Second impression:
- I like the arousal system, plus being approached for sex if naked
- loading times are still mind-blowing and incomprehensible and reprehensible
- I HATE, absolutely hate, loathe, despise the new gunplay system
FFS! I spend my entire mag on a scav that has no armor, from point blank, shooting him while he was still "incapacitated", only for him to then get up and one-fucking-shoot me!!!

How the fuck is this possible?
Does this guy have NO FUCKING IDEA of ballistics and stopping power? .45 in this game performs like the old Tokarev 7.62x25mm. Actually, I would dare say that Tokarev ammo performed better IRL than .45 does in this game (the iconic famous PPSh-41 was using Tokarev ammo and worked well). The name of the dev fits, this game is going BACKWARDS, devolving in terms of gunplay.
The problem is that gunplay is the basis of this game, with it's not working right everything else is fucked up too.
I'm being nice and not pointing at scavs or shooting them cause I want good relations, then some asshole just comes and one-shots me and robs me. Worst part is that even the friendly scavs will scream "I will kill you!" in laughably, pathetically bad Russian (actual Russians are probably cringing af while playing this game and listening to what the voice-actors did to their language, hell, I'm not Russian and I'm cringing hard); so you can't know which one will go all homicidal on you and which one will be nice.
Might as well go back to playing the game as I did in previous versions, just kill everyone on sight.
Too bad that the excellent adult/sex improvements to the game are utterly letdown by the changes to the action part.
I figured it out in meantime that I fucked up with crack install lmao. Didn't realize there was ANOTHER deltazone folder, right inside the main folder, so I copy-pasted the binaries folder into main folder instead of that one. xD
PS: can someone please explain what hydrophobic skin/hair actually means in this game? What's the effect?