Yup, thats what happens to me with this game and tarkov, i have a 3070ti and a ryzen 5 2600
To gain higher Performance look at the resolution scaler it will give you it this is not cpu limited
Try Medium/High resolution scaling for 4K as final output it's a good Balancing for Performance/Visual result and will bring you close to 60 FPS stable
Better would be DLSS implemented for Nvidia Users but we have to wait and see if that happens.
You can also disable some of the Post Processing either by using the Quality scaler though you can't fine tune this with advanced options yet you have todo it manually if you want to disable certain Post Crap only.
The Overal Setup System here is far from the Advanced Decision state like for example what Bright Memory Infinite gives you as choseable configuration options over Unreals Internal Post System on that part to balance the Performance/Visual/Energy Usage result into a different direction.
But quality 1 or 2 levels down from Ultra might be OK for your Overall Perception of it.
Final Decisions of this Psy Balancing is hard with a unfinished in Development Product Nvidia DLSS would pretty much eradicate any of these for a big Nvidia newer Generation Hardware User Base creating a extreme Performance Headroom to use either for Performance or Further Enhancing the Visual Percepted Quality or even Scaling it for overall Power Consumption also possible to move this into the Power Saving direction entirely on Nvidias Turing/Ampere Hardware Configuration.
Saving up to ~100W of Energy Consumption so far on a Nvidia Next Gen Hardware Design
And in case of Delta Zone the Hair result could become a Major Factor going on
I find the Direction of Delta Zone exciting it partly even puts Final Fantasy 15 into the Shadows already in it's Visual Perception.
Though it's overall complexity and coherent result stability is yet far far away from it.
Partly it even not surprisingly shares the same (deep down) problems as Wild-Life/Fallen Doll Operation Lovecraft/Under the Witch/Silicon Lust as well