Considering the number of garbage games, or those that never get finished, are you seriously telling me you buy every game that you like? I tend to be very picky about those I buy, especially as most pictures from the games themselves are rarely of much use in the finding out about the game itself, they are meant to sell the game, not show you how crappy the controls are or how buggy as hell the quests or what not is.
You can't overall never call them Full Games they're DEMOS mostly not even Vertical Slice State, going into this with the assumption of a GAME in a certain timeframe at a certain scope is CRAZY.
And most of these "Games" development never gonna end but you are buying into a subscription a episodic development adventure

You supporting a Artist first and if he's good enough he can buildup a whole company from this but it will take years for the Product to finish.
It's not like Steam Early Access where most of the Games are in a advanced phase of development and only fine tuned and bug tested (fully financed out of own resources).
That's even just ahead it's the early dev phase just concept and some content ready, that gets slowly implemented and produced over a looooong time period depending on the final scope.
And at first you just rating the capabilities of 1 Artist most of the times

Now he changed the lighting WOW
He fixed bugs in a DEMO, just think about that bug fixing in a Tech DEMO not even Vertical Slice
And most of the Times it's not even the Artist Content to begin with but mostly some marketplace assets thrown together.
He made not even sure that everything is well implemented before releasing this DEMO this already is something people should very very carefully think about.
I gave so many Feedback everything of this could have been finished already at DEMO release in the Runtime Logic and really it should have been.
I wonder if he even realized the Sniper SCOPE LENS BUG and saw it in my posted pictures
The for me most impressive things on this Project:
- Lens Clearness in combination with the Lighting (Crystal Lens result) often goes lost very good GEN5 TAAU results.
- Character Genitals complexity
- Niagara Delta Squirt Result (well done, stable and unique for now)
- Most Texture Sharpness is pretty good (Cloth Textures extraordinary good) with some deviations not so good and braking apart (consistency problems)
- Animations good though way to low complexity to say anything more and how the hell can you forget a proper 3rd Person jump animation is still beyond me ?
- Nice Enemy Logic still have to see how this works out without just placeholders that move without any brain and with more complex animations
- Interesting Time of Day Blending
Biggest problem as in many other Projects
- Animations do not correctly adapt to the Terrain Height in 3rd Person Floor Contact is often totally bogus wrong (not a big problem for a project with mainly FPS Goals in this case)
If you want to play something in the sense of really "PLAYING" they're so many projects here in a much more evolved development stage then this low content count Tech DEMO