
Based on the updated roadmap, are the items with lines through them things that have either since been added, canned... or a mix?
These are implemented features, some are word-for-word while others have been changed to a degree.